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"It's okay. If you ever do want to talk, my name's Akira Kurusu and my homeroom is D. I - I hope you have a good day."

She's lost her, at least for now. But she's got Ryuji to talk to and get more information out of, and that's something to start with.


"Hey, isn't that the same class you're in, Ann?"


"... Yeah, it is."

She's not sure whether to be happy or sad about that.

After a moment it mostly settles on "scared." She can feel the situation starting to slip out of her control.

She goes quiet.


"I see."

That's a little bit of a lucky coincidence, but Ann's not reacting the way she'd hoped. 

She's going to give her a little space for now. And really really hope that she's seeing shadows.

(She's not. Not with Ryuji reacting like this. But she doesn't see how pressuring Ann more right now would actually help.)


"I hope you're able to think of something. I'm sick and tired of Kamoshida treating the school like his own personal castle."


She nods firmly. 

"I think I have an idea."

She can't go to Sakura-san with this, it's the opposite of keeping her head down, but Doctor Takemi is trans and long-transitioned and said she'd DIY'ed. She probably would know what to do in this kind of situation. And she's a doctor: her word would bear some weight if Akira can just convince her the situation's real. 


"Lookin' forward to hearin' it."


As they make the last turn toward Shujin, they find... something else in its place.

The school has been replaced with an enormous โ€” and ominous โ€” castle.


Ryuji's the first one out of the alley to see it.

"Um. Guys?"


Akira's out of the alley a few minutes later.

"What the fuck."

This is definitely not the school she remembers from before. It's in the right place. But that is very definitely a whole damn castle.


"What the...?" Ann stares up at the huge edifice. "That's - that can't be real. What's happening?"


"I know we took the right turn, I take this alley every day!"


"We're definitely in the right place. Castles don't just appear out of nowhere."

She looks forward and steps towards the - it must be a mirage - 

The dream she had - was this what it was talking about? The coming ruin? It doesn't look like a ruin. It looks whole and intact. 


She has no idea what to do about her school being replaced with a castle.

She rubs her eyes, looks back up. 

Still a castle.


Ryuji shrugs. "Maybe someone'll know inside?"


"I don't have any better ideas. Spontaneous castles were not in my plan for today." 

She takes the lead. "Stay close behind me, this could be dangerous."

And she walks toward the castle.


This is such a stupid idea, but she's not going to just leave Ryuji behind.


As soon as they get across the drawbridge, the guards on the battlements cry out.

"Halt! Who Approaches the Castle?"


"We're students! From Shujin Academy. Do you know where it's gone?"


"Shujin Academy? Don't you mean Shujin Castle?"

While this conversation is happening, however, one of the other guards notices Ann.

"They've taken Princess Ann! Seize them!"

The drawbridge is promptly raised behind them, cutting off their escape, and they're surrounded by guards.


Okay that's really, really, really not good.

There's nothing to do but surrender.


Princess Ann? 

She has a really, really bad feeling about this.


Ryuji may in fact not be on board with this "surrender" plan.

"Hey! C'mon! We ain't done nothin' wrong! We're just students!"

And he shoves a guard.


This guy might not be the sharpest knife in the spoon drawer. 

Good of him to try, though.


The guard shoves back.


Ryuji goes flying, bounces off another guard behind him, and crumples to the ground.

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