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a Nimire gets raped, because that is what Nimires do, but it isn't by a Serg this time
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"Kemar is my boyfriend and I'm the one who found out Mezeidai was a half-demon," he says.


"Would it be better for them if you were the one who asked if she wants to leave?"


"...I think it might."


She nods. "Go on, then," she says.


He steps into the room. Kemar and Mezeidai look very cozy, snuggled up sleeping together on that couch. Presumably they're about to wake up.


Mezeidai stiffens slightly on waking, then relaxes when she realizes where she is and who with.

"...Talyr? Is the meeting over?"


" a sense, yes," he says.

"One of the other captives turned out to have mysterious otherworldly powers relating to dreams, and when she was left alone for long enough this morning she put everyone to sleep in the middle of the meeting and then came into a dream version of the meeting to politely ask us what we thought we were doing. She - showed everyone what it was like for her, coming here - not the traumatic parts but most of the rest - it was, ah, very convincing. Then she told us that humans are people and said she plans to take all the prisoners and leave. I offered to - help anyone who was pregnant and didn't want to be - she woke me up to let me do that, and then asked if I knew the two of you. She'd like me to ask you if you want to go with her or not."


She shakes her head, realizes she should probably actually give the matter some thought, and decides she does not in fact regret her reflexive reaction.


"All right. I'll let her know. The girl with few complaints is staying, too; she came into the dream-meeting to ask if that was feasible, and she seemed very charmed by how concerned for her happiness and well-being everyone suddenly is."

He comes over to the couch to distribute hugs.



"Did anyone actually admit to what they thought they were doing?"


He snorts softly. "They did not. I'll tell her if she asks me privately."


"I'm not sure would, if I found out I'd been doing something that horrifying to someone with mysterious otherworldly powers."


"She made it very clear that she isn't interested in revenge. Anyway, I'd better go convey your response."

He hugs them both one more time and steps out into the hall.




He shakes his head.

...and pauses. "Ah - do you want some clothes? My other boyfriend can make cloth from stone."


"Yes, that would be useful. You can show me who to wake."


So he goes back to the common room and points out Izaneth.


He yawns and gets up off the floor.

"This has sure been an interesting day." He looks at Talyr. "Did you volunteer me for something?"


"Clothes," he explains succinctly.


"Oh, sure."

He pulls layer after layer of stone-silk off the nearest wall and hands them to Talyr to be made into usable garments. And shoes, too, they're probably going to want shoes, he can do shoes. And maybe some bags for carrying stuff in? Not that there is really any stuff for them to carry?


She smiles thoughtfully at both of them and puts on shoes and clothes and takes custody of the rest for when she wakes the prisoners.


"...There should be someone in the world with the ability to capture a mara, in case mine gets loose," she says. "I'm going to be careful but accidents happen."


"What does the ability to capture a mara consist of?"


"Acquiring the ability is a very unpleasant process. Technically it's possible anytime someone is attacked by a mara, at home, but I'm not sure if anyone in this world could do it by themselves, and I don't especially want to rely on that, since people who can capture an attacking mara with no preparation are rare even in a world where everyone knows what a mara is; and locking them is much harder to guess, it needs to be taught. If you want to capture a mara you need a strong will and the ability to focus well under stress. And if you want me to give you the ability to capture mara you have to confirm that you understand how important it is not to unlock them casually. A locked mara is a source of considerable power that is almost never worthwhile to use."


"Yes, I got that impression very clearly from the - memories you shared. Well. If you want to give me this ability, I'll take it. Will I be able to pass it on to others?"


She shakes her head. "Not without a mara of your own."

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