Demon attacks are rare.
Of course, a single traveler or a small group of them is so fantastically unsafe from such that no one in their right mind would do that in the first place, but large caravans are usually perfectly safe.
"I haven't looked that closely, but your other prisoners don't seem noticeably different from the kind of people I'm used to."
"Maybe they have noticed and just find it to be the lesser of two evils," someone says. He does not sound thrilled by this prospect. Someone else punches him. He snarls and swipes back with his claws. One nearby demon tries to separate them, but others end up piling into the fight. It starts escalating quickly.
Sudden movement stops working, in much the same way that shouting did.
"Given the way you apparently treat humans, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that were true."
"I suppose an apology would be nice. And I still don't really have an explanation for what you were doing, although 'you didn't think humans were people' at least explains why you weren't not doing it. Besides that—" She shrugs. "I've been a little too busy to come up with an itemized list of demands."
"...if any of them are pregnant and would like to stop being pregnant, I can help with that," he says.