A Lost boy somehow gets even more lost.
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He will excitedly run over to check out what they're doing, vaguely aware that he might be looking a bit too much like a kid-in-a-candystore, or newly-made-person-at-a-sweets-festival, but he can't help himself.

Chemistry! With like... proper equipment? Glass with clear measurements, or specialized shapes for separating liquids and gasses? Do they have safety gear?


There's glass in various shapes, and it's marked! They have goggles with glass and leather, they have gloves and aprons!


He's currently wishing he learned more of their written language, but he would have been happy enough with them just mixing various solids and liquids together in unmarked containers so he's too excited by all the PEOPLE DOING SCIENCE to dwell on it right now.


Hmm, he might need to ask if they sing any songs about chemistry soon...


But first, introductions! Is there anyone who looks not so busy that they'd be up for a few questions?


There are a couple people who are only watching reactions occur or writing things down?


Hmm, still maybe too busy, but if he doesn't see anyone less busy then he'll go over to one of the ones watching.


"Hello!" He can't help but glance at whatever reaction they're watching for, but he'll try to maintain eye contact despite all the cool things happening around them. "I'm a traveler from afar and believe I might have some knowledge that people here don't, though I'm not sure. I'd like to speak to someone who's in charge and not particularly busy, if you can suggest someone?"


"Chemistry knowledge or some other kind?" says the person, not even looking at him.


Well, if the person isn't looking at him he won't keep his own gaze from drinking in everything around him.

"Chemistry and also other kinds!" Not all of which he has the words for, yet. "I'm not sure if the other kinds will be useful to people here, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was." 


"Useful like how?"

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