A Lost boy somehow gets even more lost.
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Probably he should not subject this old lady to any of his weird questions.


He's so close to people who might actually have... interest... in his questions, there's no reason to bother this nice lady who's helping him get there.

So... what's a non-weird question he can ask?


Well, he need to figure out how to make money here sooner or later. He should get to know the round and its people.

"Thanks again for the ride. I'm new here, and I'm curious how long you've lived on Rabbitround?"


"I've lived on Rabbitround all my life! I almost went on vacation with my wife to Tigervale once but it turned out she felt sick when she floated."


"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. About your wife, I mean." He wonders if the equivalent restriction on Earth would feel more like being seasick and afraid of flights, or getting sick just from getting in a car..."But I guess you must enjoy it here, if you didn't leave before you met her? What sorts of work have you done, throughout your life?"


"These days I mostly drive the cart but when I was a bit spryer me and my wife worked the farm. Wheat and sesame and grapes and a rotating cast of vegetables. Clover hay."


"I see." He has no idea what clover hay is. Clover like four leaf clovers? Aren't they a bit small to make hay out of? "Any idea how a hunter and forager might make a good living nearby?"


"- go into another line, I imagine! It's pretty developed around here."


Hm. What other skills could he bring to the table in a world where everyone could be made to know everything? Despite being a low-tech world, everyone here knows how to read and write and do math, so it's not like he can coast on the advantages of a 21st century middle school education, even if he was reading at an undergrad level...

Maybe he can be an inventor, but that might draw too much attention to him too quickly... he'll ask the researchers in any case. Meanwhile, maybe he just has to go further afield.

"Would you happen to need an extra pair of hands, now and then?"


"Not usually! I'll need you to get out and push if we founder in a mud patch but I don't expect it."


"Oh I meant with your work. I hope I can figure out something to earn a living, but on the last round I stayed in a barn while figuring things out. I don't know if that's as common a thing here, but I'd be willing to do some work in exchange."


"Farm's taken care of. Maybe you could find somebody resting off a sprain in need of some temporary hands, but I wouldn't know offhand who."


A small pit of worry widens in his stomach, but he did make some preparations, so he has a bit of time at least before he has to make his way back to Creekcross. Maybe someone at the research institute has ideas. "Thanks anyway."

He settles back among the bananas and watches the strange sky as they travel.


The cart lets him off when their paths diverge and the lady gives him directions the rest of the way.


Walk walk walk, until presumably he comes across the... city? Town? Standalone research building that looks like a wizard tower, maybe?


No wizard tower. You could call it a city if you were generous and didn't require any buildings to be more than three stories tall.


There are a few "cities" in upstate New York that barely meet that requirement, but yeah given the way gravity shuts off abruptly past a certain height it's possible this world just... can't have cities as dense as Earth, ever? Unless they figure out the whole "space colony" thing. Which should be a lot easier here than on earth!


To the closest research building! Are the locals friendly and helpful, or busy going about their pseudo-city business?


Both! He gets greetings and a compliment on his hairstyle and also everybody is doing stuff, even if it's only spinning or napping.


He will greet people back and thank the complementors!

(He is not actually that sure what his hair looks like right now, but after re-entering gravity he did make sure to comb his fingers through it in case it settled in an overly sloppy way, and he tried to keep it relatively short in the Hedge to minimize it getting caught on things.)


Also he will be curious about what the spinners are... spinning.


Woolen thread.


Neato. He'll stop and watch a few as he follows directions until he arrives.


They are uncomfortable about this! Spinning is a completely normal activity that it's weird for anyone to be interested in supervising!



He'll hurry along to where the researchers are, trying not to stare too much at anything.


The research institute is identifiable by signage, but Danny can't read. However, they've got a laboratory open to the air on two sides, and he can see people doing chemistry experiments in it.

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