native Fëanorian Amentans
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"Huh. You should sleep, you must be exhausted. Congratulations."


"Thank you so much for the opportunity," smiles Shasali, and she goes to bed.


Blues continue to not call security on her and to vary in how unwilling they are to touch things she's touched (food is weird, doorknobs they seem to have decided are all right, though a few people've started wearing silk gloves) and to be happy to bombard her with advice. 


Alash comes back and grumbles about did people learn anything from Voa sure she can watch cases and see if she's any good at it it's not much like driving garbage trucks.


"Thank you," says Shasali, smiling, smiling, smiling, "I'll try not to disappoint."


Katin doesn't tell anybody the family secret. She is a little subdued once back in school but it's written off as three-year-old hormones.


That's good. He puts the money aside for a credit come spring and cuddles Peka extra.


Snuggle snuggle. "We'll have to have the conversation all over again in three years. Earlier if they come out with red hair."


"I know. Maybe by then things will have changed, or the procedure'll be faster and we can just tell them we did it -"


"Yeah. There haven't been any problems with the ones who've been through the long version, right - it's normal for procedures to get better over time -"


"No problems - though eventually, just a question of numbers and time, someone'll find out and attack one -"


"And then it's pretty much a matter of whether the law follows through."


"I better not get caught. Apef better not get caught. We don't have any excuse and it'd probably reflect badly -"


"Yeah I think Aitim's distancing himself from that project just in case it - it could all come crashing down if people just think of 'reds pretending to be something else' -"




Squeeze. "We can do a home birth."


"Long as there isn't a complication. - maybe make a point of hiring the ex-red doctor to be on standby or something."


"Yeah." Sigh. "I hate this - I wish it were safe -"


"Yeah. Me too."


"If it goes south we go to the island. Anitam is not going to carry out international airstrikes over it."


Nod. "I love you."


Greens are intrigued by and tolerant of their new botanist and sculptor; the oranges and yellows don't have to disclose. 


Alash is a decent mentor aside from his persistent conviction that Shasali used to drive a garbage truck. He knows the tax code very thoroughly and quizzes her on tidbits. Inlad invites her out to more restaurants and after a few weeks invites her back to his place.


Shasali only corrects him when it comes up that she does not in fact know how to drive. She's very sharp when quizzed, pretty good at finding ambiguities.

She goes with Inlad to restaurants and comes back with him to his place.


It's a lovely place. The servants don't show themselves. He can't stop smiling at her.

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