Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
"...I got the recording after the book came out, but I wanted it in audio form, because that's convenient for lab work."
"Ohhh, ok. Sorry for being stupid." It seems having read one (1) smart people book is not enough to conceal her idiocy.
"Well that's a relief." She positions an arm as far as she can get it around Mo's sizeable middle.
"I don't know that you've said that specifically but I've got the picture that you like 'em vast."
"Indeed I do! And you are so fucking vast. It's wonderful. And so surprisingly sprightly for your size! You're like some kind of forest nymph."
"Yeah I like, sometimes I used to fantasize about like, being lost in the forest and wandering into an enchanted glade populated by hot fat forest nymphs, my figure softening as I partake of the magic fruit and enchanted water, having them dote on me and caress my developing curves and stuff."
"That's so fucking cute." Monoceros has a snack stash and finds a miniature pear and holds it up to Katie's lips. "Don't you know it's risky to eat what fey creatures give you?"
When the convention is over and they take the submarine back to the lair, Monoceros again spends a lot of time driving, but she lets Katie sleep in her bed and sometimes catches her own Z's in there too.
Katie is excited to be making progress and falling asleep cuddled up against such a glorious mass of flesh.