Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
"Man, a bunch of teenagers going through a stressful time in their lives in a strange new environment together. Bet the guy had to give out a lot of free condoms. Did you get in on any of that action?"
"No, actually, he's very down on teenagers fucking and there were automatic sprinkler systems about it, nobody tried anything while I was in the room but sometimes you'd walk into the library and it'd be oddly damp."
"I mean but like, presumably you don't just get those out of nowhere, right, like, you have to actively advertise your services or whatever."
"My services didn't specify that I'd do contract hits, though I did choose a very sketchy forum to advertise on."
"Vic was this drug kingpin from, I forget, fucking Bolivia or something? I think the buyer was CIA subcontracting out or something but I have no way to be sure."
"I know, right? I know I was all hesitant to give spicy political takes before, but I'm just gonna say it: democracy was a mistake."
"Most governments are mistakes but democracy isn't even cool. If a king runs around disemboweling guys on a divinely ordained crusade at least he looks kickass doing it."
"So uuuh, are you into men, or just women? This isn't really that relevant but I've just been curious about it for a while."
"That's not one of the things I'm picky about but men're less likely to hit the ones I am."