Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
"This is Chair Sombat, he's going to be coming to the base with us after the con and we're going to make an ocean frog with miniature frogs on its back that can deploy like fighters."
"Like one of those gross trypophobia-triggering things where they come out of its back?"
"Shit. That's gonna have some serious shock factor." Always a good idea to show interest in your partner's endeavors.
"It's also going to be super poisonous. I'm going to have to inoculate you if I don't want to wear three layers of gloves to bed."
"Uggggghhhhhh how soon do I have to get it? This is totally gonna cut into my workout, uh, it's not exactly a routine yet, but my attempt to become more physically fit."
"I mean, if you'd rather we could just not have any intimate contact for the duration of the project."
Blush. Happy wiggle. "So speaking of which, I just wanted to like, manually check if there are any kind of biotinkery improvements you could make to me that you haven't yet."
"Well, you said you didn't want to be blue. My hands are kind of tied by leaving you compatible with pearls."
"Yeah that's fair. People on the internet were just making fun of me for being clumsy and suggested asking if you could fix it, or anything else."
"It is! Chair, walk me through the metabolic pathway for the secondary again -" Technobabble resumes.
"What country are you from?", she asks Chair, giddy from the high of being shown off.