Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
"Oh, I mean, sometimes I just poison them or gore them with my horn - I don't think you've seen me in my combat getup, come to think! - but, let's see, I got somebody's dogs to eat her, implanted some nasties in a transplant liver, he gave me my money before he actually died of it but I had this one fellow cripplingly attacked by crows and seagulls wherever he went and he did lose an eye and two fingers..."
She opens up Eris on her phone
when she tells you about all the ways she's killed people swoon.jpg
WHENEVER I complained about being single you guys were all like "oh that's terrible i'm so sorry i hope you find the woman of your dreams soon" but now i do and you're all like "oh no that's bad and wrong and stuff"
spirulinagalaxy: was I not clear enough that I thought possibly your women related dreams would eventually compromise on the murder thing
unicorn: I have given this some thought and I think it's good that k is shacking up with her murderer. anything that diverts murderer time to not murder.
the deadest piece of ironmongery: and you think k will be an anti-murder force on net here why?
Mezzopiano: Why are you a Christmas Carol reference, it's not even Thanksgiving yet
Nice job rubbing it in that you're better than me ms "I can recognize random lines from classic literature on sight"
i wonder if mo could make some kind of ray gun or something that turns people's bodies into iron
then they'd be the deadest piece of ironmongery
idk maybe it could be with like, bioengineered bacteria or something
can bacteria do that?
anyways if you guys are all mad about me condoning murder or whatever you should find me a gf who isn't a murderer
no i'm just saying i have needs
you wouldn't get mad at someone for stealing a loaf of bread because they were starving, right?
same deal
just because you can't provide it via the welfare state doesn't mean it's not a real need!
It makes me WANT to die and that's only considered less bad because our society is in the iron grip of carceral psychiatry