Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
There are plenty of signs with lots of languages on them, plus arrows! She can easily follow them up the dock, across the boardwalk, and to the convention center. It's one of those architecturally impossible thingies that only preternaturals can construct. It has one wall that arcs smoothly to become the ceiling, and the ceiling hangs over a few football fields of space, keeping off sun and any potential rain while allowing abundant crossbreeze. Which is good, because it's hot out.
The security for the event is in the form of cyborg chimpanzees. One looks at her and gives her a map and points to Monoceros's booth on it.
Oooohhh pretty. She's positively dazzled. She follows the map as best she can but is eager to see more fascinating sights along the way.
Fascinating sights she passes on the most direct route to Monoceros include:
- potted trees that are some 65% various metals
- a bacterium the size of a Squishable she can pet if she wants; it has cilia
- engineered butterflies with recognizable paintings on their wings
- a slime mold based computer on which one can play Doom
- dinosaurs
- a little goaty unicorn
- somebody of roughly Katie's own social position being shown off for being a catgirl
- algae-ivy stuff that can colonize an appropriately prepared wall in minutes and die off without damaging the structure with a little vinegar spritzing
- a rice/wheat hybrid which is drought and salt tolerant; she can take a free sample cracker if she wants
- koi that do some kind of underwater ballet
- somebody's sendup of Bunnicula, currently depriving grapes of their fluids
Oooh! Aaah! She wants to pet so many things but she doesn't want to disappoint Mo. She prays she'll have the chance later. The catgirl is cute but could use some meat on her bones.
Sad! Katie makes a mental note to ask Mo if she can give her cat ears and continues on her way. Hmm, or possibly horns. Fangs definitely. Oooh, and wings.
And there's Mo's booth with her display on her tuna farm and little sashimi samples on ice.
"There's my little granola bar! Don't you look stunningly pearlescent!"
"I do! The dress is amazing! Little heavy though." She helps herself to a sashimi sample.
"If you wanna wear many pounds of rocks without noticing that they aren't feathers, you gotta lift." She has a cushion for Katie to lounge on that doesn't push the pearls into her skin too much.
"Guess it's a good thing I've been trying to get more exercise recently. Was worried you'd be mad at me for wasting precious calories."
"I mean, the ones you're feeding me sure don't seem cheap." She's also a little worried Mo will be disappointed at it getting more difficult to physically overpower her, but she's too afraid to say so out loud.
"True. Anyways, how the hell did you make this thing? Also one of my internet friends wants it if I die, you are under no obligation to actually give it to them but I am letting you know at their behest."
"A lot of the pearlwork was actually already put together as a wall hanging. The goons did have to do some more to make it into a dress but I did not make them work union-unfriendly overtime."
"Yeah, checks out. Oh, yeah, other thing I needed to ask you before I forget. Could you maybe possibly consider doing other non-pearl biomods on me if possible?"
"Hmm, I'd worry a lot of possibilities would interfere with your pearly chemistry. If Gilesian pearls played nice with anti-rejection drugs then just anybody could grow them. I could probably turn you blue. Do you want to be blue?"
"Nah, I was more thinking wings and horns and fangs. Also green hair but that doesn't require mad bioscience."
"I can do horns as a transdermal implant and fangs as basically just your classic denture except sharp. Wings you get into the anti-rejection problem, and they do need to be impractically enormous if you want to get off the ground with them even at your current weight."
"Wouldn't necessarily need to actually be able to fly, they'd just look cool. In any case, we can discuss it more later. Just want to get it down so it's not forgotten."