a supervillain kidnaps a girl to fatten her up
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i mean like 

if i didn't have internet i would be way more likely to try and escape

probably it's less of a security issue this way

Mezzopiano: do you think you could escape if you wanted to??

I don't know, the only way to find out would be to try and that would make mo mad at me which would be bad

hot singletons near you: like in a fun way or not so much
Mezzopiano: where did you get THAT displayname
hot singletons near you: over in the silly text game zone

probably in a not fun way though again the only way to find out is to do it and i don't wanna risk it

Mezzopiano: not so much the ask questions get answers kinda relationship?

i mean not for that one at least

feels like a touchy subject

hot singletons in your area: pretend it turns you on to know how inescapable your fate is

i really don't think she's that stupid

hot singletons in your area: I was imagining it would not be 100% pretend but what do I know, you are mysterious

i mean like

it would be really stupid of her to just tell me all her security protocols???

hot singletons in your area: well that really depends on whether they work less well if you know about them (passwords) or better if you know about them (thus and such an area is fatally electrified)

presumably if  they worked better if i know about them she would've told me them already

hot singletons in your area: maybe!

it really seems like a bad idea to risk it

hot singletons in your area: how sure are we she cannot raise you as an undead abomination

i'm not sure she can't but she probably couldn't grow gilesian pearls in me if i was dead so there wouldn't be much point

hot singletons in your area: probably!
hot singletons in your area: augh g2g for reasons

Katie decides to listen to some podcasts and get in some more exercise before lunch.


Lunch is a simpler affair on the submarine. All-you-can-eat fish salad and coleslaw and fresh bread and butter. Panna cotta for dessert.


Mmm. Coleslaw isn't Katie's thing but she goes hard on the fish salad. She pauses for a moment. "Hey, hold on, you told the goons to feed my cat and stuff, right?"


"They look after all the animals while I'm out, even ones I'm allowing to roam the whole base."


"Alright, good." Back to feasting.


Monoceros is making little sandwiches of the butter and salad and slaw on the rolls as they come out a batch at a time from the oven.


"You are so cute when you pig out. Of all the people to be sealed in a confined space with for 36 hours..."

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