Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
Is it still flirting if she's deciding she's done now and flopping nakedly upon one's prone form like an entire pallet of weighted blankets?
Monocerous snickers, shifts just enough that she's not going to regurgitate about it, and resumes flop.
Mmm. Warm. Soft. Cuddly. It'd be more comfy with clothes on but she isn't gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.
Katie cuddles up close to Mo and soaks up the comforting warmth of her body heat as she drifts off into literally the best sleep of her life.
"Gotta go, sweet pea? Shame, I was really excited about falling asleep in your arms.", she says tiredly while awkwardly positioned in Mo's arms. God, she loves how strong Mo is.
"Mmm." She does. She still longs to actually fall asleep in Mo's arms but it's good sleep nonetheless.
At such time as she's awake enough to do so, Katie logs onto Eris to apprise her netchums of the events of last night
gm guys
me and monoceros fucked again last night
it was heavenly
she cuddled me afterwards
not all the way to sleep but she's a busy woman i can't blame her
no dumbass genies can't make anyone fall in love as we all know from the documentary film Disney's Aladdin
oh yeah and also she doesn't really love me and is just using me to get the pearls or whatever like you guys said
god damnit i need to stop thinking negative thoughts a gorgeous woman is fucking me and stuffing me like a turkey on gourmet food why must i question it like a little bitch