Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
gtg guys. she's knocking. i assume it's breakfast.
She answers the door. Oddly consider of Mon to knock, given the circumstances. She mentally marks that down as a point for her intentions being genuinely as benevolent as they seem.
She struggles a bit getting it tied right so the goons can't see her tits and junk. Wow. Not even noon and she's already a little flustered. Mo truly is a master of her craft. And it's comfy too. She didn't even know clothes could be sexy and comfy simultaneously. She sashays confidently out to her awaiting lover, a little giddy off the high of being pretty.
"You slept in. I guess digesting is sleepy work when you're new at it." Pat the tum pat pat.
She blushes adorably. "Oh? Do we have a busy schedule that I'm holding up? What's on the agenda for today, my sparkly unicorn princess?" She wonders if she'll get the reference. On the one hand, she's a science nerd, but on the other, she's probably not that kind of science nerd and also apparently like 50 somehow?
"Oh, you have nothing to do but turn food into flesh and await my convenience but if you want my convenience to include eating with you you'll want to snap to my schedule soon."
"Understood. Hey, if I'm gonna have plenty of free time down here, would you happen to have a spare video game controller? Oh shit, and is my cat here yet? I really REALLY don't want him to starve."
"Your cat is here. I kept him in the lab overnight to make sure he doesn't have anything that could jump to any of my projects but I'll let you have him after breakfast. Your books and suchlike are in boxes and the goons will put them in your room while we're in the dining room. Did you have your own gaming supplies or should the next shopping trip involve those?"
"Oh, yeah, good. Thanks a million, Mo. Can I call you Mo? Or Mon? Monoceros is kind of a mouthful to say every time."
"That sounds... negative. It's fine if you don't like it. The extra oxygen is worth you not being annoyed." She tenses up. She's anxious. This is the first time Mo's reacted like this. Has she fucked up? Has she lost affection points? Is she locked out of the true ending now?
"I didn't pick my supervillain name 'cause I didn't like it! Even my old one was two syllables. Em-oh. The goons call me boss and you can too if you want."
"Got it. Thanks. Anyways, is there anything to do around here while and/or in between stuffing my face other that surf the net? Am I cleared to go up to the surface? I'm not really one for sun, or sand, but the view looks gorgeous, and I never really got to swim much back home." 'Never really got to' is kind of a half-truth. She got the opportunity, from time to time, she just felt weird about going out in public with her ribs and pectoral bug bites and whatnot visible.
"You can go up to the island and swim but you have to have a goon and one of my belugas with you."
"Belugas? Like, actual belugas?" Her body insecurities come back into force at the prospect of being supervised by a goon but she'll still consider it. Hopefully she can go up and have a swim with Mo sometime so she won't need one.
"...That's not a joke, is it. Can they add me on Eris? I'd love to get to know them." The prospect of being supervised by a sapient cetacean feels far better than a human goon for some reason. She hopes she can have the beluga close watching her and the goon further away where they can't see all her business. Also, she's curious on if they're the ones that ice cream came from. If so, she's definitely gonna thank them.