Katie idly scrolls through her phone as she sits at the bus stop. Hunger gnaws at her stomach. She internally debates whether to shell out for takeout or save money and heat up something from the freezer. Her bones feel like they're made of lead. She wants to lay down, but knows the bus will just arrive as soon as she does.
god it's so hot to have my outfits picked out for me
i love being treated like a piece of meat as long as it's by a hot girl
I like this one better actually
presumably gonna be way comfier to sit in
plus this is more my personal style, I'm not really the ballgown and purse type
fuck does this thing have pockets?
She checks.
it's about the principle of the thing
also it's hard to carry a purse around without smacking things accidentally
I mean, I would hope Mo would by default be upgrading me in any way she could, but I could ask
A generous sushi assortment - one of the goons along on this trip must be Monoceros's itamae - with handrolls and nigiri and maki drizzled with sauces and dotted with truffle paste and stuffed with real wasabi. There is also an Indonesian food, a kind of giant pancake thick enough to become a sandwich full of chocolate and sprinkles and butter and sesame seeds and sweetened condensed milk.
Oooh. Katie likey. She immediately snaps a picture to gloat to her friends about later. She's anxious about getting rice and sauce on her sick outfit as she digs in. She's not the biggest fan of the real wasabi but it's not nearly as rancid as the green horseradish stuff.