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"Yeah, well, get rich and powerful first. Hell, do you even run out of mana doing the stuff you've been doing?"


"Well, it got kinda close with the golden thief bug queen..."


"Yeah, sure, so you don't need it. Don't worry about it. Anyway that way is the mess hall..."


Vallynn has his own room in the Guild building. It's bigger than the one he shared with Taharqi but still doesn't have its own washroom. It's also not, technically, free: he is, technically, being employed by the Guild, and he will have to do services for them or for people who hire them and his lodgings are the bulk of his compensation.

If he wants to, he can switch to a different compensation style in which he's no longer on retainer and instead is paid for individual jobs, and then he'd have to rent the room with money. This has higher potential upside but requires him to seek jobs more proactively and is less reliable and consistent, so he might need to supplement his earnings somehow.


Yeah he'll probably do that eventually, once he has his bearings and is making good money with adventuring, but being on retainer for the Guild for a bit doesn't sound too bad. It'll let him get some hands on experience with using magic outside combat, see what people do for a living, and it'll let him watch some lectures and interact with other mages without having to worry about managing his time and money.


But for the moment, he's going to find the library.


The library occupies half of the fourth level and isn't, itself, that impressive. It's still a library, of course, and probably one of the best-supplied libraries in the kingdom, at least when it comes to all matters related to magic, but beyond that it's a little bit...


There are bookshelves, there are reading nooks, there are tables, there is a librarian. That's about it. 


A library is a library, Vallynn does not care that it's not some mythical library out of legends (plus his best guess is that the mythical libraries of legends in this city will be in the Tower, not in here). What he does care about are books about magic, books books books, he's gonna learn so much stuff, he doesn't even know what he's going to learn he's going to look at the library sections and find out what there is to read


"Excuse me."


He turns around, snapping awake from his reverie by...


...a tiny woman with waves of red hair framing sharp features and equally red eyes behind thin-framed glasses. She isn't looking at his face, though; she seems to be carefully measuring him with her eyes, from head to toe, in an almost predatory way.


"...may I help you?"


"Why are you naked?"


"I'm not naked."


She reaches forward into his personal space to grab the edge of his skirt and lift it up to look at what's under it.


He—freezes. "Uh."


She lets go. "Are you very poor? Do you need money for clothes?"


Wow that's really rude. "No."


"Are you robes being washed?"


"I don't have robes."


"You're not going to go around wearing that, surely."


"Why not? Plenty of adventurers wear less, and stranger."


"It's unwizardly," she snifs.


"Who says I'm a wizard?"


"You're clearly not. You're barely a mage, I've never seen you here before, you don't have a channel open to the crystal downstairs, you looked awestruck by the library. But you do want to be a wizard."

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