"Show me."
Oh so she must be from a pretty rich family, then, interesting.
"Someday I'll learn the language and the culture. That sounds fun."
Vallynn almost says something in Brasilese but showing off like that is the kind of thing that gets you called a "prodigy" and it's been making him kind of uncomfortable (especially with the part of him that's preening) so instead he says, "Yeah, and I'm not even sure how I'll find the time, but still, it sounds interesting."
"Anyway I'm meant to be showing you around, uh, this is the atrium. Sometimes professors like teaching stuff here, there's those little nooks there for that or just chatting and stuff. Then down that way—"
"—right. It's kind of a huge battery? Oh, yeah, uh, you're meant to feed it some magic while you're here."
"It's not, like, required or anything, but everyone's encouraged to try to keep an open channel into it at regeneration rates? And then, like, it's got some cool enchantments to manage and convert magic and whenever you need quick access to a ton of mana you can fetch from it. So it's, like, meant to be a common resource and stuff for everyone to use and it's polite to contribute back when you're not using it. Some people get the hang of doing the channel thing even while asleep but I haven't managed, yet."
"People use it a lot for spell development 'cause then it's easier to iterate without having to wait for your mana to replenish, and also it's a backup battery for the wards around the whole city. There's a beefier one in the Wizard Tower that's the main battery because the folks who live there have more mana than they know what to do with."
"Oh heck I know a thing you don't, score! Like, yeah, but when you get really powerful you start getting really damn efficient and there's some artefacts that help with mana management, like stuff that captures some of the spent mana back when it's not all entirely necessary for the effect or shit like that."