"Show me."
She steps away from him and shrugs. "That one is outside my remit. You'll find someone else, I'm sure."
...and she slumps onto a chair.
"Fine," she says, lifting a hand to stop him. "It's just—it was a lot of work and it was so worth it, everything will go right, everything will work, I'm—" She looks to be on the verge of tears.
"...is that not a saying? It is in Brasilese. You know, both of them have spotted hides and such?"
"Yeah, well, you can't fuck me in them, chop chop we don't have all day. ...actually, I changed my mind, keep the robe, just get rid of everything else."
"She's been bugging a lot of us about letting her make us robes but the other day I saw her kidnapping Vallynn off the library and then yesterday at lunch and now here he is, no longer naked."