"Show me."
She reaches forward into his personal space to grab the edge of his skirt and lift it up to look at what's under it.
"You're clearly not. You're barely a mage, I've never seen you here before, you don't have a channel open to the crystal downstairs, you looked awestruck by the library. But you do want to be a wizard."
"Oh who cares about the balls, I'm sure we can get you something that shows them off if you really want to, but not this."
...that sentence has so many parts. "'We'? I'm sorry, can we back up a step, hi, I'm Vallynn, I'm new here, you are...?"
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Evelin. You say it's not the balls, so do you usually accost every new mage like this?"
She tsks and waves a hand near her face as if she's being harassed by an annoying mosquito. "Most mages have no raw material to work with. You, though... Do you know how rare fit mages are? And vain ones, too, even the ones that realise you gotta be able to keep up with your party to adventure tend to be so utilitarian about it. But you, clearly you want to show off your body, and you're handsome enough, and I'm sure whatever jungle you came from wouldn't mind this, this, whatever this is, but I do and you need to let me work on you."
He's being read to filth here but if he follows her... "You want to get me new clothes?"
"I charge," she says in a warning tone, lifting one finger up and finally looking him in the face. "It's a job as much as it's an art. But... I could accept a promise of payment, if you promise to wear whatever we create in public. With a face like yours... yes, yes, I do think, hmm..."
He makes a sharp hissing noise through his nose. "A million zeny isn't that expensive??"
"Oh that's nothing compared to the enchantments you'll need to buy if you want to amount to anything in life."