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a Lucy is born in Geb
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Hah. Sitting ducks, practically. 


And all the more so when each connecting arrow acts as a lightningrod for bolts of divine energy. Their mirror images and stunning screeches help matters somewhat, but once Wenduag joins him in picking them off it’s a one-sided affair. 


Minagho continues to tear into Luzai, but no matter how many gashes her claws tear or angry red brands her tail leaves, Luzai stays standing. 

“How is this possible? Some trick, from your pathetic crusader goddess?”

Despite the decisiveness of her chosen words, there’s real fear leaking into her voice now. Between Luzai, Villibor, and Camellia, even her incredible durability is starting to be tested.


"You think Iomedae had anything to do with this? The problem with Evil is that you have no team cohesion. In the end, your ass is fundamentally getting kicked by the power of love." 


“If you think I’m a big enough fool to fall for your lies-“


She doesn’t really need that lung, does she? Well, if Minagho dies and cuts her fun short, it’ll be a learning experience.


And the Lilitu chokes, coughing up blood. She starts retreating in earnest now, trying to escape the forbiddance around the wardstone.




She slips, too harried even to fly, just short of safety-


And then a man in full plate armor blocks the next blow.

”Go. Get out of here.”

Luzai can see it on his face, the sheer relief of a man who finally has an excuse to die.




“Staunton, darling, I knew you’d see things my way.”


"Don't do this to your brother," she begs. "He doesn't deserve it. Do you think he won't follow you? Do not drag him into the demons' den." 


“Leave my brother out of this!”

Then he turns slightly, to look at Minagho.

”Now, my sweet, it’s time for you to get out of here. I’ll cover your retreat-”


“There’s no need for that, you’ve bought me enough time already.”

Minagho scoops up the dwarf with one arm, and then with a gesticulation of a scroll the two vanish from the spot.




"Lilitu can dominate people," she says aloud. "It would absolutely amuse her to force him to destroy his reputation all over again." 

...She doesn't really believe it. She saw the look in his eyes. But, and this is the critical bit, if other people believe it, it will be easier to get them to not kill Staunton for this after she has knocked some sense into him. 


Hey, if that's the story she's going with, Camellia won't say a word against it.


It's not long after that the crusaders make their way into the wardstone chamber. They'd already been winning, and once Minagho fled it was every demon for themselves. A few of them did get away, but the retreat was not in good order and the crusaders took a heavy toll on them as they fled.

The lack of demons in the room is a pretty good sign, but the fact that the first person they come face to face with is covered in blood and radiating a powerful evil aura is not an encouraging sign. Only the fact that one of the vanguard recognizes Luzai and the aura isn't strong enough to be Minagho herself keeps it from breaking out into a fight right then and there, and several paladins encircle her just in case.




"Lilitu brands," Villibor mutters, 


"--Oh, fuck that bitch!" Luzai says, disgusted. Louder: "Sorry! This is temporary, I will stop detecting evil in like an hour, I apologize for the inconvenience."


A likely story. Someone runs off to fetch reinforcements-


-And returns shortly after with the Prelate.



She shows him the brands. "Minagho got me a couple of times. I barely noticed it at the time, I think they will wear off shortly." 

Hulrun being reasonable is always a long shot but she might as well give him a chance. 


She doesn't sound like she's lying, but the story is implausible and Lilitu and Succubi are is some of the very few things that can lie to his face. That she just happened to slip away, happened to make it to the wardstone chamber, somehow defeat the demons including a Lilitu that came to defend it, and is now radiating a chaotic evil aura for entirely innocent reasons? Even if it did happen as she said and she got branded, she'd be the Lilitu's puppet right now.

Fortunately, there is one spell that covers all three bases.

"Dispel Evil."

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