"They each come with a subtle boon of their own, and each grants you more capacity to channel miracles of greater variety. The miracles you are capable of calling must be decided before your arrival, as the structures to attend to them will be built into your angelic form. There are two ways to attain additional miracles to be capable of- Additional vows, and drawing down the amount of energy devoted to your foundation or blessings. Such things are not one to one. As Vows, compassion and honesty and diligence are equal, while honor is somewhat stronger, fidelity somewhat lesser. There are many possible vows I have not yet mentioned as well. Access to the miracle of healing costs the same as the vow of fidelity, while the miracle of the Sun costs the same as compassion or honesty or diligence."
"The design of these powers is complex and much better minded to the minds of the heaven-born than yours, I believe. They are aligned into stable forms that use less virtuous capacity, for miracles, or grant somewhat more for Vows. I could put specific numbers on them to aid your planning, if you wish. Their current forms are highly optimized, but adjustments to them may be possible at a cost, depending on what you desire."
"Separately to the variety of miracles which you might command, Heaven may only grant so many miracles in a given time. They are worked with both your direction and presence to channel them, and the usage of Heaven's, I suppose, intervention budget, a limit to how much we might affect a world at a time. Sometimes, too, with the attention of the heaven-born angels to attend to the details of their implementation. The frequency with which you might call upon miracles depends on a measure which you might think of as Heaven's favor, and depends both on how well you have used miracles in the past and your own virtue and influence on the world. In dire and urgent circumstances this idea of favor might be waved aside for a time. Such as if you face a terrible demon before you are ready, or you must act immediately to prevent the outbreak of a terrible war or some other great tragedy. In such a case, you should pray for the miracle, minding well why it is so urgent."