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a nurse drops on thomassia

It'll pay well, they said. It's night and weekend and pick up and float pay, and it's all time and a half because it's Saturday night and you're going into overtime. It'll only be four hours, they said, and just that's worth pretty much an entire shift's pay. You've only been here four hours, they said, so it's not a huge deal. We really need you, they said. We swear someone called out sick and we weren't just trying to skeleton staff the ED on a full moon. Really. Everyone will appreciate it, they said. 

Dory, it must be said, is very helpful as a person and also terrible at saying no. Honestly, she shouldn't have picked up that three to seven, but it was her own unit, and urgent (someone did get sick mid-shift), and she lives closest and is one of like two weekday nurses on her unit who doesn't 'forget' where she put her phone on the weekend. The other person claimed to be in Hawai'i. 

Dory really should've left her manager on read. 

But, whatever. That's seven-hours-ago her's bad decisions. 

Current her is also suffering the bad decisions of five-minutes-ago her. Namely, that she didn't pretend to be busy somewhere else when the "security alert, potential situation" got called and someone asked if she could help with a dude they were trying to get some good ol' haldol into. 

The tinny echo of "security alert, emergent situation" is filtering past the noise as she stares at the dude they'd all thought was just kinda crazy, who has moved from cussing at them to glowing red - brightest at his eyes and around his hands, like he's from some kind of special-effects-obsessed superhero movie. Probably she should be ducking for cover, but in her defense it's been like ten seconds since his eyes started sparking. He's rapidly going from 'sparky' to 'floaty.' Probably they're a few seconds from the ominous chanting. 

Her brain finally gets past the 'What the actual fuck' in time for this to totally not matter - she tries to get behind a conveniently nearby desk, and learns that freezing like a deer in the headlights was actually the smart thing when the glowing asshole shouts something, and gestures, and a fucking glowy sparky circle of assholery appears beneath her feet - and disappears the floor. 


Dory has learned a lot of curse words in her time as a nurse, and she puts them all to good use as she falls. 

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She falls until she lands on a deep balcony full of greenery, a terrifying number of stories in the air, looking out on a black square on a building across the street. Looking around, she can see a huge window and glass door leading out onto the balcony behind her. Together with many other skyscrapers. with balconies of beautiful greenery, surrounding the white building with large, black squares where any windows should be, in the center of all the skyscrapers.







Logically, there's only a few possibilities. In order of decreasing plausibility: 

1) This is a really weird and vivid dream. 

2) This is a weirdly elaborate and almost certainly illegal prank.

3) She's finally snapped from too much overtime and not enough sleep. 

4) She's on some kind of mind altering substance.

5) This is the future and she just lost a bunch of memory.

6) She's actually supposed to be here, and she's a non-her person having a psychotic break and imagining being her. 

7) That crazy guy was actually magic, like he was screaming about, and he has:

-a) Trapped her in a weird hallucination/ illusion/ whatever. 

-b) Somehow transported her to another location (on Earth).

-c) Stuck her in a weird pocket dimension. 

-d) Somehow transported her to another location (not on Earth).

8) All of reality is a simulation and whoever was simulating her got bored. (Some deity fucking with her arguably also goes under this heading, as does Descartes being right about all external perception potentially being due to demons fucking with us.)

9) She just started existing like a minute ago and whatever process was supposed to invent her memories has a bug.

10) Some possibility so bizarre she hasn't even thought of it yet. 

The important question, of course, is how she distinguishes between those.


She never feels pain in her dreams, or even gets that weird dream sensation of experiencing something without experiencing it, so number 1 is easy to rule out - she bites her lip, scratches her arm, bends her neck weird, and when all of these come back as painful, she tentatively marks number 1 as much less likely. 

She'll need some time to catch her breath and calm down to accurately evaluate numbers 3, 4, or 6 (assuming there'll be logical discrepancies if there's something wrong with her mind), but time will also give a chance for stuff to wear off, so, those can pause a bit, she just won't do anything potentially dangerous until after she's evaluated them. 

The biggest problem is honestly number 8, since, as Descartes also noted, a sufficiently talented demon that's entertaining itself by deceiving you about reality can probably fake any evidence it likes. However, if that's the case, there's not much she can actually do, so she should treat number 8 as unfalsifiable and, as long as she doesn't rule it in, also treat it as irrelevant. 

Dory's really shaken if she's falling back on Descartes. 

Eh. "I know you're observing me," she says, just in case that has a visible effect. (And even if it doesn't, if it's true that she's being simulated and/ or spied on, she likes the idea of fucking with whatever asshole thought this up.) "This isn't funny, asshole."

Does that do anything? 


Nope, there is no response, only the silence of the dark night. Listening carefully, Dory can hear the very remote sound of music coming from one of the apartments behind her, however.


She guesses she'll... Knock on the glass door? 

- Make that 'knock on the glass door after double checking that there's no concerning substances on her scrubs.' Which there aren't, luckily. So she'll just knock, confidently and firmly. 


Knocking on the glass door results in a similarly quiet non-response. It wouldn't need a key, presumably?


Well, some glass doors lock. And she doesn't want to get arrested for trespassing. That would really be the cherry on top of all this. Especially since her juvie record is sealed, she doesn't know if a new arrest would mess with her job prospects.

But whatever, yeah, she'll try to slide the glass door open. 


The glass door isn't locked. It leads into an impressively spacious living room, together with a microwave and fridge stuffed into a corner. Touching the material would reveal that neither the door nor the window are made out of glass, just some kind of plastic, just like the floor.


She doesn't go in right away, but does call out, "Hello? Anyone home?"


It takes a minute or so before an elderly woman makes her way out to the living room. She waves at Dory. "How the hell did you get here?"


Things that are probably not good answers: 

'I made the mistake of going to work on the full moon.'

'Apparently magic exists???'

'I mean, pretty sure this is a dream and neither this building nor you are real, but it's a very realistic dream for how much it makes no sense whatever.'

'I don't know, ask the sorcerer.'

'Transporter accident! I'm from the starship Enterprise - '

Instead she says, which is only maybe a bit better than her other options: 

"I'm honestly not really sure? Last I knew I was at work..."


"...well, welcome here, I guess? Where did you work? It wouldn't be in a hospital like the one across the street, right? You must be so scared outside!" She slowly moves towards the door leading into her apartment.


Yeah, the lady's totally assuming Dory's a basket case. Great. Well, for all Dory herself knows she did just escape from a psych hospital, so. 

"Yeah, I'm a nurse - this doesn't look like the area around my hospital, though. I'm not scared though - just a bit chilly, can I come inside?"


"Yes of course, deary. You must be so scared! Do you want any tea or anything else?" She makes her way over to the door, welcoming Dory in with a smile. There's a dining table with simple plastic chairs. There are also two couches, one looking out towards the hospital, and the other one looking at a white wall, and a projector visible above the second couch.


Smile! "Tea would be lovely, thank you ma'am!" Yeah there's no way she's convincing this old lady that she's fine actually. 


She walks over and grabs a vial of tea leaves from a cupboard above the microwave, together with a beautiful white and yellow cup that looks like it's hand-made. She uses a tea strainer to grab some tea leaves, before filling the cup with tea from a glass bottle and putting the cup in the microwave. "The tea should be ready in just a few minutes. Now, can you tell me about yourself, dearie?"

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