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the grey SOUL with an eye

Some children climb to the top of Mt. Ebott because it's something new to explore.

Some children climb to the top of Mt. Ebott to help the monsters who they've heard in scary old stories are, well, monsters, but monsters are people too, they have minds and faces, and if someone is a person they are worth caring about.

Some children climb to the top of Mt. Ebott because being sealed away isn't enough, they're, well, monsters, and a lot of those other children were never found.

Some children climb to the top of Mt. Ebott because they don't want to be found in time for cryo.

And some children climb to the top of Mt. Ebott because today's randomly sampled location in their square sector on the world's surface is near enough to where they're camping and lands on top of Mt. Ebott, and that kind of child is the kind of child that this story is about.

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Make a DEX saving throw, DC 10.


6 - 1 = 5, I fail the save.


You fail the save.

The child slips at the top of Mt. Ebott, a sudden drop in the surface obscured by overgrown plants that they don't see with their eyes and don't correct with their foot. They hit their head shortly afterwards - their head, the container of their brain, where almost everything they are is - and they don't experience what happens next.


They wake up on a bed of yellow flowers, which must have broke their fall. Broke their fall extremely well; there's no blood, no injury, not even any pain, just the general sort of misery that one gets from being on a slightly damp and slightly comfortable bed of flowers and needing to exert the effort to go and do anything else.

They eventually get up and look around; the walls around them are cliff faces, rough and vertical, far above them the hole they must have fell down letting through a shaft of light by which these precious flowers grow, ahead of them a tunnel in the cliff. Perception check?


Does a 9 pass?


That's all they really see.


Can I climb back up?


You can try but don't even bother rolling for it.


The tunnel, then? It's the only other thing around here, and if that doesn't go somewhere more climbable they can go back here ... and shout for help ... and,

Modernity is always there. It always helps children. So someone would come.

Someone would come! Okay, let's go and check out that tunnel.




Children this young are often unstrategic, and inhabit a world made of tropes and whimsy without quite explicitly tracking all the differences if they don't have any reason to call attention to them. A non-visibly-reductive talking flower? Some children might have various kinds of thoughts on it, but this one decides to react the same way to if they were in a storybook.

"Tsi-imbi!" they cast, and nobody came.

Okay, then. Cool, a talking flower..?


"Tsi-imbi? I haven't heard that around here. You must be new to the UNDERGROUND!"

"Golly, you must be so confused. Someone should teach you how things work around here. I guess little old me will have to do!"


"No, you're meant to say QUOTE tsi-imbi UNQUOTE if you just say it then people will think you're doing tsi-imbi I mean QUOTE tsi-imbi UNQUOTE for real."



Skip dialogue.


Okay, what was that other thing? Oh right, offering to teach!

They LOVE learning things. They really like learning things! Sometimes they ask adults for pieces of information and the adults SPITEFULLY REFUSE to tell them how many black holes there are or what colour this wall will be in ten years (okay they did make a predictionmarket about that one together) or exactly whether fish are people or how you can tell what the next square number is without just squaring the number (they're working on that one themselves then) but maybe this flower will be nicer about that.

"Well, anyway! Tell me everything about the UNDERGROUND."


Battle screen!



With magic, Flowey points out the child's SOUL.

"This here is your SOUL! The very culmination of your being! Your soul starts off weak, but can grow strong if you gain a lot of LVE."

"What's LVE stand for? Why, LOVE of course!"

"You want some LOVE, don't you?"


Not without further clarification!

What's a culmination of a being, how does that mean? What's this new sense? How does it work? I feel love! I have lots of love, I love myself, and my parents, and I love maths, and I love doing science! Does that mean my soul is strong?


"Ah! Here in the UNDERGROUND, we can share our LOVE, as well! We do it with little white ... friendliness pellets."

Flowey casts some friendliness pellets, visible to the child's magical senses.


"I can see them! Can I see LOVE, is that what I'm seeing? Was I seeing the LOVE from my own SOUL just then? Can I - yep I can see your LOVE I think! Wow, you have a lot of love! What do you love?"


"You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"


"Yes because if people answer all of them then I would get to KNOW EVERYTHING. I want to be optiscient!"


(Didn't we all.)

"Here, I'll show you! Move around and catch all the friendliness pellets!"


(Can I do an Insight check? 8 + 1 = 9. Wow, I've been rolling badly today.)


Flowey is being consistently candid with the board!

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