It is very early morning, the sky beginning to turn light, but the sun's not visible over the horizon yet. The land is still mostly dark, but can be made out.
Straight down is what must be Rito Village, an assemblage of huts and hanging bridges built up around a rock spire rising from a large lake. On three sides it's bracketed by mountains, but to the east a long bridge opens it to a stretch hills and mesas dotted with lakes and passes, cleaved by a steep canyon that cut northeast to southwest, running far and out of sight.
Farther to the southeast stretches a great plain scattered with visible signs of (possibly erstwhile) settlement: towns, farms, roads. It's hard to make out details at a distance, but it's crowned at the north by a city with a dilapidated castle. Past the central plains are mountains, forests and wetland. There's also an active volcano a great distance east of where Cam is, past more plains and forests; and snowy highlands to the south.
The castle is shrouded in a glowing violet haze. Now and then, one can see a brief flash of light down in the central plains, and more rarely ones farther afield.
Where does he go?
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