The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.
"The poverty, mostly. I know my world is very much enriched by daeva but even before that became a major input the trend was decidedly against poverty."
"And they're expensive because... rocket fuel is expensive, the current inhabitants like having a cover charge...?"
"Can you recommend me a history book or something? Also, is there a good place for me to hang out - like, on the roof or whatever is fine, just a place to loiter where I won't be in the way."
They quickly locate an office that doesn't have anything confidential in it.
"I'll be gone overnight," hexagon eyes guy (Maxim) says, "Well, it's about two right now so I'm not leaving for a while. I'm going to go talk to my friend in Logistics now, okay? You can make one of my business cards if you need to contact me."
"Sure, thanks! I'll do some reading, let me know if you urgently need ten units of AB-negative or whatever."
Cam lines the top shelf of the cart with those and the lower two with the other things. "Enjoy."
"Well, I'm sure the recipients will enjoy shorter recover times."
Off goes Maxim.
The medical primers contain both familiar techniques- When it comes to lower-intervention stuff like rashes, burns, coughs, allergies, infections and trauma- And a lot of new information on implant complications, nanomed pharmacology, and so on.
Of the two books 'Rusting Dreams' seems to have undertones of some sort of anarchist manifesto while meticulously chronicling the Resource Wars and the dissolution of the United States of America and the collapse of the midwest into the Badlands Desert and how things have remained terrible since, and how greedy corporations and short-sighted fascists are responsible for it. Corporations push drugs and sabotage each other and have murder squads. The fate of humanity is eternal war unless everyone is able to defend themselves, apparently.
While the Serisse World Encyclopedia subtly emphasizes all about the wonderful technologies and opportunities that capitalism and enlightened self-interest have brought about, allowing those with the skill and drive to innovate to live out their dreams! It also covers a lot of the new technologies in broad terms- Computers are apparently incredibly modular now, there's widespread fusion power and drone-based warfare, lots of fancy sounding recycling tech, 'neural spikes' can allow access to new knowledge, skills, and experiences when jacked in via implants.
It does sound like they'd need recycling tech! Who's at war at this time? What about, if they've mentioned their causus belli or offered terms?
There's a whole lot of fighting that gets declared "officially not a war" by those in power, according to Rusting Dreams. The Serisse encyclopedia admits to the following big conflicts: The Russian Federation is in an ongoing nuclear standoff with the EU. Nigeria is fighting Ghana over massive electronics landfills both want to mine and recycle. Vietnam is losing against China despite ANZAC backing. The North African Federation is occupying Israel over its 'history of aggression and terrorism'. India and Pakistan are doing a proxy war in south and eastern Africa. There's brush wars in South America. Texas is fighting the Mississippi Combine over farmland. The New California Republic is fighting the Republic of Montana, ostensibly because the Felmann corporation owns Montana and is undemocratic but maybe also over farmland.