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Pennies and dimes for a kiss
Demon Cam in Cinci
Permalink Mark Unread

The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow, this is a terrible place to do a summoning, anyone could have smudged the binding. If there was even an attempt at a binding, which, no, that pentacular thing doesn't count.

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His summoner takes a big gulp from a beer and nods approvingly before shaking her spray paint can. The music booms, and she has to shout to be heard at all. "Eyy, welcome to the party!"

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"This is a really dumb idea even for someone as drunk as you are!" he informs her over the music.

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"Well fuck you too! You're the one dolled up like some kind of mutie!"

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"I'm a demon, what did you think you were writing on the floor?"

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"Decorations! I'm not drunk enough to think demons are real, this shit is just cool!"

She starts on another circle with her spray paint. On the wall, this time. Someone stumbles past them both, brushing past Cam's wing. The song changes to a slightly less overwhelmingly loud one.

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Cam confiscates her spray paint. "You are too drunk to have any writing implements at all."

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Oh, we're moving on to violence? Okay then. She will attempt violence to get it back, starting with throwing the bottle and moving on to punches and kicks. She's surprisingly good for a drunk person.

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She can knock him over, and he's not going to hit back, but she's not getting the spraypaint.

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She gives up when they attract a few onlookers from the main dancing area. One steps forward.

"Problems, head? You've had a few. Nannie shot?" He waves a small pill bottle-looking canister.

"No way, I got drunk on purpose! Fucker took my spray!" His summoner complains, releasing him and standing up, swaying. "Came out of nowhere too."

"I think you need a nannie shot if you want to stay here, or a time-out, goth girl, since you threw the first punch. And you, I didn't see you come in, head. You don't like people appropriating the hell thing?"

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"I came here, from hell, because she summoned me, drunk in a crowded room like she's never heard of the Safe Summoning Authority, and if she keeps it up with the spray paint she could get somebody nasty."

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"None of that sounded real."

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"What rock do you people live under?"

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"What cult did you live under that told you you're a real-life no-shit demon instead of some kind of mutant?"

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"Oh, I didn't. I died first."

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"Sure you did. We're all just here to have a good time and I don't know either of y'all- Anyone know these heads?" He asks the crowd.

One of them says he recognizes Goth Girl, vaguely.

"So, yeah."

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"I mean, you can kick me out of this party if you want, but the thing where you're letting people do unsafe summoning is kind of a big deal."

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"I am in fact kicking you out of this party and ignoring the bullshit about summoning."

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Cam appears a lampshade on the fellow's head.

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He startles back, bats it away off himself, and pulls a knife. Several of his buddies pull blades too.

(The goth girl cackles, behind him.)

"...The fuck?"

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Peacetied sheaths appear on the knives. "I told you, I'm a demon."

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"...Why don't we go into a side-room that's a bit quieter? No need to air everything out in front of the crowd." He gestures vaguely. "I'll handle this, guys. Just be chill, okay?"

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"Cool by me."

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He hands the pill-tube thing to Goth Girl "I'll give you half a dozen later if I have to, just take it and sober up for now, it could be important." She grimaces, but presses it to her forearm, where it injects with a quiet 'hiss'. 

The guy indicates a door. Once they're all behind it and the music is much quieter: "So, I go by Cleaver and I'm still real confused, but it seems pretty important that we all get un-confused in this here situation."

The goth girl looks a bit sick and much more sober. "Same. Uh, call me Maxi."

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"I'm Cam. I am a demon. I have been summoned. I'm starting to be so incredulous that you don't know about demons that I've wrapped around to being unsurprised because this is some kind of alternate universe."

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"Sounds about right, seeing as you're acting like spraying the floor will get you fucked up and that's extremely not a thing from my perspective."

"Yeah, it's bullshit," agrees Maxi.

"Cause you sound remarkably eloquent for the insanity explanation, plus stuff did in fact, appear. How you wanna check, head?"

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"Well, if you spray on the floor in the wrong pattern, you will summon a powerful extradimensional entity and they aren't all as nice as I am. But since this is an alternate universe I guess this could be a fluke somehow, the only time in all of history of this universe that summoning has worked."

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"Matter conjuration and interdimensional travel is one hell of a claim, though. I'm game to try it if you want and it only involves, like, actual drawing."

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"I mean, ideally you do it safely, which in this case since I assume you don't want me to teach a semester-long course means that I make most of the circle and you finish it off because it won't work for me as I am non-human."

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"You aren't seriously believing this?"

"Where'd this lampshade and this nice sheath come from then, huh? Anyway, sure. If reality is how I think it is, which is what I'm banking on - much less strongly than before, sure, but still - there's no way for that to harm me that you couldn't manage already, after all."

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"Oh yeah, we're super dangerous if you don't do it right, I'm just a nice dude." He appears a circle with a highlighted gap in it and hands over a pen.

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"Oh, I believe you! Nice guys totally exist." Pen: Draws. The guy, Cleaver, stands back, arms crossed.

Maxi asks, "So you can make stuff? Like... Groceries and home repair stuff maybe?"

"Medicine," Cleaver adds. "Never enough of that in the slums. And I don't mean party drugs by 'medicine', either."

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"Yes, I can make all those things. ...if everything were going normally that circle would have been answered in less than a second."

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"So it's busted, or the one out there was a fluke, or you're confused in one or more ways."

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"Yes. But not about the thing where I can make stuff. That's working as I expect." He makes a chicken nugget and eats it.

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"So can I get some groceries?" Asks Maxi, who appears to be rapidly sobering up from whatever was in that white shot.

The other guy is scowling deeper and deeper. "I'm not gonna try and threaten you or anything. In fact, when you start making waves I'd appreciate not bein' named or referred to at all."

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"You gotta give me a list if you don't want to wind up with stuff you don't know how to cook," Cam tells Maxi. And, "Sure, I already forgot your name."

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"Uhhh...... Kimchi, Catfish filets- Or, wait, real steak! Sriracha sauce! Hold on, let me type up a wishlist actually!" She pulls out a phone.

"Great, I'd appreciate a case of nanite shots just like the one I gave her for the trouble on your way out. But not gonna insist. They do detoxing and that's about it. Oh and free tip, Tower Group Security shoots obvious mutants on sight so you might want to hide the extra appendages if you can."

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"What are they going to do if they shoot me and then I get right back up again?" Cam asks, handing over a case of the doodads.

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"Shoot you more? Try napalm and drone strikes? I dunno. Seems dangerous for bystanders though."

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"Yeah, worth avoiding. What do they have against my fetching appendages?" he asks, putting on a long leather coat that hugs his wings to his back.

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"Mutants are all one bad day away from being mass murderers, don'tchaknow. There's mental changes associated with biomods. It's for our protection, see? Total bullshit, obviously."

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"Wow. That's not how mine work, but I suppose if someone's been swallowing cherry-picked stories about folks with wings doing mischief then they might not stop to ask."

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"Tailed, muzzled, or fanged folks, more usually. Or those with exotic organs that do useful stuff. Grown ones. Metal ones are fine, for some reason." He leans forward and taps a small metal port under his ear. "Also, Tower are total assholes even besides that part. Welcome to Cinci, head."

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"That's such a charming thing to call people. I don't seem to have the dialect in enough depth to know how it came about that you call everybody 'head'."

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"Me neither."

He heads over to the door and hands off the box of nanite shots to a door-guard, letting in blaring music for a moment.

"Your shopping list almost done?"

She blinks. "-Uh, yeah, sure. What's your phone's KBID, demon guy?"

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"I don't have a phone. No service where I live in Hell."

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"Well, uh, maybe make one? Nobody trusts big providers you use local nets. Anyway, here." She spins her phone around. It's open to a notes app and lists fancy ingredients (a lot of them from Chinese cuisine) and a bunch of expensive-sounding pre-packaged meals. "And maybe an insulated tote. If I get robbed on the way home at least I'll have steak."

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"I can make a local phone but it won't be validly hooked up to anything and I'd need to pick a model." Bag of colding full of all the things on the list.

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"Sweet! Sinzil Sheen Pro, 2108 version, with a blank SIM. That's a phone I wish I had. Uh... What now?"

"Now you two get out of my party spot, 'kay? I wish you the best, completely sincerely. Exit's on the left, up the stairs."

"...'kay." Maxi heads to the door.

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Phone appears and goes in Cam's jeans pocket, and he follows Maxi out.

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They exit onto a ratty street where about one in three lights are working. There's a trash drift down the way, a line of rusty parked cars, a few panhandlers and a lot of people walking or standing around, and a forest of drones buzzing overhead. Maxi pauses at the exit for a bit, taking deep breaths.

"Urgh. I hate nannie shots on alcohol, even if being drunk was super not helping. Whatever. I'm going home now. Good luck with everything. And thanks again."

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"You're welcome. Sorry for yelling at you as though you ought to have known not to draw on the floor. Can I find you again if something comes up in some way?"

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"Yeah. Look for Maxi around the building with the Fat Burger stall in front of it, on 79th. My phone's KBID is-" She rattles off a number. "That's like, mesh networking, anyone could be listening in, by the way. But it'll work if you're closeish, usually. And... Reference nano shots and booze if you have to prove yourself to my sister?"

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"Okay!" Cam writes all this down on his own device. "Thanks."

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Off Maxi goes, affecting a confident poise and avoiding the worst of the trash, even if her stompy goth boots can handle it.

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Cam walks more or less aimlessly down the street perpendicular, not especially avoiding the panhandlers.

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A wild Old Man Panhandler appears.

"Spare change, stranger? You're new around here, I'll give you some tips."

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"I don't carry change. Do you want a sandwich?"

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"I certainly won't turn one down, at any rate."

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Cam hands him a sandwich full of cold steak slices and vaguely Asian condiments in a ziploc bag.

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"...Much appreciated. What brings you to Cinci anyway? If you like giving charity I can point the way there, if you like staying out of trouble too?"

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"I like giving charity but don't care much about staying out of trouble."

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"Most charities care a lot about staying out of trouble. Hard to rebuild a life when the Jags or Triads or Tower will just rip everything out of your hands again. There's a soup kitchen- Second right going that way, and then it's before the first right. Out of a little alley. Good folks. Another down by Henders Street- A church, still believing and doin' the Lord's work. Don't know the rest of the city. Going bigger, Saint Joe's, biggest hospital in the city in terms of bed numbers, they try their best despite all the bullshit."

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"Where would I find Saint Joe's?"

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"Just off Highway Six, exit twenty-three. Or if you don't have wheels, straight on that way to 46th street, then left a while. Giant red cross on the side of the building, can't miss it."

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"Thanks! Enjoy your sandwich."

Cam walks off straight on that way, not because he doesn't have wheels but because he wants more ground-level observations and also wants to remain inconspicuous.

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He can observe:

Lots of people. Lots and lots. Tired, stressed, frustrated for the most part. Just living their life, eating, chatting, playing games, working, shopping.

Drug use seems rampant, and the one time he sees an actual cop he pointedly ignores it.

A lot of people have these plastic spikes sticking out of their heads? Usually one, two at most. One person has more spikes than hair, and people give them glances as if they're a minor celebrity.

Tons of traffic. Way too much traffic, too many cars. Also drones, drones everywhere.

A line of 'stalls' in an alley, arrays of junk being haggled over by people with weathered faces.

A bunch of twelve to fifteen year olds with knives, claiming an entire alley as their own and chasing off anyone who tries to cross through.

Breaking glass, and a small gang of people in dark clothes actively stealing things out of the window they just smashed, everyone else avoiding them.

Hookers, both male and female, hanging out on corners. Drug trade on corners too, only tokenly concealed


Different gangs staking out shifting webs of claims- One dressing with dark slacks and jackets and openly carrying guns, the other full punk-style and favoring various melee weapons.

A Tower Group patrol walking leisurely down a street, four guys in black armor with assault rifles surrounding a full-on APC, tracked and armored with a cannon on top. Everyone stays well clear.

A ragtag construction crew loudly complaining that the city sure ain't gonna fix these potholes so we're doing it, throw in a tenner for the service anyone?

A good amount of misery, sickness, old and new injuries. Cyborgs walking around with both less and more extreme metal grafted to their bodies, usually kind of crudely.

And the buildings gradually get denser and taller, and there's 46th street.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow. This place is kind of hard up. Are the construction guys actually filling in the potholes? Enterprising of them.

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They really are filling in the potholes! Not, like, super professionally or cleanly. But hot asphalt is going into holes.

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Cool. He doesn't have any cash or he really might tip them.


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It's a pretty obvious place! The ambulances will point the way- He sees a few once close. Giant concrete cube of a building, with a huge red cross on it. The whole first floor is a massive lobby/waiting room/triage area in front, with emergency rooms to the sides and back.

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He will go looking for someone who looks like a general reception desk type rather than a nurse with better shit to do than entertain him.

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There's a desk full'a orderlies efficiently sorting people!

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"Hello! Do you take volunteers?"

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"Sometimes, what do you want to volunteer for?" This person is barely noticing him any more than necessary to see that he doesn't have any major wounds.

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"I've been to medical school - far away, and I'm not up on things like implant maintenance or anything, but I know some serviceable pharmacology and surgery."

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"-State of Ohio accreditations? We have to have 'em for lots of positions, for legal purposes."

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"Sorry, I don't think my credits transfer. Is there some kind of test I can take?"

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"Yeah, we can do the tests if you schedule ahead. There's fees. And many volunteer positions don't require it, but surgical and pharmacy absolutely will."

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"What positions don't require it?"

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"Orderly, warehouse, janitorial, counselor, generally support roles? I think looking at an accreditation is probably the best use of your time if you want to help people with your surgery and pharmaceutical skills. That or go find a less official charity hospital, if a legal presence is a problem for you. There's a few operations like that. We might be able to work something out for the test fees, I wouldn't know, not my department. We're supposed to sort people and send them on quickly up here."

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"Legal presence is at least slightly complicated, as are test fees but those I can probably rustle up. Where should I be hitting next?"

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"Admin, fourth floor, desk six!"

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"Thank you!"

Up and over goes Cam.

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Admin is actually kind of empty? It's got a sort of DMV setup to it. Desk six is labelled 'LICENSES AND ACCREDITATIONS'. It doesn't have anyone behind it.

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Is there a bell to ring? Anybody at desks five or seven?

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No bell. The guy at Five looks up from his papers, sighs, waves him over.

"We're understaffed. What do you need?"

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"I was sent here to inquire about licensing tests."

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"Oh? Oh, good! Great! Uh... Let me just..." Some device-poking occurs. "Okay, d'you have a medical school diploma or anything like that, or are we working with a badlands education?"

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"The lands are so bad you've never even heard of them."

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"Right. So what we recommend in this case is that you go down to the Covedale Night School and sign up for 'General Medicine Audit'. Fifty dollars, and that's just to keep the school running. They'll run you through some stuff that goes on the standard tests, give you a course cert with whatever name you give them on it if you know what you're doing, and then you can come right back here for the official Ohio general medicine test, which is two hundred. We get a lot of confused records and still need skilled professionals, so there's a path for it."

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"Gotcha. Do you have a minute for some background on the badness of my lands?"

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"Yeah, we'll need some of that for the paperwork anyway. Speaking of which, name, place and date of birth? Or I can just print the form."

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"I was born in 1987 in Forks, Washington. Is this already really surprising or should I go on?"

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"...You're looking mighty healthy for a, what, quadracenturian? I suggest putting down 2087 instead."

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"I'm actually only a hundred and seventy-two. I think I may be from an alternate universe. My education is all from a place where," he conjures up a pad of sticky notes in bright colors and drops it on the guy's desk, "everyone can do that. It affects some things."

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"It's, uh, 2118... I don't know how to deal with this. I want to declare it a prank..."

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Would he like a stapler. A snowglobe with a Martian city in it. A frozen solid ice cream bar Cam definitely didn't have anywhere on him for the last ten minutes.

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"So you have some sort of teleportation device?" He asks, sounding kind of faint.

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"No, this is all conjured new. If you want to direct me to somebody who's missing a limb and doesn't want a cyborg replacement, say..."

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He lets his head hit the desk. "You need my boss. Maybe my boss's boss. That's one nasty can of worms. I can't imagine who'd want to kidnap you, I can't imagine who wouldn't- Christ."

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"Yeah, I was sort of hoping to use this hospital as less a permanent workplace and more a way to get a native guide who wants to point me at the pockets of greatest need. I'm slightly hard to kidnap but it's probably not impossible."

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"We're here to help and if you can help us help more it'll be worth it but eugh. Can you make something that can't possibly have been prepared just for this as proof. So I don't look like an idiot when I interrupt Maxim."

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"Name it."

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"Uh, shit... Now I can't think of anything. Limited edition toys or comics maybe, he's into that stuff."

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"You'll have to specify, we probably have different ones in my universe."

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"......Leroy Softworks Last Golden Phoenix: Fall of an Empire iridium collector's box? They made ten."

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He compares it to a phone picture. "...Yeah this is probably good enough to interrupt Maxim with. Be right back."

He takes the box. The woman from desk three glances over curiously but goes back to her paperwork. A couple of nurses come in from the hall and head towards One.

The guy reappears from an office and waves Cam over.

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Over strolls Cam.

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Desk Five guy and some other guy, a mousey-looking fellow with hexagonal glowing irises, are inside.

"Close the door! And let's not write anything down about this until we figure it out! Situation: You can make stuff, even pretty specific stuff. Like say, refills for the Serisse nanite tanks that they charge three arms and two legs for. You're really not from around here. You want to do good and do more good later. And I'm not sure how we can verify much of that besides the 'make stuff' bit."

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"Are you the kind of person who will be reassured if I point out that I could be easily doing bad things if that was what I wanted to do things?"

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"A bit, but just a bit. Because 'some kind of long con' or 'wants an alibi' or 'wants some kind of patsy' or any number of other things are also options. Not that that will stop us from working with you? It just means some basic reasonable forethought, so please try to take in in that light? Call it cautious optimism?"

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"No, yeah, totally understandable."

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"So I'm thinking I can give you the tests for free and shuffle the paperwork along, just make sure you study the course materials first so it's not a waste. I'm head of accreditation and testing, mostly don't see patients anymore, but I know who to talk to in warehouse about large anonymous donations."

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"I love the sound of large anonymous donations!"

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"We'll fill a few dozen tractor-trailers, how about, then mark most of it as waste so it can go to independent operations or junk dealers who resell it dirt cheap."

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"That wasn't what I was envisioning but as long as it gets to patients in the end it's all good."

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"It's a massive insurance scam," He says, deadpan. "But we use it to our advantage. Bill, why don't you get the cheat sheets ready for Cam?"

"Sure, boss."

"Okay, I want to talk about medtech. Making stuff would change things. We use a lot of nanotechnology systems here, to get at deep damage without the trauma of surgery when we can."

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"Yeah, my universe is light on the nanotech - in addition to folks like me there are two other kinds and one of them can just change stuff on the spot, cleaner than surgery, though you want one like me for specifically transplant or dismemberment cases."

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"Okay, there's actually quite a lot, nanotech-wise, uh... The biggest thing is that excessive doses of nanomeds are contraindicated pretty much no matter what the individual interactions are, until the body naturally breaks down or expels some of them, the test for that is called a nanite load assay and we can do it with a one-milliliter blood sample or a tissue biopsy. What do you think about a shift as an orderly observing to go with the practice software Bill's loading up for you?"

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"Sounds brilliant. - I'm not limited to medical applications, incidentally, like I'm fine for that but when I'm oriented enough to scale up I'll probably want to be doing infrastructure and supply."

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"Not my expertise. Nobody will complain if you fix the roads, I'm sure. Well. Few enough that it'll probably be an improvement, anyway."

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"I noticed some enterprising fellows doing that! It was relatively cheering.

"Do you have... a model of why the economy is like this?"

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"What 'this' do you mean? The poverty? The legal snarls?"

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"The poverty, mostly. I know my world is very much enriched by daeva but even before that became a major input the trend was decidedly against poverty."

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"There were a lot of wars in the last two generations when all the easily mineable deposits of stuff started running out, and climate change really kicked in. Europe is doing fine."

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"Is it really hard to immigrate to Europe? How are Asia and Africa and South America?"

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"Not if you're well-off or have a useful professional skill. I think everyone's having a hard time, and the EU had the most functional response to it all? And North America the worst. Luna and El-Five are supposedly fully automated utopias, but you need to be a billionaire to live there."

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"Lagrange point five. Big rotating cylinder thing."

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"And they're expensive because... rocket fuel is expensive, the current inhabitants like having a cover charge...?"

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"I assume both? I'm not an economist, I'm afraid."

The other guy comes back with a battered tablet. "Here you go, this has all the standard general medicine modules on it."

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"Can you recommend me a history book or something? Also, is there a good place for me to hang out - like, on the roof or whatever is fine, just a place to loiter where I won't be in the way."

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"Hmm... Most I can think of are incredibly biased in one direction or another. Maybe Meyned's 'Rusting Dreams', or the Serisse World Encyclopedia 2117. They should be pretty... Opposite each other. I can get you a room in the Nurse Hive. We have a dedicated housing complex for the hospital."

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"I don't have to sleep, I don't need the place to have a bed."

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"It's still the only place I'm thinking of where we can get you immediately and you probably won't be disturbed or spied on. Or well, an empty office I guess?"

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"Whatever's convenient."

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They quickly locate an office that doesn't have anything confidential in it.

"I'll be gone overnight," hexagon eyes guy (Maxim) says, "Well, it's about two right now so I'm not leaving for a while. I'm going to go talk to my friend in Logistics now, okay? You can make one of my business cards if you need to contact me."

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"Sure, thanks! I'll do some reading, let me know if you urgently need ten units of AB-negative or whatever."

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"Trauma always wants more Kobiyashi blood packs, centipede sutures, and MedChem sets but I don't think it's urgent on a scale of minutes!"

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"Can you stash them in a cupboard somewhere if I give you a wheely cartful?"

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"Oh, definitely. Faking the papers is the hard part and I have that down to an art. Uh, gonna open and test a few for due diligence though. More sutures and blood than medchems. The kits are kind of big. No refrigeration necessary."

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Wheely cart. "How big?"

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He gestures. About like three rolls of toilet paper stacked on top of each other.

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Cam lines the top shelf of the cart with those and the lower two with the other things. "Enjoy."

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"Well, I'm sure the recipients will enjoy shorter recover times."

Off goes Maxim.

The medical primers contain both familiar techniques- When it comes to lower-intervention stuff like rashes, burns, coughs, allergies, infections and trauma- And a lot of new information on implant complications, nanomed pharmacology, and so on.

Of the two books 'Rusting Dreams' seems to have undertones of some sort of anarchist manifesto while meticulously chronicling the Resource Wars and the dissolution of the United States of America and the collapse of the midwest into the Badlands Desert and how things have remained terrible since, and how greedy corporations and short-sighted fascists are responsible for it. Corporations push drugs and sabotage each other and have murder squads. The fate of humanity is eternal war unless everyone is able to defend themselves, apparently.

While the Serisse World Encyclopedia subtly emphasizes all about the wonderful technologies and opportunities that capitalism and enlightened self-interest have brought about, allowing those with the skill and drive to innovate to live out their dreams! It also covers a lot of the new technologies in broad terms- Computers are apparently incredibly modular now, there's widespread fusion power and drone-based warfare, lots of fancy sounding recycling tech, 'neural spikes' can allow access to new knowledge, skills, and experiences when jacked in via implants.

Permalink Mark Unread

It does sound like they'd need recycling tech! Who's at war at this time? What about, if they've mentioned their causus belli or offered terms?

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a whole lot of fighting that gets declared "officially not a war" by those in power, according to Rusting Dreams. The Serisse encyclopedia admits to the following big conflicts: The Russian Federation is in an ongoing nuclear standoff with the EU. Nigeria is fighting Ghana over massive electronics landfills both want to mine and recycle. Vietnam is losing against China despite ANZAC backing. The North African Federation is occupying Israel over its 'history of aggression and terrorism'. India and Pakistan are doing a proxy war in south and eastern Africa. There's brush wars in South America. Texas is fighting the Mississippi Combine over farmland. The New California Republic is fighting the Republic of Montana, ostensibly because the Felmann corporation owns Montana and is undemocratic but maybe also over farmland.

Permalink Mark Unread


What's the state of space colonization?

Permalink Mark Unread

Going by these two reference books: Some lunar domes, a big cylinder at L5 lagrange point, and a lot of low and medium Earth orbit stations, in terms of serious population. Mars, some asteroids, and some Jovian and Saturnian moons have outposts, but nothing like a full city.

Permalink Mark Unread

Political control over unsettled parts of Mars?

Permalink Mark Unread

Divvied up between a bunch of big-name corporations, including Serisse.

Permalink Mark Unread

Damn. Do they have procedures for claiming captured comets or are those up in the air?

Permalink Mark Unread

The 2117 Serisse World Encyclopedia does not cover this.

Permalink Mark Unread

Are there unclaimed moons? Anyone doing shit on Venus or Mercury?

Permalink Mark Unread

Venus: Abandoned except for some unmanned satellites as 'too expensive'! Mercury has like a hundred people in an EU-run international science station, and has no other explicit claims. A bunch of the smaller Jovian/Saturnian moons are uninhabited, as is Deimos.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. It is not his life's ambition exactly but he will start drawing up tentative plans to take over Venus. Do corporations own everything or are there like. Governments.

Permalink Mark Unread

There are governments. Ostensibly. There is a State of Ohio, even. Rusting Dreams says that corporations might as well be governments in their own right once they have a private army.

Permalink Mark Unread

That does seem like it'd help if nobody's being too precious about formal recognition.

What is the current value of the dollar - is that even a thing anymore - and what's it cost for people to get from planet to planet?

Permalink Mark Unread

Ohio has Ohio Dollars, he's already overheard. Answering that more fully might require him to look for more reference material.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure. Encyclopedia, tell him where to find economics publications.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cambridge Social Science Archive?

Permalink Mark Unread

Marvelous. Back issues of the Cambridge Social Science Archive, where in you is contained the phrase "basket of goods"?

Permalink Mark Unread

Lots of places. Here's some currency information.

There's NCR dollars, Ohio dollars, and Texas dollars. In Ohio Dollars, it costs about OH$5000 to take a week long trip to Europe and OH$150k to take the same vacation in orbit. The average daily wage in Ohio is estimated at OH$70 per day if you include the Badlands and Cincinnatti's slums, or OH$110 per day if you don't, but the studies say this is hopelessly confounded and therefore just an estimate. Overall, OH$ seems about comparable to about 2020 US dollars in his universe, though prices are maybe moderately higher.

Permalink Mark Unread


What are the rules around starting a new corporation?

Permalink Mark Unread

You can do that in Ohio for a OH$100 filing fee!

...If you're an Ohio citizen.

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there a Cyberpunk Dystopia Delaware somewhere he can do it cheaper or should he pawn a hundred bucks worth of stuff.

Permalink Mark Unread

Grepping around references for a while will eventually find him a free New York registry as long as he promises not to sell drugs, weapons, or neural spikes and pay the sales tax.

Permalink Mark Unread

Drugs like meth or drugs like ibuprofen.

Permalink Mark Unread

The list of controlled substances is large and includes many of the things in his medical reference but not ibuprofen.

Permalink Mark Unread

Will there be a problem if he later starts a spinoff corporation differently incorporated that does his pharmaceuticals?

Permalink Mark Unread

He might need a lawyer to figure that out.

Permalink Mark Unread

Presumably those cost money?

Permalink Mark Unread

Presumably they do.

Permalink Mark Unread


Okay, is there a commodities market that he can drop into without it being a whole big to-do?

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a huge junk trade in Cinci. He can drop freight containers of mixed scrap on these various outfits for cash in hand.

Permalink Mark Unread

How much cash?

Permalink Mark Unread

Sounds like hundreds to thousands?

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, cool, he can probably hire a laywer long enough to get one interested that way. Corporate lawyers with relevant jurisdictional proclivities?

Permalink Mark Unread

Plenty of legal offices in the Policed Zone, in the center of Cincinnati.

Permalink Mark Unread

But will they handle a place incorporated in New York and planning to operate out of Venus, is the question.

Permalink Mark Unread

Their public facing websites do not provide an answer, being mostly slogans and 'success stories'.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. He'll read his medical textbooks, scanning for diffs, and when he's done with that he'll go sell junk.

Permalink Mark Unread

He needs to go north to the dump, then. It's pretty nasty up there.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah-huh. He will be trucking in this haul of 1980s-era batteries and household appliances, all appropriately beat up and dirty. Is anyone going to bother him on the way up?

Permalink Mark Unread

As long as his truck doesn't stand out too much, and he found a dark corner of some parking garage or alley to appear the truck in, nobody will bother him. There are some obvious places to do bulk selling - mixed junk, metal scrap, wire, old bricks, copper wire, empty fuel barrels, barbed wire... Wholesale prices listed on a giant board. Copper wire looks like the best deal on offer in terms of bulk to money if he wants to try again.

Old batteries and household appliances? Huh, nice find. The dealer hems and haws and eventually offers OH$2,500 for the whole lot.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, come on, it'd've been worth more than that back in the day when they decided to toss them instead of recycling them in the first place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What matters to me is what it's worth now after the expense of dismantling and sorting and shit, head. I'm not an electronics specialist either so I'd have to resell it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Man, if it weren't for travel costs" denominated exclusively in Cam's time "I'd find a competitor. It's not all electronics, there's washing machines and shit."

Permalink Mark Unread

He looks in the trailer again. Peels back a panel on one of the appliances.

"...Yep, washing machine. The fuck did you find it all anyway. Never mind, of course you won't tell. You know what? Fine, six grand. I'll sell it all off piecemeal. Annoying but as a one time thing, why not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Deal! Thanks, pal."

Permalink Mark Unread

He has a bunch of rough guys and gals unload everything after fetching stacks of bills from a safe.

"Stay safe out there, head. And you can always come back with more."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Might do, might do."

Off he goes to leave the truck somewhere that the the locals won't leave it lying around in the way too long and then to go find a lawyer.

Permalink Mark Unread

Finding a big law office requires getting into the PZs. There's a police checkpoint where they're making people walk through scanners. There are a few harder to find, scruffy looking law offices outside the zone, though. Not big firms.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can walk through a scanner! However, those look like not just metal detectors but the full on see-you-naked doodads and he still has wings. He will disappear in a quiet alley, slice and burn, and come back.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay, he can go in. Don't cause any trouble.

The PZs are much nicer. Approaching a 21st century city in a lot of ways. Still tons of drones around though.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam has nothing against drones in principle!

He chooses a law office and strolls right in.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Welcome to Mason and Wagner, do you have an appointment?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No, I am hoping to make one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay, great! What kind of legal assistance do you need today so I can determine the appropriate specialist?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would like to start a corporation which will initially be operating in the commodities space but may eventually" next week "integrate more industries with a view to ultimately claiming and colonizing Venus."

Permalink Mark Unread

"-Ambitious! Okay, so that's incorporation proceedings and perhaps consultation on commodity law? And maybe space law."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's right! And I assume there's very robust confidentiality but in case that varies I do want it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, we make a sincere effort at confidentiality and security, but cannot guarantee information security in many cases due to the nature of modern technology. And for example, corporate registrations are public record. I would advise not discussing any trade secrets in areas you haven't secured."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Understood! Do you have rules about lawyers working for your firm accepting gifts from clients?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"We do not, as long as they are not an inducement to act in an unethical manner or one that harms the company."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. How long will it take to match me with a lawyer, should I go sit down or come back after lunch or what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm checking right now!" And she is indeed working on two screens Cam can't see.


"Okay, I have an 11:00 with Ms. Lesaer, a junior partner with specialties in corporate, tax, and import-export law. The rate for junior partners is one hundred and ten dollars an hour. Does a one hour consultation sound appropriate? We do want a partial deposit ahead of time for new clients."

Permalink Mark Unread

"An hour to start sounds fine, though if she does have a two hour slot it might be prudent." He counts out some fifties from his junk cash.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Very good, I have it reserved, what name should it be under? Aaand here is a questionnaire to fill out before your session so you get the most out of your time!"

A slim desk printer extrudes a paper.

"We also have it available electronically."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm Cam Swan." He takes the paper.

Permalink Mark Unread

Type type, and giving him a bit of change, "Okay, you're all set for eleven and possibly until one! We'll show you up to Ms. Lesear's office when you come back. Or you're welcome to wait here."

The paper wants to know if he has a criminal record, where he is a citizen, biographic information, any ID numbers and the like, what his company will be doing exactly, where it will be operating, whether he is interested in security services, any legal concerns he has, and what his ideal result from a consultation looks like.

Permalink Mark Unread

No criminal record. Citizenship: It's Complicated. He puts his birthday down as September 13 but omits the year. Leaves a few things blank. Company will be doing commodities, physical delivery and also stuff like selling call options and so on, but also consolidating legible corporate infrastructure suitable to underly a future Venusian colonization attempt. It will operate "on Earth, for now". He would be willing to hear more about security services. He is concerned about his limited ability to demonstrate a legal identity and interface with systems that expect same and is hoping that acting through a corporation will help. Ideal result is colonizing Venus without giving anyone a reason to try to sue him into oblivion.

Permalink Mark Unread

The receptionist will take that back and wish him a good day. It's about 10:20.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will hang out and read more encyclopedia. How's the climate these days, do they have any good geoengineering or anything?

Permalink Mark Unread

They just baaaarely avoided a mass ocean die-off with gratuitous genetic engineering. Climate's slowly recovering now since all the really big extractive industry is now kaput and recycling is all the rage. Russia's climate is great, and they did some nuclear excavation in the 2060s and 70s. The Sahara is a massive solar field. The Amazon is still there. Lots of islands have sunk though and Florida is mostly gone. Oh, and the Midwest is now one giant desert, with abortive attempts to remediate this quickly abandoned as infeasible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Wow. Dust Bowl 2.0.

He studies his notes on the local medical texts to make sure he has the differences down till eleven rolls around.

Permalink Mark Unread

The receptionist shows him up! His lawyer is dressed in a Power Outfit, suit-like, very sleek and corporate. Subtle makeup. It looks like something one spends thirty minutes perfecting each morning. Her office is all glass and chrome.

"Mr. Swan, hello. I'm Eva Lesear. Attorney-client privilege means I'm not going to disclose what we discuss outside of this office deliberately unless you permit, or try to directly get me to help you commit crimes. You may scan this room for bugs if you prefer. The only ones that should be in here are two microphones and cameras on my personal devices, as well as some occupancy sensors. Our local network is quantum encrypted but there are no guarantees in IT security. Once you're satisfied with that, we can go over your legal concerns."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lovely to meet you, Ms. Lesear." Cam conjures for bugs to check, since he can.

Permalink Mark Unread

The only data-receiving devices present are Lesear's phone, laptop, some infrared and CO2-detecting occupancy sensors, and anything Cam has.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cool. "So, I am a magical being from another universe, and I can create arbitrary material objects." He materializes a deep fried mac and cheese bite. Nom.

Permalink Mark Unread


She stares at the food.

"So you're going to be selling commodities acquired in a non-traditional manner. No mining, recycling, or refining."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Right. I got the cash I needed to book you by selling a shipping container full of junk but if it wouldn't have looked suspicious it could have been all brand new. I left the truck lying around in a bad neighborhood because I didn't want to continue to own a truck."

Permalink Mark Unread

Her jaw moves slightly as she thinks.


"So I'm going to focus on the legalities of the situation, and that is that not having a verifiable source for your products is going to be suspicious as fuck to everyone with the power to audit things. Everyone is going to assume you're a money-laundering front, or a fence of some sort. Or possibly a competitor fucking with the market by dumping. You're going to want business advisors and bodyguards well as lawyers. In terms of actual incorporation, that's easy, we don't even need a real name or citizenship and we can get you a faceless bank account. You might have to worry about being sued if you sell electronics or other complex finished products- cloned organs, nanites, spikes- But I don't think that'll be a concern if you sell fuel, monocrystalline silicon, bulk copper, that sort of thing. You'll be theoretically based out of New York, with no additional work needed to sell anywhere in North America, except for NCR. We partner with a tax firm that can handle all your taxes. Here in Cincinnati, Tower Group Security or Touchstone Security, if you use the airport, will have the right to inspect cargo and almost always press for bribes to 'smooth the process along'. The same is true in a lot of major cities in the region."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't need bodyguards because I am indestructible but business advice would be good, can you recommend people?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mmm... Let me think on that. Your people will need bodyguards, then. And your cargos. Maybe if you get the recipient to provide transport and security, but actually getting things to the place they're meant to be without falling out of the truck is- Most of the service that distribution companies provide. One person is not a company- And I don't imagine you want to drive around talking to individual electronics fabricators personally."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd rather not, yeah."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How much graft are you going to tolerate and how well are you going to pay?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no personal needs and no materials costs, but I'm not sure how much that will leave in the budget even if I put absolutely all of it toward salary. I would rather not have corruption in the enterprise, I think it can be stamped out of a culture with swift and certain enforcement and there's no time to start like the present before I start a Venus colony."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's going to be a matter of presentation, the rules for your enterprise, your 'crew', being enforced with swiftness and certainty would certainly allow you to set ones that amount to 'no corruption', however you define corruption. Depending on what you mean by 'in the enterprise'. To get an idea of the space: Someone pays an employee to pass information about you to them despite a non-disclosure rule. Someone pays an employee extra outside the corporation to process their requests first. Same situation but it gets termed a 'rush order' and the company gets most of the money. One of your employees bribes Tower Group's gate guards to get their shipments through faster. Some of your employees pay gangs protection money. Some of your employees try to exclude certain people from the company's services. Someone threatens your employees for kickbacks, and the employee provides them instead of reporting it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bribing someone outside the company doesn't, I think, present quite the same problem, and I don't mind people, like, getting bonuses for processing rush orders. I don't really want the employees compromising their personal safety if paying out to gangs and extortionists is called for, and that suggests I'm going to want to spend a lot on security to make sure it's not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, you're paying for legal advice, not business advice, so I'll return to the matter at hand. I do recommend you retain a criminal lawyer and security services as one method of attack against a perceived new competitor would be... Motivated investigations and seizures and detention of people by security companies, let's say."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Good thought. Can you recommend someone?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't often found companies with no structural backing and a miraculous source of infinite free materials. In terms of criminal defense, I'm obligated to mention my own firm but we don't specialize in it."

She is making some kind of face. It's hard to tell what kind of face, but definitely some kind.

"And it seems like you would do well with colleagues that closely align with your viewpoints. So in that frame of view I can recommend one Mrs. Amber Bacon, of Cook and Bacon Legal- Yes, the name's an inside joke. We went to school together and Mrs. Bacon struck me as idealistic to the point of naivete at times. Though she grew out of it enough to function as a lawyer. She's a public defender and very good at it. And for security services your options are basically Touchstone, Tower, rent-a-cop outfits, or building your own security team."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What should I know about Touchstone and Tower?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Tower Group are in charge of the perimeter between Cincinnati and the Badlands, as well as keeping order outside the Policed Zone in downtown. They often face combat with anarchist cells that attack the walls or use car bombs, and sometimes fight gangs inside the city. Touchstone is in charge of security for the airport and other long range travel depots, and often acts as an anti-smuggling force against the various cartels. They're owned by the same parent company, share information and resources often, and are widely considered fairly brutal and corrupt, considered necessary by some and overbearing by others. Though Tower Group is overall worse than Touchstone. Technically neither company has the power to convict people of crimes worse than misdemeanor. Merely to gather evidence, make arrests, and detain for up to thirty days for misdemeanors. The Cincinnati Police Department or Ohio State Police have to gather evidence and prosecute for crimes worse than misdemeanors, though they cooperate with Touchstone and Tower Group sometimes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Man, this timeline is sure in a state and by state I mean corporate oligarchy. How doomed is rolling my own security?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not... Entirely hopeless. Legally speaking, you'd need to get approval from the State of Ohio to act as a security company. There's trainings, certifications, inspections... We could help with most of that, but it's still something you'd hire someone to manage any prospective guards for. Depending on what exactly you can make, superior equipment and pay might attract a lot of semi-professionals, disciplined types who will follow your rules of engagement. I'm not sure. Keeping it limited at first, to just guarding shipments or a warehouse, would help on that front. If you want to go with informal, unofficial security - that is, not an official state-certified security force but rather, effectively, a gang you build up protecting you - you just have to avoid giving them explosive weapons with a yield of more than four ounces of TNT, guns of a caliber above zero point three inches, drones carrying weapons, or any chemical or biological agents. Armor and smaller weapons and other equipment are covered under the inherited second amendment. It doesn't give you any serious protection from investigations, but the reality is that even just a show of force will prevent the bulk of trouble that might come your way."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can make most things, but don't want to counterfeit money specifically, that way lies problems."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hence the commodities. I foresee some potential copyright issues too..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"How seriously do people take IP law here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, it's violated constantly at the low level, but SensPerience spikes in particular have robust copy protection nobody understands, that has held up for over a decade. So I'm sure they can and will kill over it and convict the corpse of felonies, if they think someone can. It'd be in your interest to be unable to."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. My own anti-hacking protocols rely on my brain chip and the chip is safe for humans but this won't help if they're going to complain about duplicated, say, technology."

Permalink Mark Unread

"If a duplicated skill spike works normally, they will freak the fuck out about that news. I have a neural port and could test that... But if a duplicated spike works abnormally instead of just not working, it could cause issues."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would expect it to work normally or to not work at all but I suppose it's possible they're, I don't know, sinisterly uploading people into the spikes to make them work and if the upload is disabled the spike will attempt to put malware in your head, is that the kind of thing that's remotely plausible? I can't make minds."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Doesn't sound plausible. It's just that it interacts with brains, so the downside is high impact even if low probability. I'd try it out and cover this attempt in our confidentiality for two kilograms of gold."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You're lowballing, unless that's all you want to fit in your bag on the way home or something. Is it safe to use one in a Faraday cage, another way it could fail would be if it has an authentication protocol and I wind up with a dupe serial number or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes exactly and also I want to maintain a working relationship here and also gold is easily fungible unlike, say, osmium or prescription drugs. They don't require a network connection, you can use them in faraday cages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. Let me think for another minute here... pretty sure they're not magic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Pretty sure magic doesn't exist. Or I was. The memory-recording ones anyone with the right kit can write to, that might be less risky?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can get you one of those, sure. What form factor would you like your gold in?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Random jewelry? As for which, the hang-gliding one I watched yesterday at lunch?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam fills a sack with wedding rings and chains and bracelets and ear studs and suchlike. And hands her a spike.

Permalink Mark Unread

She takes a deep breath, and plugs it in, a narrow port just behind the ear.

Her posture shifts back and she looks distant.

And then she blinks out of it with a smile. "Seems to work fine. I don't know if skill or data spikes would be the same, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do you want to try one now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"May as well. I don't have a good candidate for data spike, but SensPerience number 73, Basic Medical Skills, works for a skill spike?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure. What does that even do, do you keep the skill if the spike comes out?" Spike.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not really. You can practice with it in, but... Hard to describe. Like instinct and muscle memory. You don't think about how to walk. You just walk." Deep breath. Swap out the spikes. Blink. "-And with this, I don't think about so much as know that I'm slightly dehydrated. Hmph. Some variants make you faster, or more perceptive, or other things. And there are at least rumors of malicious spikes."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam hands her a glass of water.

Permalink Mark Unread

She drinks it, then unplugs the spike.

"I sincerely advise you to never let on that you made spikes. And possibly to destroy these in case they can be discovered as duplicates with some kind of serial number or RFID scan."

Permalink Mark Unread

He picks them up and interpolates them to dust as he drops them into her wastebasket.

Permalink Mark Unread

"...What do you want your corporation to be called? In terms of business advice, by the way, I'm thinking turning a profit is not going to be a challenge so the real issue will be building influence and an organization. More and more as I think about it, I am having the idea of giving one or more large corporations sweetheart deals so they'll be interested in protecting you from retaliation, even if they're also interested in taking control of you. But again, though I work with businesses and somewhat understand the shark tank, I'm not the best for it. I'm going to have to do a lot of research regarding the colonization of Venus. Selling mass in low earth orbit could be extremely profitable but it's also likely to be extremely remarkable, so perhaps best avoided..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I want to call it Atriama." He spells it. "Mass in low earth orbit, what do you mean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Selling bulk water ice or steel or titanium or glass or other commodities to orbital enterprises, by making the materials in orbit. If you buy commercial cargo-lift service it'd be different, but that's barely an advantage."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't mind attracting attention eventually, but I don't really want to have to spend all my time falling over and having to get up again because people are shooting me or whatever."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh huh. Still, better to put it off until you're prepared for it, correct?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Quite. Also I have a secret weakness. - it won't harm me but it will get me out of the picture."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't want to hear any more about it, I think. Do you want to hear about taxes or just let us handle all that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd love to never have to think about taxes if that is a service you offer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It is. I assure you the rates are high but not ridiculous."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I am willing to believe you. I care about money almost not at all except insofar as it buys me cover, anyway."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mhm, I'd like to work for you on a consulting basis. I think you can trust me to look out for my own enlightened self-interest and cooperate given how I already know some dangerous secrets, and I smell a winning horse and want to hitch my wagon to it. Okay, we'll handle the taxes. I think let's get started on the reading and signing things part of the day."

She pulls out some papers from a drawer, and a pen.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam believes in reading things before he signs them!

Permalink Mark Unread

The corporation Atriama will be established as a Limited Structured Company registered with the State of New York...

...Intending to act in accordance with applicable commercial and environmental law...

...Aforementioned corporation agrees to retain the services of Mason and Wagner Legal as pertains to administration of tax obligations...


He's going to found a company called Atriama. Atriama intends to pay its taxes and follow the law. It has to store its money in an official New York bank account, and fines come straight out of that. The legal firm will have the ability to authorize transactions for tax purposes and make, view, and keep records of all his bank info, for the express purpose of doing his taxes for him.

Ms. Lesear explains everything patiently. Nothing seems too out of place or has completely unreadable amounts of legalese.

Permalink Mark Unread

Campbell Mark Swan goes the signature. His handwriting has atrophied somewhat over the years.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Aaand now I submit this electronically and you'll soon have a bank account. Want me to sort out a website too? Want me to look into the prospects of selling medical supplies, or internationally, or is commodity work fine for now?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd like to be able to do medical supplies and international sales, yeah. I guess a simple contact form and list of services would be a good idea but I think I don't want a big splashy web presence."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's what I was thinking, just a small thing to show presence. How should we contact you and how often do you want updates, checkins, and so on? -Oh, New York approved the sign-up. I have your bank info here, you'll want to take it down- Cash deposits and withdrawals only in full branches, inside the PZs. Many slum businesses just use cash, but many will accept and pay in bank transfers too, especially the larger ones. Tower Group, Green Dragon, that kind of scale, definitely will."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam takes notes. "You can reach me asynchronously by writing a letter entitled 'letter to Cam' and then not sending it. If you need me in an emergency probably we should be able to get in phone contact."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Almost all electronic communication is vulnerable. The popular solutions to this are various forms of security through obscurity, obsessively strong cryptography, and in-person meetings. This phone has a satellite receiver and service with Helix, you should probably get the same- I can sign you up for it if you make the device."

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam pulls out his Sinzil Sheen Pro. "Will this do or do I need a different kind? I could also get you my kind of computer security, with the brain chip, but I admittedly don't know what your port is already interacting with and there could be some contraindication."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Let's not until you get a doctor on board. The spikes were... Exciting. That seems too novel. Sinzil makes good stuff. Let me see it for a bit?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam hands over the phone. "Writing me a letter and not sending it is completely secure against anybody but more of me but I don't think there are those around here, so the real issue is if I need to tell you something confidentially, otherwise you can just call and say 'hey check your mail'."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Urgent confidential communications to your lawyer seem less likely, yes. Not impossible..."

She is doing things on his phone now.

Permalink Mark Unread

Phone things for a few minutes.


"There. Flipping this icon on makes it connect to Helix only, turns off everything else for security. It'll take a bit to connect. And then you can call me in the priority contacts in the Helix app- Under Eva Lesear, right here. I didn't put the New York Bank app on here because that would be an unwise security move. Anything can be hacked and stolen if enough angles are exposed."

"So, some final notes. Mrs. Bacon is your best bet for criminal defense particularly, if someone attacks your organization with malicious arrests, but there are probably going to be a dozen other things to take care of. You can contact me whenever you like, consider me on retainer." She pats the bag of jewelry, which jingles slightly. "I'd even be happy to act as a manager or company face if that starts proving frustrating or difficult to hire for. I still don't know anyone I'd recommend trusting with the secret, and telling managers 'sell, sell, sell at rock bottom prices' without the secret might be complicated."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I already told a couple random people at the hospital. And there are a couple other randos who know."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I have no idea how likely it is to spread and be believed. You're the one who's assuming risks, there. And I want to emphasize again that I take the confidentiality seriously, I'll keep to it, but I want to do anything and everything I can to remain involved in whatever comes next. It'll be as much a paradigm shift as the industrial revolution or the information age."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You wanna live on Venus?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Once it's safe," she hedges.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, yeah, I'm going to terraform it and in the meantime we're gonna do a dirigible thing above the cloud layer."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Isn't the atmosphere very thick? Opposite problem of Mars?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yup. Breathable air will float a balloon."

Permalink Mark Unread


"When it's safe. Say... When a hundred people are there and nothings gone wrong in three months."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Valid not to want to be an early adopter."

Permalink Mark Unread

Shrug. "I practically think in risks sometimes. Should have been an actuary, I think sometimes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, I feel fortunate to have encountered you and it wasn't as an actuary."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It doesn't hurt that law is kind of exhausting. Though I'm sure some people would say that about any job. You should take steps to verify me."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I suppose it would defeat the purpose to ask you what those steps should be but I don't actually know how to do that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, anything I say could be aimed at- Yeah." She shakes her head. "I don't mind being investigated for this, is what I'm saying, but if you don't have an obvious place to start that's valid."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I could just conjure your personal correspondence but I don't really like doing that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think the usual way is hiring a PI, checking for employment history, criminal history, possible loyalties to inconvenient people or organizations, and then only increasing trust and access level slowly."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, you already know enough to be mightily inconvenient and I think I can pay better than whoever else you're working for."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes. I think the plausible deniability of receiving a much, much better offer from Atriama will cover my departure. I definitely would like you to hire security services though. I don't want to die if someone gets bright ideas."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Absolutely. Does this universe have any cool personal defense doodads you might like while that's getting sorted out?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"For personal defense it's mostly escort, support, augmentations. And bullet resistant casual wear. And armored cars. Augs... I already have a biomonitor but there is much more you can add. They take weeks to implant safely though. There are a few smaller but reputable outfits around, mercenary wise. I will do my research and have a pick when you start making money?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. And now I guess I have to figure out how to break into the market."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fuel. Go to one of the larger distributors and offer them a tanker full, twelve thousand gallons of fuel ethanol, at a no-questions-please price of ten thousand dollars."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, that's better than I got for the junk, good thought."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod, nod. "Random junk, they have to sort through. Fuel, there are oneshot chem analyzers. Bulk copper wire might be good too. Huge rolls of fiber optic, building materials... All of it less head-scratching and more saleable than mixed junk. There's a lot of stuff the city will buy, but relatively little of it in job lots."

Permalink Mark Unread

Nod nod. "I left my junk truck lying around to be gutted and stolen but I don't know that I can reasonably do this with a tanker..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hire a driver and buy garage space somewhere? Take over a trash warehouse and put in all new locks and electrics yourself? This is starting to require boots on the ground, though. I'm much more of a corporate face than a ground level commerce one- Me dressed like this with a goon with a gun by my side will make most interference think twice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What goes wrong if I go find some goon-looking folks who like being paid in gold?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"They don't trust you because you're not local. They prefer cash, food, booze, drugs, or gas to gold. They report some of what you're up to to someone else, probably one of the gangs. Someone thinks you're a new gang and decides to resort to violence about that. They steal the stuff you're trying to sell. Someone has debts or violence following them."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there a standard solution for any of this or does it just come with the territory?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It kind of comes with a territory. I've never really lived in the outer city, but I work with clients who do sometimes, and that's what I hear. You can work with local fixers to resolve some of this- As long as the money keeps flowing, they don't want to end a good payday."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Okay. So if I wander in a dubious neighborhood and find somebody whose vibe I like and they agree to work for me in exchange for ramen or whatever, we're in business?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Someone whose vibe other people seem to like, too. And we're talking stacks of beer crates and fridge-fuls of food, but that doesn't sound like a bad approach."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cool. I will pencil that in to my schedule."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's nearing an hour. I can keep going if you want, but it'd be a good break point now. To sum up: Atriama Corp exists and you have the bank info. Don't sell drugs or weapons. We'll handle taxes. You have my contact info and I yours. I'll be looking into space law, I'm confident you're going to be able to pay those billable hours, and stay here for at least another day or so, until you have money in the bank, then be working as a legal and general consultant for you. I need to do some office politics for best results of my leaving anyway. Fuel is the standout product idea. No spikes. Can I have, mm, a Sinzil paraline series heavy coat, neck protector, gloves, pants, and boots? They're bullet-resistant clothes that don't look like armor, very expensive normally. Or is that not specific enough?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Should be enough, do they come in colors or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think there's a few variations. Different shades of grey and black, please."

Permalink Mark Unread

Tasteful monochrome.

Permalink Mark Unread

They're pretty snappy. Somewhat different style than the power suit she's currently wearing. She looks them over, tugs at one bit to see how it stretches (it mostly doesn't), and smiles. "These will do fine. I should probably stop accumulating stuff to take home for now. Best of luck out there."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. I'll try to remember to check my mail more often than once every few days."

And he strolls out.

Permalink Mark Unread

He's already squared up on the bill for one hour, so nobody will stop him!

He's now on the street in the PZ. Smartly dressed delivery-people are unloading a box van nearby. Bright animated billboards flash over most buildings. There are distinctly no beggars, graffiti, or trash visible.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, he's going to go back to the general area where he first landed, maybe by way of the hospital if that makes geographic sense.

Permalink Mark Unread

The hospital is on the way-ish. (The guy he met before can show him to a cavernous disused garage sublevel where dozens of trailers of medical supplies can mysteriously appear! He's still awake! For now!)

Permalink Mark Unread

Yay, a cavernous disused garage! Cam fills it up.

And then he heads back to where the pothole guys were working. He wants to tip them and see if they know anybody. He likes their deal.

Permalink Mark Unread

They're now doing street cleaning. Gathering the trash drifts and compacting them down with a fun-size compressor box, even as random passers-by just casually toss more trash down. A bunch of 'em are fussing with one of the busted light poles. A few minutes' observation picks out a pair of foreman types.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam heads over and hands them a couple of twenties. "I like what you guys are doing. Find a thing to do and do it, that's the only reason anything ever happens."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Well, much obliged! There's always more work to do and everyone has their own worries, right? But that's the goal here. Local people doing local things, and giving some of the folk who need it most some work, too. Donations to that cause will always be well received. I haven't seen you around here before though, what's your name? I'm Iras, and that's Ben."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm Cam, lovely to make your acquaintance. I was wondering if you know anybody who might want a security job, the last person I talked to about it didn't know the right kind of folks but I hope I'm right that anyone you recommend is the kind I'd want to work with."

Permalink Mark Unread

They look at each other warily.

"That kind of thing sure depends a lot on the specifics, head. What kind of security?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Bodyguarding, cargo shipments."

Permalink Mark Unread

Skeptical looks all around. "Oh yeah? Say a little more?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm starting a company in the commodities sector and have been advised that somebody's going to try to steal all my stuff if I just drive it places hoping to exchange it for money, or try to assassinate my lawyer, or something like that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sounds about right."

"The problem is we can't vouch for you. I'm sure you could find someone willing to get behind a wheel, but it could be trouble, handing out names to out of towners we don't know, up to some kind of strange business."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That is incredibly legit, I'm not local at all. How do people usually demonstrate their bona fides?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hanging around for at least a few days and getting to know folks. Getting your name around, being known. Letting people see what kind of player you're going to be."

"Donating to the neighborhood watch... Two fifty is the standard if you want to go above and beyond. Or some free products could do."

"Get an information broker to vouch for you. Hire a crew for this and that, low commitment stuff, and treat them well."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, that sounds good. I wanted to sell off some fuel, that could be a one-off. What kinds of products do you folks most find yourselves short of?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fuel ethanol, electrical-grade copper wire, fiber optic. Bricks, plascrete sheeting, insulation foam."

"Coffee, bits and bobs and gubbins for repairing our gear..."

"Could always use more nanite shots and first aid kits. Maybe some hard hats and hi-vis gear. You said commodities, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I have lots of stuff, commodities are just the most fungible."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh huh. As long as nobody's going to come looking for the stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nobody is going to come looking for the stuff and be telling the truth about it, at any rate."

Permalink Mark Unread

"And it's not like this is diamonds we're talking about. We certainly appreciate it. This association covers this block and the two to our south- We're based out of the old disco palace."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Neat, is it worth my hitting up people there too or a neighboring similar org or nah?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"You should head around and have a chat, yeah. Maybe visit Frank's Bar and get to know the block there too. Just... Generally get to know the place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Can you get me directions?"

Permalink Mark Unread

They give him directions. One of them suggests Basja's coffee cart as the latest actually decent cup of Joe around.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm a sucker for homemade, but thanks for the tip."

Off he strolls.

Permalink Mark Unread

(Now, see, that's a quiet mark against him. Not supporting the community. Not that anyone says anything.)

These blocks are much like the rest of the city he's seen, with a bit more visible now that he's close. One of the buildings is some kind of catfish farm. Another is an impromptu workshop. There's pawn shops, a laundromat, a bar, a barber shop, a tattoo place, clothing stores. Street stalls selling stuff, cyborgs being watched by everyone as they walk around with obvious metal, drug dealers working out of alleys, and a lot of people just kind of hanging out. A courier on a scooter races past, making use of the recently cleaned streets to zip by.

And a big Disco Palace, still with the brightly colored marquee, though the neon's not on.

Permalink Mark Unread

Disco Palace! In he goes.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a bored looking woman standing just inside, punk type clothes and holding a metal baseball bat.

"Hey, head. This place is a neighborhood association of sorts. What'cha up to?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was directed here by the folks who were cleaning up a couple blocks from here! I'm hoping to hire some security and I like the guiding ethos of picking up where there's no formal services and getting it done anyway so I hoped y'all would know some people interested in looking intimidating at people, driving cargo around, that kind of thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"...And we're supposed to just trust you on that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I was informed that this is a tall order, yeah, so I'm supposed to like, see and be seen, become a familiar face and whatnot."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uh huh. I'm Wendy. You? Where are you staying, anywhere nearby?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm Cam and I've been doing some volunteering at the hospital and they were kind enough to issue me a berth about it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"We'd all be worse off without Saint Joe's, yeah. Everyone's got their own shit to worry about though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"No doubt. What's the most worrying thing around?"

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"What've they been pulling locally?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"One of the bulls has a grudge against old Kev, keeps arresting him for nothing shit, out to the slammer for a week, and who's going to watch Kev's daughter and take care of his old man, huh? Also, they shot my neighbor when pursuing some fucking idiot who robbed a Green Dragon."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow, fuck that."

Permalink Mark Unread

"With some rusty rebar."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Amen. Kev's folks want a bag of groceries or anything?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Probably wouldn't say no? This place is more a gathering spot, clinic, and repair place. Lots of repair. And swap meet. Go on if you like. Just don't go upstairs, that's private."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, it's a clinic? I did med school and just don't have the certs the hospital wants for most things."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah. We have a crash team too. Heads on bikes with medchem kits in the saddlebag. Our own personal slum ambulance." Sardonic smirk. "'Course, folk have to actually call for help. It was head by name of Roland's idea. He came in a few weeks ago, big plans like you. He has a crew kind of parallel to ours now. Not really a local, and not totally sure what he's up to besides dealing spikes and keeping the Modes off our backs mostly, but maybe the kind of guy you wanna meet."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Maybe! Where would I find him?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ask around at the noodle bar down the street. And medical assistance wouldn't go amiss if you prove to Emmy you're not a total hack."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Where's she?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Wendy points at a whiteboard on a stand where a plus sign has been drawn in red Sharpie, next to a door down the Disco Palace hall.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cam goes over there.

Permalink Mark Unread

It contains a makeshift clinic (cots, curtains, shelves with first aid kits and stuff on them), and a middle-aged lady poking at a computer.

"What'cha need, hun?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nothing, wondering if you want some help around here but it doesn't look too busy. I have training but not the credentials the hospital wants yet."

Permalink Mark Unread

She huffs.

"It's never busy until it is. Also, most people don't want to get things checked until they're much worse than they would have been otherwise. Nice to meet you, I'm Emma. I'm not even a nurse, I just have first aid training and self-help books, so... Cleaning and bandages and splints and detox shots and telling people they really ought to get to Saint Joe's."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm Cam! I've also been volunteering at Saint Joe's, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"So why stop in? Just saying hi? Want to impress me with your knowledge?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Not especially unless you have questions I can answer, just wondering if you needed anything. I could probably hook you up with any supplies you're low on, f'rinstance."

Permalink Mark Unread

"To burnish your good name amongst these hallowed halls, no doubt. Not that I'd blame you, exactly. Just get me what you can, preferably of the easy to use stuff, iff'n you're in a giving mood. Or textbooks from wherever not-accredited place you learned from."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Mostly not in English. I don't know what you're short on, do you need ibuprofen, surgical glue, antibiotics, sharps, what are we missing here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Medchem kits, nice and robust and modular, I'm really starting to get the hang of 'em. Sterile everythings. Dermal glue and surgical tape? Nanite shots. Like I said, kind of anything except weird drugs I don't know what to use for. Cododecamol, not Ibuprofen, and not co-codomol either. Cododecamol. What is this the 30s? Codeine or tramadol for hard cases, though if you're going that far I also need a sturdy safe for them. I'd get the hard-heads to bolt it down and everything."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think ibuprofen is underrated, especially compared to codeine, but I'll see what I can do." Conveniently his computer doesn't seem to stick out very much here.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Cododecamol acts faster so people don't take too much, and it has fewer side effects."

Nah, it doesn't stick out. Mental control is relatively fancy shit and most people are using touchscreens, but enough people have mentally controlled doodads that it seems to be parsed as 'fancy' not 'outlandish'.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll swing by later with what I can scare up."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sorry I can't tell people you know what you're doing quite yet! Feel free to impress me with some medical tidbits that sound like you do. Bribery works too, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I think we come from really different backgrounds of practice and I don't know what will be impressive! I've been told I'm particularly good at open heart surgery but you do not seem to have anyone who needs it here right now."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah I am not equipped to evaluate that claim at all."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I didn't think so, yeah. So let's go with bribery. I'll see you later."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, see you later I guess. See if you're talking shit or not."

Permalink Mark Unread

"That's the idea, yup."

Off he strolls. Can he find a good place to duck out of sight and come out with a dolly covered in boxen?

Permalink Mark Unread

The place seems pretty watched? Kind of crowded here, and lots of people playing lookout or bouncer over this or that. Best bet is a parking garage down the way. Or maybe an alley of seemingly-disused boarded up garage doors.

Permalink Mark Unread

Parking garage is good, especially if it has an uncamera'd elevator he can get into alone.

Permalink Mark Unread

Cameras are everywhere. Can he tell which ones are busted? (It is: More than half of them.)

Permalink Mark Unread

With a little fiddling in his pocket, yes! He chooses an elevator with neither people nor a functioning camera and strolls into it.

Permalink Mark Unread

This elevator is broken.

Permalink Mark Unread

Will the door at least close?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, if he pulls on it.

Permalink Mark Unread

Ugh, no, there are probably functioning cameras outside the elevator and that looks like he's going in there to pee or something. Is there a stairwell with a busted camera?

Permalink Mark Unread

Yeah, this whole area that was once maintenance or something is cameraless.

Permalink Mark Unread

That'll do. In he goes. Out he strolls with the dolly full of boxes. The boxes are empty at the moment, he doesn't know how likely he is to get robbed on his way back to the clinic.

Permalink Mark Unread

The answer is: Very. A tag team, one woman stumbling into his cart and her accomplice vanishing into an alley with a box while he's distracted.

Permalink Mark Unread

How tragic. He will help the old woman up and then turn back to go get another box.

Permalink Mark Unread

This time he has an escort waiting at the garage exit. Two of the construction guys from earlier, one holding a shovel and the other a big hammer.

"Heard about you from the foreman. We'll walk you back to Disco Palace or wherever, new face. Those two are getting too bold..."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, thanks! They only got my decoy box but I appreciate it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Heh, nice."

"I have a decoy wallet, that's saved me from picks once or twice. You familiar with slums law?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm not, please enlighten me!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's the rules, head. The rules everyone plays by, because the actual law is a fucking joke. Basically, you can fuck specific people over without getting in trouble from anyone but them and theirs, but if you fuck everyone over- Start running gunfights, start fires, fuck with the pimps, start robbing people in broad daylight so Tower takes an interest- You'll find yourself in trouble from everyone. A kind of group shunning. Shops are closed when you're around, prices are double, your dealer doesn't remember you for a few days. And maybe someone comes and beats you up, or steals your shit, or keys your car, to make a point out of it."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess that's the kind of thing that would emerge without adequate policing, yep."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Adequate policing'. Pff. About as real as 'military intelligence'. You from Europe or something?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Eh, you wouldn't've heard of the place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Sure, sure..."

His two volunteer guards will make smalltalk about the day's work the rest of the way.

Permalink Mark Unread

And when Cam reaches the clinic he can deliver his non-decoy boxes.

Permalink Mark Unread

Emma incredulously looks through the boxes.

Permalink Mark Unread

He didn't want to make it too ridiculously tailored but there's a bunch of things she wanted in there.

Permalink Mark Unread

She starts shelving things with a slight smile.

"I can give you a couple hundred bucks if you don't want all of it to count as a neighborhood donation."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Nah, count it all as a donation. It probably has tax advantages or something."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll spread the word. Your medical treatment today- Sponsored by Cam, who's hiring local heads."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I appreciate that!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I mostly sit here doing computer things when there's nobody to treat, what are you into aside from this rumored distro company?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"What, like my hobbies? I play the violin."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh! You should find Lewie, he has a piano. I have no idea if he's any good, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll make a note of that." He does.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Just trying to help with the 'become a known face' thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's helpful! I don't know if I'll wind up implementing all the suggestions but it's good to have examples."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I reckon just this will be enough that nobody gives you too much squinty-eyes about a couple lads joining your crew, for light work at first. More get to know you stuff."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Marvelous. Do you want my email, to give out or let me know if you have too many empty shelves in your back room?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...I don't have an email address, head. I use CryDrop, it's less traceable. Networked stuff in general gets hacked all the damn time around here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I can probably set that up." Is this something he can figure out in five minutes from his phone?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a crypto program in the vein of some sort of VPN. Is he going to set it up here and now?

Permalink Mark Unread

Is there an obvious reason not to?

Permalink Mark Unread

Well, if he can't think of one, maybe not?

Permalink Mark Unread

"Is this the kind of thing where there's a zillion fake versions I could be downloading and I have to get it from somebody whose copy is known clean?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh! Definitely. Uh... I kinda paid a bunch for my copy, from a reputable guy for assurance there's nothing fucky in it, but med supplies, and it's not like it has DRM. Gimmie a sec to find the install..."


His Sinzil phone receives a file transfer request.

Permalink Mark Unread

Yoink. "Thanks so much."

Permalink Mark Unread

And now he can set it up no problems. Emma walks him through the settings.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Awesome. Let me know if you need stuff, more lead time obviously better but I can work with short notice."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Hope you get on with Roland. He's more of a 'name it and I can find it' guy, you're going for bulk, sounds like? Anyway, have a better one."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thank you."

And off he strolls to see if St. Joe's needs anything.

Permalink Mark Unread

St. Joe's is doing fine with the stuff he gave them earlier. More than once a day would be too suspicious, Warehouse guy thinks.

Permalink Mark Unread

Super valid. Hmmm, what else to do. He supposes he can walk around some more and see what jumps out at him.

Permalink Mark Unread

Building being torn down, a lovely looking shopping street without nearly so much of the ails as the rest of the city, four huge mega-towers visible in the distance, a big garage working on cars, surprisingly chill pickup soccer game with a bunch of people cheering, someone being stuffed into a tire and suspended from a light pole and covered in gas, 

Permalink Mark Unread

- is the person still alive?

Permalink Mark Unread

Maybe? Unconscious, if so. The crowd does not seem especially placable. They're shouting about fucking cannibals deserving what they get.

Permalink Mark Unread

"He's a cannibal?" Cam asks, wading into the crowd around the situation. Conjures for corpses to check if he's dead.

Permalink Mark Unread

The guy is not dead.

"Yeah! They found the fucker with long pork and offal."

"No clue how many he's killed, but we've got the monster now and it ends today."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Who's they?" He lines the tire with some flame retardant.

Permalink Mark Unread

Three guys on a ladder are almost done hooking him up to the light pole, tire hanging from a thick chain.

"Brasilio's crew and the 11th streeters, I think. Good on 'em, too!"

"Nothing's worse than a cannibal. Disgusting, utterly disgusting. You've got to make examples, got to spread the word that this is what happens if you eat people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's not popular where I'm from, what drives someone to do that?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Who fucking knows? Maybe he did it for the thrill."

"Yeah, like some fucking rich kid slumming it for thrills. Or was just wacked out on meth or something."

"There's people who trade in flesh. It's fucked. Death to 'em all!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, but cooking him? Isn't that a little too ironic?"

Permalink Mark Unread

They give him funny looks.

"It's what they deserve."

The ladder is being moved away. The guy is still unconscious.

Permalink Mark Unread

Tiny model humans this guy has eaten.

Permalink Mark Unread

Six. Old man, old woman, young woman, young woman, young man, young woman.

Permalink Mark Unread

Jesus. Okay. He ballparks enough morphine to keep the guy out while they burn him and moves on.

Permalink Mark Unread

The fire is burning soon enough. A Tower Group patrol stops at the end of the street and just watches.

Army surplus store. Abandoned warehouses. Beggars. Bars. A little park, sad and wilted and surrounded by concrete walls, with a cookout going on in it. Seems like a gang spot- Everyone's wearing the same dark coat and slick hairstyle, lots of guns and lots of side-eyes if he lingers.

It's getting on to evening. More and more drugs and hookers come out. He hears gunshots in the distance, once or twice.

Permalink Mark Unread

He doesn't linger. He heads back to the hospital to see if he can take his test.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's still pretty crowded and miserable. Maybe somewhat less. Either his stuff is helping or he caught them at a good time.

And sure, they can take the tests. They have to go through a bit of paegentry with a proctor and a faraday cage, though.

Permalink Mark Unread

So valid of them. Test test test. He did indeed read up on all the this-timeline drug innovations.

Permalink Mark Unread

There's a bunch of rounds of tests. Including a couple practicals on simulated patients.

He is then qualified to do pharmacy and basic surgery, but not for anything to do with implants.

Permalink Mark Unread

He is not actually amazing at sutures but he does know how.

Permalink Mark Unread

Certifications are printed on a little card and entered into some databases somewhere. The St. Joe's staff would still rather he act as an orderly or something than do anything obviously supernatural, but maybe he can make suspiciously good cloned organs while helping with surgeries. Get to the heart of the issue, as it were.

Permalink Mark Unread

He will be happy to make suspiciously good cloned organs on an irregular basis; he doesn't know much about his availability schedule going forward but it's nice to have something productive to fill the time. Does anyone have a second to explain how cannibalism got to be a popular activity??

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, some fuckhead decided to invent vampires I think back in the 60s," hexagon-eyes guy, his contact at the hospital, explains. "And then, you know, things kind of went from there and societal evolution is almost never just one thing."

Permalink Mark Unread

"There are real vampires? Wow, the more you know, what's up with those?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Genetic and cybernetic engineering to create something with all the classic vampire strengths and weaknesses, as far as I can tell. Incredible strength and speed, vulnerable to sunlight, require other peoples' blood to live. We don't exactly have willing volunteers for clinical trials. It's ridiculous, who does such a thing?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"No kidding, was this engineering adults or embryos?"

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"It's not like I have the records, or a talkative vampire, but my gut says adults."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dang. Do they like, have baby vampires, or turn people into vampires when they bite them, or are they being actively replaced by some jerk, or are they dying out?"

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"I think someone's manufacturing 'em. They would be good at spy work."

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"Would they? Seems kind of conspicuous if you can wave a UV light at them."

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Shrug. "Clothes exist and it's not like it's instant. I'm just guessing, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess at this point the cannibalism is kind of like any other copycat crime. Thanks for the history lesson."

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"I had no hard facts at all to offer, but sure."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'll take it with a grain of salt."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Have a better one."

Permalink Mark Unread


He'll go make a fuel tank run now, and then drive around for a while, and then swing through his chosen neighborhood to see if anyone wants to take a second batch.

Permalink Mark Unread

This distribution center is more than happy to get a tanker full'a cheap ethanol.

People are kind of nervous about driving something that valuable. Can they bring a buddy to ride literal shotgun? What's the pay like? Also, isn't the fuel trade a little bit cutthroat? I mean, not nearly as much as drugs, obviously, but still...

Permalink Mark Unread

"I don't hold with shooting people. Thirty percent sound good? That's a wild guess, correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't cut any throats, that's no better than shooting people."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What the fuck."

"...The shotgun is not so I can do a drive-by, it's in case someone tries to rob us."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, yeah, no, I wasn't accusing you of wanting to shoot people recreationally! I just don't want to escalate a robbery into a murder."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You can hire someone else who knows how to drive a big rig I guess, I don't want to be in charge of thousands of dollars worth of truck while unarmed, even at that ridiculous rate. Good luck?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks. If it helps nobody tried to rob me when I did this myself half an hour ago!"

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Snort. "Yeah, all that means is they'll be ready to jump you next time."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I guess I'll see. Could we compromise on a tranq gun?"

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They huddle and whisper.

"...Seems kind of unreliable but maybe."

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"Cool, I have a couple of those - don't ask, it's a long story."

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"Nah, I get it. You need them alive, sometimes."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Almost always! Shall we?"

Permalink Mark Unread

They will solicit nice responsible tranq gun safety lessons first, how about, and also make a couple of calls to friends, and then they're ready.

Permalink Mark Unread

Sure. Effective range is yea far, aims like so, they've got laser sights, one dart should take down anybody unless they're a linebacker with a particular mutation in their metabolic pathways and then they'll need two but one should slow them way down anyhow, there are this many darts in each pack, darts cannot penetrate meaningful armor, if you stick yourself he has an antidote but here is how to safely load and unload without doing that.

Permalink Mark Unread

They have good gun safety habits. Where's the tanker, and where's the buyer? Any code phrases, checks and verifications, etc, to mind?

Permalink Mark Unread

He sold the last batch at such and such a place and they seemed open to taking more! Tanker's over here, he filled it up again. He doesn't have code phrases but he'll take pictures of his guys for reference.

Permalink Mark Unread

Okay. And exchanging phone DKIMs and off they'll go. (Something still seems really off about this but they can drive a truck under suspicious circumstances and will text him updates. Bye for now, new boss.)

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Bye, good luck!

Permalink Mark Unread

Someone else comes up to him a bit later.

"Hey, Cam? My boss Roland wants to talk to you."

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"Sure, now?"

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"Sure. He's at the noodle bar. Faster to walk than try and drive." She points down the street.

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Cam walks to the noodle bar.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a Japanese ramen place. Smells good, if not super amazing.

Roland is wearing Sinzil gear, though not the full set he provided his lawyer. Just the coat and neckguard. He also has fancy-looking jeans, some kind of dress shirt, a weird belt, and snazzy glasses. The overall effect could be described as 'street cool'.

"Hello, Cam, yeah? I'm Roland. I hear you're moving lots of fuel."

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"I dabble! What's up?"

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"I think I'd also like to buy a tankerful for ten grand. I run a gas station out in the Bordertown. And beyond that, just wanting to make contact with the new player in town. You're obviously well equipped and tight lipped, so... Feel you out, and yeah, I'm saying so quite blatantly."

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"Sure, when the guys bring back my truck I'll fill 'er up and send 'em to you, give me the address?"

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"Can I just buy the truck? Bordertown places don't really have addresses so much, anyway, it's off the beaten path, and on purpose at that."

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"I'll sell you the truck but is ten grand really right for the truck too?"

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"Nah, of course not. Semis in decent condition are usually worth at least eight, themselves. And that's for a run-down one. I'd have to see it to make a proper offer though."

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"It's not run down unless the fellows run into some trouble. I guess I could sell it to you empty."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Oh, I want the gas too. I do a lot of buying and selling niche items, and I'll take basically anything you give me a good deal on, honestly? Cars, gas, spikes, food, electronics, scrap metal, anything. If the price is right."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Ah, you just missed me with a bunch of scrap metal the other day. What kind of food are you after?" He looks at the menu.

Permalink Mark Unread

The menu has Veggie Ramen, Egg Ramen, Fried Onion Ramen, and Chicken Flavor Ramen, plus tea, water, or beer. It's a pretty small menu. The place is lovingly tended but does look a bit... Like it would not pass a fire inspection.

"The easiest to shift is fresh produce, but like I said, basically anything depending on price."

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"You have me at a disadvantage, I don't do a lot of grocery shopping in this phase of my life and don't know what would be a good price if I encountered a truckload of cabbages."

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"Maybe I can sell on commission for you. You can ask around. I do business fairly, because then people do more business with me."

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"I'll make a note of it!" He does. "Excuse me," he asks the nearest waiter, "is the fried onion ramen vegan?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Do shrimp count? We got processed shrimp protein from the grow vats, like everyone else does. No catfish today."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Were the shrimp at any time living organisms?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Uhhhh... Prob'ly?"

"Yeah they were," Roland chimes in. "Turns out, weird bacterial goo that extrudes protein? Doesn't have an immune system, makes it challenging to keep alive."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yeah, that's not vegan. Does that also apply to the veggie kind?"

Permalink Mark Unread

The chef speaks in Japanese, "I can make one with soy protein!"

"-Chef says he'll make you a vegan one."

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"問題ない, customer-san! Nine dollar please!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"どうぞ。” He hands over nine dollars.

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He bows slightly, then pulls down a fresh wok and cutting board from a cabinet and starts cooking Cam's dish. Fresh knife, too.

Permalink Mark Unread

That's so considerate of him. "I'll eat animal products but I like to be very sure of where they come from," he tells Roland.

Permalink Mark Unread

"More power to you. That kind of proclivity is a bit of a luxury for most."

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"Yeah, I'm not judging, but maybe enough cabbages'll help a little."

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"Cabbages have to come from somewhere, though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Fancy that. Why is there so much pent up demand for produce? Do farms not work anymore?"

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"Well, it's called the badlands for a reason. So not really."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What's wrong with 'em? Radioactive? Irrigation fuckup?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Dust Bowl two point oh, almost no rain or water, and all the topsoil's gone now. The nearest viable farmland out west is in Mississippi, Texas, Manitoba, or Montana, so."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wow. Think I could make a killing selling topsoil in bulk?"

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"To one of the big agri-corps, maybe. Which wouldn't really solve the problem, I kinda feel."

Permalink Mark Unread

"What would?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Miracle? The triumphant return of Abraham Lincoln and John Brown?" Shrug. "I'm just saying I get the feeling that anywhere that suddenly becomes decent farmland ends up with multiple countries standing off over it, maybe unless it's right close. Turn bits of former Indiana green again, and Ohio will keep them. I'm not exactly up on my geopolitics though."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Golly. I'm surprised there's not more evidence of famine in that case."

Permalink Mark Unread

"You haven't been to the old city core, I take it? Or Riverside? And there's also a difference between food, and good food."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I haven't been to many places! What would you recommend, for getting a sense of the city?"

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"Most of it by population is about like this." He gestures vaguely. "Either 'the slums' just generally or the Projects, the four arcology towers. Hive of humanity in the Projects. Then there's Gamble Street Market. Then there's the different districts of slums- Mason, Oldtown, Westville, Greenwood, and so on. The dump, and the airport. So uhh... Where to go? Tour the slums some, see Gamble Street, visit the dump and the airport. Maybe go to Interstate - party spot - Glance at the PZs, and if you're feeling bold try the Projects, Riverside, the old city core, or Bordertown outside of Tower's perimeter. That should be a pretty good overview.

Permalink Mark Unread

"Quite a tour. I'll try to make time."

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"If you want to really know a place you gotta put in the effort. A city's a big place."

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"I haven't lived in one for most of my life."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Figured it was something. You can kind of tell something's up."


"Order up!"

The chef serves him a bowl of ramen. Salty broth, noodles and carrots and lettuce and more mysterious ingedients too. It smells pretty good.

Permalink Mark Unread

”ありがとうございます!” Food he didn't make himself and can eat in front of people who saw it made in a normal way! Score. Om nom nom.

Permalink Mark Unread

It's a new taste! The broth in particular is new. Heavy on the salt, heavy on the umami, almost to the point where it tastes dry and overdone, but somehow in a good way. It contrasts with the milder noodles and the veggies. There's some sort of bitter in there- Garlicky, perhaps, but it's a good bitter. The carrot chunks are sweet and just firm enough to crunch slightly. The noodles are firm but absorbent, absolutely full of the heavy broth flavor, and mild at the core. There seems to be eggplant, water chestnuts, and celery in there, along with chunks of what must be tofu but is a lot firmer than most tofu.

Roland lets him eat in peace, sipping at tea and texting someone.

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"いいんです!” Cam tells the chef.

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The chef nods back and makes an 'OK' sign with a grin, before turning to attend the other woks. The front of the noodle bar is busy- Lots of people ordering and waiting, then going away with their food.

Permalink Mark Unread

Oh, it's a takeout place? Is his bowl disposable?

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Seems like it's split between takeout and sitting at the noodle bar itself. His bowl is ceramic; The takeout bowls are plastic.

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Then he will finish his noodles at the bar.

Permalink Mark Unread

He gets a text from the tanker driver pair:

We are up by the dump now. No trouble so far.

Permalink Mark Unread
Thanks for the update!
Permalink Mark Unread

"Is there anything you need a supply of?" Wonders Roland, having finished his tea a minute ago. "If not, I think I'll give you my number in case you want to sell the truck and more ethanol, then head out."

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"I'm actually in the market for real estate."

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"Huh. Yeah, makes sense."

He frowns.

"I have a couple of places I could do without if the money's good enough. I prioritized discreet lockups- Out of the way, no inconvenient neighbors. Kinda using them all but I could shift things around."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Lockups? Why?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"...Why what?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"As in the places used to be prisons, or do you mean something else?"

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"No. That's just a word for somewhere out of the way and secure. A locked up building, or part of one. Where you control the only alley in, or what have you."

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"Oh, gotcha. New dialect. Sounds great, do they have good parking?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Several are literally big garages!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"I would love some big garages."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Little one - three vans - near the Projects, big out of the way one on an empty block, or medium one right near here?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Three vans wouldn't do that much for me, but a big one and a medium with a convenient location both sound nice!"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Wanna see the medium one right now? Big one is a ways away."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Yes please." He drinks the last of his broth.

Permalink Mark Unread

The place is a blind alley leading to a little cracked pavement courtyard- A few windows, no other doors leading into the area except a big garage door. Roland exchanges what are probably passcodes with the girl selling bits of junk a bit down the street, then unlocks the big chain-link gate and uses two keys and a passcode to unlock the actual garage door. It looks like a mechanic's garage without the car lifts. Four concrete pillars, ten or so parking spots, overhead lightning, a little 'office' with a water cooler and fridge, and a stack of tires and gas cans and miscellaneous boxes in the corner, plus parts on shelves on the wall. Currently present vehicles are three motorcycles, a cheap-looking sedan, an oversized pickup truck, and a battered Jeep with bullet holes. They fill about half of the space.

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"Hmm, not roomy for cargo trucks, but I could probably get ahold of some vans and pickups."

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"You could fit one big rig in here, but yeah. The advantage of these is that they're in places with low gang activity, and where any intrusion or casing the joint will be obvious, and I've worked to keep them that way. I'll show you the security rig- Naturally, you'll probably want to rip it out and install your own. But it's the soft considerations that I consider my advantage. This location is discreet, the Disco Palace people like my business and will let me know if any new faces are sniffing around and I'm hearing it'll be the same for you, it's away from major Jag or Mode hotspots. If you use my garages then unless you specifically invite trouble here, it won't find you for at least a month, I'd say."

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"A month, that's a generous chunk of time in my business plan."

Permalink Mark Unread

"It's a good while in mine too. I've been in the city for a couple years now, and I swear you can't just put your feet up. Everything will slip away unless you actively maintain it."

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"What's your main line?"

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"I do a bit of everything but if anything is main... Skill spikes."

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"Ah, I don't have a port but I hear they're nifty."

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"They sure are. You oughta get one if you can- And if you do go for it, get the best you can. If there's anything where quality really matters it's implants."

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'd believe it!"

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"Yeah. Anyway, I was thinking fifteen grand for the place. Not that it comes with a deed- Slums law, not Ohio law here."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Does Ohio have an opinion on who owns it?"

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"Probably, but they've never made it apparent to me in the last... Seven months."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Huh. I might want to look that up, just in case." Is the address of the place apparent?

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Not to casual inspection, at least.

"...Suit yourself. Good luck getting an eviction served, though." Roland chuckles to himself.

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"Nah, I just want a heads up. What'll the address be to the paper-pushers?"

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He has to spend a few minutes to actually look it up. But he does.

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Cam shoots his lawyer an email asking how to find out and whether it's like, illegal to operate in a... secondary market, on land.

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I'll get back to you on that in about half an hour.

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"I'm running it by my people. Are you thinking barter or cash each way?"
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"Either way, really. Cash, ethanol, the truck, maybe some bulk construction stuff. Whatever you got."

Permalink Mark Unread

Text from the driver duo: 

Confirm the price really is 10k??

Permalink Mark Unread
That's what we did last time but if you want to talk them up go for it! I'm not a great haggler.
Permalink Mark Unread

Is the gas going to keep on coming

Or is it a limited uspply


If it's limited we want to haggle pretty hard if it's not only a token amount

Permalink Mark Unread
It'll keep coming
Permalink Mark Unread


Roland has lit up a cigarette while waiting for Cam to text.

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...Cam scootches away from him a bit. Ew. "Sorry, the folks delivering the gas wanted to know how hard a bargain to drive."

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He puts it out and disposes of it in an ashtray in the corner when Cam is paying attention again.

"I get it. I might have to run off soon too. So, let's head back out?"

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"Mm-hm." Out they stroll.

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"Call me when you want to close the deal, or go see the place out in the weeds. And good luck out there, head."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Thanks, same to you."

He will go retrieve a motorcycle from an unobtrusive place and go on a tour of the city, trying to hit some of the mentioned places but making it back to the neighborhood when he expects his guys.

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He gets more text updates on the way:

Negotiated to $1/gal w promise 3+ per week.

Got paid, leaving now. $11783.

And one from his lawyer:

That address is listed as abandoned property. I can probably buy it for you for a couple grand. Theoretically, secondary markets in land are illegal but this is a speed limit situation I.E. if you're not flagrantly obvious about it or wanted for something else they can't pin on you nobody will bother. I would advise you to pay whoever is currently in control of it if it's that kind of situation.

Gamble Street Market is a riotous maze of commerce. Anything and everything is bought and sold here, from clothes to porn to catfish to spikes to food to electronics repair kits to phones to software to sex toys to construction material to knives to curios to sports equipment to homewares. It's a maze of narrow alleys as you get close to the center, and endless foot traffic. It might be faster on foot than on a bike. He sees signs of some kind of mafia, different in character to the slums gangs. Less in-your-face.

Permalink Mark Unread
Thanks guys!

Pay him in addition to or instead of you grabbing it for me?

He putters along at low speed on the motorcycle - it's got pretty wide tires for this kind of thing - and doesn't try to get too deep in there. Next.
Permalink Mark Unread

Purchasing the deed if you're going to use it is a good idea if you're going to ship stuff from it and a bad one if you're going to do blatant crimes from it. It'd be about $2000. Buying off the local gang leader or whoever is definitely a good idea if they're not skeevy and suspicious, I don't know a good short way to describe that to you other than those words.

The Projects are four massive arcology towers. Something like 200 stories high, and dozens of city blocks around. The population density near them is incredible, and it's extremely easy to get lost as you wander through. Everyone seems to be styling with their clothes. They're all weird styles, off the wall or over the top, but none of them can be described as lazy or ugly. The tribalism and gang affiliation is even more obvious, if anything, here. Someone rams his bike's rear tire in an armored car if he doesn't get out of the way fast enough. And everyone carries a gun, and gives him predatory looks for not doing so.

It's really easy to get lost in here. He's lost now.

Permalink Mark Unread
He did not strike me as especially so. It'd be nice to have a location from which to ship stuff.

Does he stick out real bad in jeans and no shirt and a long leather trenchcoat?

He will attempt to unlose himself.
Permalink Mark Unread

Muscle is good, lots of people are shirtless, the trenchcoat is insufficiently fancy, and he is insufficiently accessorized. Both in gun- Even kids have one- And things like hairdo, makeup, necklaces, stickers on coats and bags, etc.

People start bothering him, standing directly in his way and telling him to get lost and such. Becoming un-lost is going to require some subtle conjuration or barging straight through people blocking his way at this point.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I'm already lost! I'm looking for Vincent Street?"

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"Wow. We got ourselves some fresh meat here, huh. You know what, just fuck off."

Permalink Mark Unread

"Absolutely, which way?"

Permalink Mark Unread

Point. "Keep going as straight as you can go and you'll get to the edge of Watson, and then you can stop bringing down the vibe. Oh, and don't look too hard at lowriders with the eagle wings hood ornaments. Seven of Diamonds will fucking shoot you and your body'll stink up the place."

Permalink Mark Unread

"'Preciate the tip." Off he goes that way.

Permalink Mark Unread

He can escape the maze without any more incident than being glared at, pattered at by someone trying to run a con on the fresh meat, or, once, spat at. He's pretty close to Tower's detention center now. They have big guns on the roof and ominous towers and so on so forth.

His lawyer texts:

I can get the property deed for $1450. Go?


Permalink Mark Unread
Yeah, go, thanks!
Permalink Mark Unread

Going. It'll take a day to process. Any other concerns at the moment?

Permalink Mark Unread
Not especially. I'm making progress on hiring some folks (have delegated delivering the fuel), exploring the city.
Permalink Mark Unread

I'd like to brief the criminal defense lawyer I mentioned about you and organize a retainer. This will be invaluable if Tower picks you or your employees up. Don't tell them anything and don't resist if so.

Yes no? Level of detail?

Permalink Mark Unread
Go for it, your best judgment but probably not the whole shebang.
Permalink Mark Unread

OK. I'll let you know how it goes.

Nothing else particularly interrupts but the periodic texts from the gas truck drivers mean he should probably be heading back towards the Disco Palace area now.

Permalink Mark Unread

He is on his way!

Permalink Mark Unread

Daily life in the slums grinds on around him. Heavy traffic slowing everything to a crawl, couriers slipping between cars and onto sidewalks regardless of pedestrians.

-There's a few people gathered up near a tall apartment tower. Someone's standing at the top, pacing and yelling about how he's gonna jump. How he's really gonna do it. The crowd murmurs and gathers, staring up.

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Cam pauses. "Did he say why?" he asks somebody.

Permalink Mark Unread

"I just got here, head."

"I think someone in his family got merked," someone else comments.

"...Damn. That'll do it. Fucking Cinci."

The someone else shrugs, frowning. "Fucking Cinci," they agree.

Permalink Mark Unread


Permalink Mark Unread

"Gibbed. Quartered. Chunky salsa. Splattered."

"Killed in a notably brutal way, in case that wasn't obvious."

Permalink Mark Unread

"God. Fucking Cinci," he says in a way that he hopes is either authentic or at least sounds like it's trying to be authentic while coming from a location that is not Hell. "Anybody going up to try to talk him down or is it just rubbernecking?"

Permalink Mark Unread

"Looks like someone is."

He points.

It's Roland the 'garage owner', coming up the fire escape? It's probably Roland. Same gaudy glasses, same Sinzil coat in dark blue, same hairdo.

He approaches the guy, arms spread wide. Whatever they're saying is too quiet to make out clearly, but there's snippets. "-DON'T have to-" "-FUCKING-" "Never again!" "Get better? GET BETTER?" "-NOT gonna-"


And then Roland rushes the guy and they have a brief scuffle, right there on the roof.

It barely lasts ten seconds. Roland gets him into an arm hold and whispers something. Then shoves him away- Away from the edge. The guy bends over and screams in frustration. Roland rubs a hand through his hair. Then gets out and lights a cigarette.

Permalink Mark Unread

...gosh. Cam will have to ask him about that later, maybe.

He putters back to the neighborhood to meet his dudes.

Permalink Mark Unread

The crowd disperses, mostly pleased with the show.

And his driver pair are there, parked in a sorta out of the way spot! They come over all smiling and hand him a duffle bag.

"We already took and split the thirty percent. Good run. Tranq guns are in the truck, no shots fired. I'm sort of worried we'll get fucked up if you only sell to one of the three big fuel concerns though- I think you honestly want to negotiate with them before someone decides to get Tower to negotiate for them. 'Suspicion of stolen goods', like."

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"I would love your advice on how to go about that!" Cam asks, counting the cash out.

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"I don't really know, we're both kind of just muscle. I guess, walk up and say you're supplying the competition and want to give them a chance to beat the price?"

There is $8225 in the bag.

Permalink Mark Unread

Calculator app, is that what they got minus their percentage?

Permalink Mark Unread

It's like fifteen bucks short.

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He turns the result of this calculation toward the guys. "Did you have to pay a bribe or something on the way back?"

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"Have to? No. But it's a good idea to. We passed right by a Tower patrol and they were looking annoyed at the size of the truck so I got out and handed them a hundred bucks."

"I have no problem doing that out of my own pocket if it don't count as an expense. Your cut is extremely generous." The younger one pulls out a hundred and proffers it.

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"Nah, it's fine, just text me next time, 'k?"

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"Sure thing."

"Uh, head, I think you're underestimating how much money this is for us. This is - big drug deal type money. I don't think we should be making this much."

The other guy is staring at him like 'what are you doing?!?'

"More I think about it, the more nervous I get. You're not going to suddenly say we owe you twenty grand for all the gas, start demanding criminal shit to keep the dough rolling, anything like that? I mean, I feel silly asking, 'cause of course you're going to say 'no'. I'm just saying, this is too good to be true and it's making me look for the catch. I might want to duck out before it comes along, even, two grand in an afternoon is enough to keep me going for weeks."

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"There's nothing like that, I just had no idea what market rate was and made a wild guess! For all I knew you were going to tell me 'fifty fifty or no deal', or want an hourly rate instead of a percentage."

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"Thirty percent is, like, the cut for a whole crew, a whole operation. From guys gathering info and watching out for possible trouble, drivers, a crash team standing by, everything. Of course we weren't gonna negotiate down, but going forward, like... Yeah. You need more guys in on this distribution thing. Split that thirty percent more ways, that's fine if we have a backup plan. When shit hits the fan- And that's a when, not an if, in Cinci- Having more than just two dudes involved will minimize the mess."

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"Anybody you recommend?"

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Grimace. "Most of the people I know are good eggs have their own things already or aren't super management material. I'm half tempted to pitch myself, but I'm thinking I also might not be super management material."

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"It's hard! Keep an eye out, ask people if they know people maybe?"

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"If anyone could do it it'd be Roland, but he's kind of sketchy. I'll think about it. Have a better one, head."

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"Sketchy in a way I should worry about selling and buying stuff with him?"

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"Nah, sketchy in a way where he's probably a front for someone. Or something like that. Local player, except he's not really local... Doing mysterious 'deals' all the time. It's hard to put your finger on. He's never treated his crew wrong, or so I hear, anyway."

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"Well, that's something, at least."

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"I'd rather have Roland on my side than some corpo, is what I'm saying."

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Nod nod.

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"Anyway... I promised them three trucks a week. I'll stay on for another in a couple days. You have my number. See ya."

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"See ya, thank you!"

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He walks off.

The disco palace construction crew seems to be finishing up for the day, packing everything away at an incomplete apartment building repair.

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Cam waves at them as they pass. Looks around for Roland.

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Roland is not around right now. Cam has his number or could ask the people he seemed to know earlier, though.

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Can the number receive texts?

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It doesn't flash red or anything if he tries it. Doesn't flash 'read' either.

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Well, if he doesn't hear back he'll try calling. Meanwhile he's going to take the tanker off somewhere and drive it back full again to take to one of the competitors if the guys are up for another run.

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Those two guys per se are not feeling sanguine about it but a bunch of others have heard of his largesse and are INTERESTED.

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He can try some new guys, sure.

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Let's fucking gooo and get that cash!

Uh... Does he have any OTHER work, other prospective workers want to know? It's just, that is a lot of money.

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He would like some guard type people to prevent anyone from assassinating his lawyer and stuff like that!

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These people's credentials as guards may be somewhat dubious. More 'street thug' than 'body guard' in poise and attitude. They're pretty enthusiastic about earning money, though.

(Roland is calling him now.)

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He picks up the phone. "Roland, hi! Saw you on the roof on my way here."

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"Huh? Oh, that fucking jumper. Right. Ahem!" He sounds vaguely embarrassed. "So, what of it?"

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"Is the guy okay? I didn't stay long after he was pulled from the brink."

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"I mean, define 'okay'? He got off the roof. I brought him to a soup kitchen. But maybe he wants his privacy, I figure. And if he really wants out, and not just in a fit of despair... Well, that's a choice, isn't it?"

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"Yeah. Somebody in the crowd said someone of his had been murdered."

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"That's what I heard too. Say, are you the charitable type?"

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"At times!"

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"Plenty of soup kitchens out there that could use more protein for the pot if your mysterious suppliers are up for it. They're little nuclei of sanity in this shithole, soup kitchens. Concentrations of people who want to help, and who need help. It's good stuff."

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"I went to the hospital first, but soup kitchens are a good thought."

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"It's hard to make a difference when all the incentives are fucked up. You gotta start small, head. Anyway, any other reason for the call?"

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"Lawyer says we're good to go on buying the garage. Also the tanker is not presently in use if you want to give it a look over and make sure you want it."

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"I'm out in the Bordertown right now but I'll swing by soon as can. So, forty minutes ish?"

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"Sure, sounds good."

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"See you soon then, head."


Oh, look, one of the drones all over the place is having some kind of malfunction. It's slewing around at eye-level, clicking and spinning. People duck out of the way, cursing.

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Can he catch it?

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It whacks him in the face pretty hard when he tries.

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Right, but, that's immaterial, can he catch it.

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He can catch it. The battery sparks as a wire melts out of its contact points, and it dies.

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He sets it down on the ground in case anyone wants to scavenge it.

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Nothing interesting happens for the next half hour or so until Roland pulls up on a battered looking orange dirt bike. He parks it, nods to a stall owner, and heads up to Cam with another polite nod.

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"Yo. Truck is thisaway."

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"Let's see it, then."

Roland pokes around and investigates, concluding that it's a nice truck and in real good shape.

"Fourteen thou for the truck, another eight grand if it's full at the time. How's that sound? As for the garage, I said fifteen grand at the time. Thinking about it more, I could let it go for fourteen."

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"You wanna just trade straight across truck for garage?"

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"Sure, but what about the gas? Even better if it's proper diesel. That, I'll give you fifteen grand for."

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"That's a chunk better than what I've been getting, why's it worth that much to you full?"

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"Well, that's for diesel. Better stuff than fuel ethanol, and what my gas station sells to Badlands caravans."

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"Legit. I can get diesel."

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"And I can grab the cash in a couple hours. Looking forward to it. Have you thought about what I said about soup kitchens? Also, if you need reliable heads I can try to point a couple to you, but that kind of thing is slow."

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"I haven't beaten feet to such a soup kitchen yet but it's not a bad idea. Do you have a favorite in the area? And I'm looking for more contacts, employees, that kinda thing, yeah."

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"There's a couple around- They have to move sometimes, for one reason or another. Try the red brick building two blocks that way, and there's an old church that's been pretty consistent about it at the edge of the park, over towards the highway there. And I'll keep you in mind as far as contacts go. A lot of them aren't the kind of people you'd get along with, I think."

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"Plausible, I'm so picky."

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"Off the top of my head, Chives, Davy, and Marty basically just want someone to watch their back and earn a few bucks. If they want to jump ship with me later, I'll point 'em at you. You might like Ann, but she might not like you. Or she might love you. I really can't predict her sometimes. She volunteers at the red brick soup kitchen a lot. She's also a whore, if that bothers you."

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"It's not my industry but I'm not going to turn up my nose at her. Is she recognizable from a description, if she's in when I go over?"

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"Maybe. Short, shoulder-length black hair, usually in a ponytail, purple highlights. Wide smile. Wiry, slim. Typically wears a black tank top, and usually has heavy makeup on."

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"I'll keep an eye out. Thanks for the tip."

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"No problem. Shall I go get my cash, and you go get the tank filled up? Just bring it to the garage, I'll meet you there later and hand over the keys and everything.

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"Sure, I'll meet you in a few."

He gets into the truck. Drives off. Checks, as an afterthought, for bugs.

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The truck is not bugged!

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Oh good. He takes a scenic route, for a value of scenic that mostly means informative, and swings back with the tank full of diesel.

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He can observe a group of Modes collecting their daily tax from one of the street level drug pushers, and a pimp with aggressive body language and a cigar lecturing at a man and a woman both dressed in not-much and the two food banks previously mentioned- They seem to be doing fine and feeding people- And a Green Dragon Express having a FIRE SALE of GENUINE SUBSTITUTE CHEDDAR-THEMED DAIRY PRODUCT and a pickup football game going down in one of the empty lots, among other signs of life in the city.

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Cheddar themed. Wow. They can't even claim it has a flavor.

Back he comes.

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The people at the little gate of the garage open it for him.

Roland is there with a duffle full'a cash. He waves, then starts detailing the security systems. A bunch of different kinds of sensors, padlocks, and a pair of redundant data links sending information off to... Somewhere down the street, apparently. 

"Water and power coming from the city grid. They don't bother to meter or charge for it, fusion plants make it too cheap to bother inside the city like this, but you'll have to get someone to hook it back up to mains for you if it ever goes out. Want me to pull all my stuff- Random parts and shelves, the current set of cameras and the like?"

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"If it's not too inconvenient for you, yeah, thanks!"

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He spends about twenty minutes having a couple of guys load everything into his new truck. Pulling camera wires and sensors and wifi routers and everything. Then climbs in the drivers seat, says, "Cheers and good luck!" And carefully starts backing out and turning around with the tanker truck.

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"Bye!" Wave wave.

And off he motors toward the soup kitchen.

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It contains rows of plastic tables, volunteers working with big pots, and a general subdued air. There are literal big pots of soup, as well as small amounts of fresh produce and bread. The people shuffling through mostly take the soup and go. It's kind of quiet. Subdued. A woman matching the description of Ann is present, one of the volunteers. She's trying real hard to keep the energy of the room up and not let the hopelessness set in.

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Cam swings over to her. "Are you Ann?"

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Her eyes narrow and one of the other volunteers looks over in concern. "Sure am, you heard of me? Who's asking?"

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"Roland mentioned you in connection with this place. My name's Cam. Can you tell me who I go to about donating?"

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"Oh! Well, he never told me about you, but welcome! Always good to have someone else who wants to help. Honestly? If it's food, just put it down over there. Everything goes into the pot, and calories are calories. If it's money or something else, Sammy's the one in charge of scheduling and logistics. The cybergoth over there, wearing welding goggles on top of her head."

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"I was thinking food, I'm not at this moment as liquid as I'd like to be."

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"Well, you'll be doing a good thing by it. Lots of people just need a little bit to get back on their feet!" She gives a wide smile.

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"Is that so? I was imagining it'd mostly be, like, lots of people need... food... to not be hungry... but if you're actually seeing a lot of feet getting under a lot of folks here that's very cool."

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"Well, there are a few success stories... That kind of thing appeals to people who are considering donating, you know. And if you don't have to go to a loan shark to not starve, things are a lot easier, right? We can't help people with rent or addictions so much, but food is a start. And we try to connect people to work or safe places to rent, when we can."

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"Neat! Anyway, I'll go get some donations."

Off he goes to be unobserved somewhere and come back with a dolly and boxen.

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He sure is getting a lot of stuff from random unobserved caches, huh. It's like people are starting to notice and try and tail him or something. He's seeing a few drones lingering near him, and a few faces following behind.

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Well, he's not going to make stuff in front of any of those. He's going to take the motorcycle back to his garage, if people are going to follow him like that, and come out with a trailer - probably can't get away with a pickup truck right off - and motor it back over.

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The stall operator parked right in front of the gate into the garage waves him down as he approaches. "Hey, name's Red. So the deal I had with Roland is that I'm sort of unofficially part of the security system, and he'll pass me junk or scrap metal or random excess components or first aid kits or whatever else he's got spare once in a while, ten or twenty bucks a day's worth. I look nice and normal, just part of the landscape, you dig head? In exchange I counted the drones poking around, see if anyone's spying, let him know if someone tries the door or seems to be casing the place."

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"Oh, cool, cheap at the price. Do you prefer scrap to cash?"

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"Yeah scrap, 's less obvious. Cause I give you a buck for the scrap and turn it around for five, ten, twenty, so you're just a sucker, not my boss."

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"Ah, I see. I'm sure I'll turn up something for you soon."

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"Yep, see ya soon!"

The garage is empty save for anything Cam has put into it. It is also bug-free. He might want to put the security stuff Roland took out back in, or his own versions, anyway.

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Yeah, he does a quick pass putting his own bugs in places and then he comes out with a motorcycle trailer. Nobody saw him put it in, well, they must have missed something! Back to the soup kitchen he goes.

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The mood is more subdued and one of the bulkier cooks is sporting a black eye.

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"Whoa," says Cam, pulling in his dolly, "what'd I miss?"

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"Couple heads tried to bring their outside grievances in here. Nothing we couldn't handle."

"Sometimes de-escalation doesn't work" Ann adds. "We try our best. It's not like calling Tower Group would help."

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"I guess not! You want an ice pack for that eye? I've got some stuff on ice in here." Didn't a second ago but that's because he didn't actually have to transport it very far.

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Sure why not. They're grateful for the stuff and offer to unload for him.

Does he happen to be hiring? One of the muscle-y volunteers heard something about that. She claims she has a level head and watchful eye and is good at intimidation. (The action heroine looking scars, punk outfit, and direct stare seem to make the last claim not an idle one.)

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"I'm hiring! Do you drive?"

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"...I can drive, like, a Sedan or a pickup. But I wouldn't call myself an expert. Certainly no courier or racer."

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"So a tanker's a no? Well, probably I'll have pickup-sized deliveries to make at some point. What's your name?"

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"I could probably figure it out, if that's what needs doing, but I'm used to guard detail. There's a lot of subtle things that go into guarding stuff, even if it doesn't sound like it, and I've supervised teams for it before. And I'm going by Mackie lately."

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"My lawyer did recommend that I pick up bodyguards! What's the going rate for that, and do you have anyone you'd recommend as a teammate for you?"

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"It depends on the bodyguard. But not pennies, since they're expected to be between you and harm. Two to four hundred a day at my level, with hazard pay if there's action. Paying in gear or stuff tends to be fine. You should ask around and conform that I'm a decent heavy if you're seriously considering it, just so there aren't any doubts. Mackie, to repeat the name. If you're looking to put together a whole crew, I'd like to bring in a few people I know, one John Ellingham and Eddie Chavez, but I also won't object if you already have some guys. We'd have to talk about what I'm protecting and what the expectations are. I don't wanna make you do that in front of everyone here- Ann, Jimmy! Can we borrow the office?"

There are two thumbs up from the named people.

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Cam drops off his dolly full of boxen (they contain assorted stew-friendly vegetables, mostly cabbage and broccoli and carrots) and heads to the office.