The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.
"No, this is all conjured new. If you want to direct me to somebody who's missing a limb and doesn't want a cyborg replacement, say..."
"Yeah, I was sort of hoping to use this hospital as less a permanent workplace and more a way to get a native guide who wants to point me at the pockets of greatest need. I'm slightly hard to kidnap but it's probably not impossible."
He compares it to a phone picture. "...Yeah this is probably good enough to interrupt Maxim with. Be right back."
He takes the box. The woman from desk three glances over curiously but goes back to her paperwork. A couple of nurses come in from the hall and head towards One.
The guy reappears from an office and waves Cam over.
Desk Five guy and some other guy, a mousey-looking fellow with hexagonal glowing irises, are inside.
"Close the door! And let's not write anything down about this until we figure it out! Situation: You can make stuff, even pretty specific stuff. Like say, refills for the Serisse nanite tanks that they charge three arms and two legs for. You're really not from around here. You want to do good and do more good later. And I'm not sure how we can verify much of that besides the 'make stuff' bit."
"Are you the kind of person who will be reassured if I point out that I could be easily doing bad things if that was what I wanted to do things?"
"A bit, but just a bit. Because 'some kind of long con' or 'wants an alibi' or 'wants some kind of patsy' or any number of other things are also options. Not that that will stop us from working with you? It just means some basic reasonable forethought, so please try to take in in that light? Call it cautious optimism?"
"So I'm thinking I can give you the tests for free and shuffle the paperwork along, just make sure you study the course materials first so it's not a waste. I'm head of accreditation and testing, mostly don't see patients anymore, but I know who to talk to in warehouse about large anonymous donations."
"That wasn't what I was envisioning but as long as it gets to patients in the end it's all good."
"It's a massive insurance scam," He says, deadpan. "But we use it to our advantage. Bill, why don't you get the cheat sheets ready for Cam?"
"Sure, boss."
"Okay, I want to talk about medtech. Making stuff would change things. We use a lot of nanotechnology systems here, to get at deep damage without the trauma of surgery when we can."
"Yeah, my universe is light on the nanotech - in addition to folks like me there are two other kinds and one of them can just change stuff on the spot, cleaner than surgery, though you want one like me for specifically transplant or dismemberment cases."
"Okay, there's actually quite a lot, nanotech-wise, uh... The biggest thing is that excessive doses of nanomeds are contraindicated pretty much no matter what the individual interactions are, until the body naturally breaks down or expels some of them, the test for that is called a nanite load assay and we can do it with a one-milliliter blood sample or a tissue biopsy. What do you think about a shift as an orderly observing to go with the practice software Bill's loading up for you?"
"Sounds brilliant. - I'm not limited to medical applications, incidentally, like I'm fine for that but when I'm oriented enough to scale up I'll probably want to be doing infrastructure and supply."
"I noticed some enterprising fellows doing that! It was relatively cheering.
"Do you have... a model of why the economy is like this?"