The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.
That's so considerate of him. "I'll eat animal products but I like to be very sure of where they come from," he tells Roland.
"Fancy that. Why is there so much pent up demand for produce? Do farms not work anymore?"
"Miracle? The triumphant return of Abraham Lincoln and John Brown?" Shrug. "I'm just saying I get the feeling that anywhere that suddenly becomes decent farmland ends up with multiple countries standing off over it, maybe unless it's right close. Turn bits of former Indiana green again, and Ohio will keep them. I'm not exactly up on my geopolitics though."
"I haven't been to many places! What would you recommend, for getting a sense of the city?"
"Most of it by population is about like this." He gestures vaguely. "Either 'the slums' just generally or the Projects, the four arcology towers. Hive of humanity in the Projects. Then there's Gamble Street Market. Then there's the different districts of slums- Mason, Oldtown, Westville, Greenwood, and so on. The dump, and the airport. So uhh... Where to go? Tour the slums some, see Gamble Street, visit the dump and the airport. Maybe go to Interstate - party spot - Glance at the PZs, and if you're feeling bold try the Projects, Riverside, the old city core, or Bordertown outside of Tower's perimeter. That should be a pretty good overview.
”ありがとうございます!” Food he didn't make himself and can eat in front of people who saw it made in a normal way! Score. Om nom nom.
It's a new taste! The broth in particular is new. Heavy on the salt, heavy on the umami, almost to the point where it tastes dry and overdone, but somehow in a good way. It contrasts with the milder noodles and the veggies. There's some sort of bitter in there- Garlicky, perhaps, but it's a good bitter. The carrot chunks are sweet and just firm enough to crunch slightly. The noodles are firm but absorbent, absolutely full of the heavy broth flavor, and mild at the core. There seems to be eggplant, water chestnuts, and celery in there, along with chunks of what must be tofu but is a lot firmer than most tofu.
Roland lets him eat in peace, sipping at tea and texting someone.