The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.
Three guys on a ladder are almost done hooking him up to the light pole, tire hanging from a thick chain.
"Brasilio's crew and the 11th streeters, I think. Good on 'em, too!"
"Nothing's worse than a cannibal. Disgusting, utterly disgusting. You've got to make examples, got to spread the word that this is what happens if you eat people."
Jesus. Okay. He ballparks enough morphine to keep the guy out while they burn him and moves on.
The fire is burning soon enough. A Tower Group patrol stops at the end of the street and just watches.
Army surplus store. Abandoned warehouses. Beggars. Bars. A little park, sad and wilted and surrounded by concrete walls, with a cookout going on in it. Seems like a gang spot- Everyone's wearing the same dark coat and slick hairstyle, lots of guns and lots of side-eyes if he lingers.
It's getting on to evening. More and more drugs and hookers come out. He hears gunshots in the distance, once or twice.
So valid of them. Test test test. He did indeed read up on all the this-timeline drug innovations.
Certifications are printed on a little card and entered into some databases somewhere. The St. Joe's staff would still rather he act as an orderly or something than do anything obviously supernatural, but maybe he can make suspiciously good cloned organs while helping with surgeries. Get to the heart of the issue, as it were.
He will be happy to make suspiciously good cloned organs on an irregular basis; he doesn't know much about his availability schedule going forward but it's nice to have something productive to fill the time. Does anyone have a second to explain how cannibalism got to be a popular activity??
"Genetic and cybernetic engineering to create something with all the classic vampire strengths and weaknesses, as far as I can tell. Incredible strength and speed, vulnerable to sunlight, require other peoples' blood to live. We don't exactly have willing volunteers for clinical trials. It's ridiculous, who does such a thing?"
"Dang. Do they like, have baby vampires, or turn people into vampires when they bite them, or are they being actively replaced by some jerk, or are they dying out?"