The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.
The corporation Atriama will be established as a Limited Structured Company registered with the State of New York...
...Intending to act in accordance with applicable commercial and environmental law...
...Aforementioned corporation agrees to retain the services of Mason and Wagner Legal as pertains to administration of tax obligations...
He's going to found a company called Atriama. Atriama intends to pay its taxes and follow the law. It has to store its money in an official New York bank account, and fines come straight out of that. The legal firm will have the ability to authorize transactions for tax purposes and make, view, and keep records of all his bank info, for the express purpose of doing his taxes for him.
Ms. Lesear explains everything patiently. Nothing seems too out of place or has completely unreadable amounts of legalese.
Campbell Mark Swan goes the signature. His handwriting has atrophied somewhat over the years.
"I'd like to be able to do medical supplies and international sales, yeah. I guess a simple contact form and list of services would be a good idea but I think I don't want a big splashy web presence."
"That's what I was thinking, just a small thing to show presence. How should we contact you and how often do you want updates, checkins, and so on? -Oh, New York approved the sign-up. I have your bank info here, you'll want to take it down- Cash deposits and withdrawals only in full branches, inside the PZs. Many slum businesses just use cash, but many will accept and pay in bank transfers too, especially the larger ones. Tower Group, Green Dragon, that kind of scale, definitely will."
Cam takes notes. "You can reach me asynchronously by writing a letter entitled 'letter to Cam' and then not sending it. If you need me in an emergency probably we should be able to get in phone contact."
"Almost all electronic communication is vulnerable. The popular solutions to this are various forms of security through obscurity, obsessively strong cryptography, and in-person meetings. This phone has a satellite receiver and service with Helix, you should probably get the same- I can sign you up for it if you make the device."
Cam pulls out his Sinzil Sheen Pro. "Will this do or do I need a different kind? I could also get you my kind of computer security, with the brain chip, but I admittedly don't know what your port is already interacting with and there could be some contraindication."
Cam hands over the phone. "Writing me a letter and not sending it is completely secure against anybody but more of me but I don't think there are those around here, so the real issue is if I need to tell you something confidentially, otherwise you can just call and say 'hey check your mail'."
Phone things for a few minutes.
"There. Flipping this icon on makes it connect to Helix only, turns off everything else for security. It'll take a bit to connect. And then you can call me in the priority contacts in the Helix app- Under Eva Lesear, right here. I didn't put the New York Bank app on here because that would be an unwise security move. Anything can be hacked and stolen if enough angles are exposed."
"So, some final notes. Mrs. Bacon is your best bet for criminal defense particularly, if someone attacks your organization with malicious arrests, but there are probably going to be a dozen other things to take care of. You can contact me whenever you like, consider me on retainer." She pats the bag of jewelry, which jingles slightly. "I'd even be happy to act as a manager or company face if that starts proving frustrating or difficult to hire for. I still don't know anyone I'd recommend trusting with the secret, and telling managers 'sell, sell, sell at rock bottom prices' without the secret might be complicated."
"I already told a couple random people at the hospital. And there are a couple other randos who know."
"I have no idea how likely it is to spread and be believed. You're the one who's assuming risks, there. And I want to emphasize again that I take the confidentiality seriously, I'll keep to it, but I want to do anything and everything I can to remain involved in whatever comes next. It'll be as much a paradigm shift as the industrial revolution or the information age."
"Oh, yeah, I'm going to terraform it and in the meantime we're gonna do a dirigible thing above the cloud layer."
"I suppose it would defeat the purpose to ask you what those steps should be but I don't actually know how to do that."