The place was a warehouse at some point. Or a workshop, maybe. A drone hive? Who knows. But right now it's a hangout, and a party spot. The music is bone-rattlingly loud bass thumping with distorted voices and screeching guitar over the top. It smells like spilled booze and sweat and smoke. People are making out or passed out on the ratty couches, and the catwalk overhead creaks ominously as those atop it stomp in time. Strobe lights and lasers play over the shouting punk crowd, and a woman with a metal jaw and elaborate goth outfit is using black spray paint to cover the graffiti-covered walls and floor with vaguely demonic words and symbols- Satan, sacrifice, pentagrams, summoning, circles, devil heads, and more.
Cam fills a sack with wedding rings and chains and bracelets and ear studs and suchlike. And hands her a spike.
"Not really. You can practice with it in, but... Hard to describe. Like instinct and muscle memory. You don't think about how to walk. You just walk." Deep breath. Swap out the spikes. Blink. "-And with this, I don't think about so much as know that I'm slightly dehydrated. Hmph. Some variants make you faster, or more perceptive, or other things. And there are at least rumors of malicious spikes."
"...What do you want your corporation to be called? In terms of business advice, by the way, I'm thinking turning a profit is not going to be a challenge so the real issue will be building influence and an organization. More and more as I think about it, I am having the idea of giving one or more large corporations sweetheart deals so they'll be interested in protecting you from retaliation, even if they're also interested in taking control of you. But again, though I work with businesses and somewhat understand the shark tank, I'm not the best for it. I'm going to have to do a lot of research regarding the colonization of Venus. Selling mass in low earth orbit could be extremely profitable but it's also likely to be extremely remarkable, so perhaps best avoided..."
"I want to call it Atriama." He spells it. "Mass in low earth orbit, what do you mean?"
"I don't mind attracting attention eventually, but I don't really want to have to spend all my time falling over and having to get up again because people are shooting me or whatever."
"Quite. Also I have a secret weakness. - it won't harm me but it will get me out of the picture."
"I am willing to believe you. I care about money almost not at all except insofar as it buys me cover, anyway."
"Mhm, I'd like to work for you on a consulting basis. I think you can trust me to look out for my own enlightened self-interest and cooperate given how I already know some dangerous secrets, and I smell a winning horse and want to hitch my wagon to it. Okay, we'll handle the taxes. I think let's get started on the reading and signing things part of the day."
She pulls out some papers from a drawer, and a pen.