Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
They have a place in the south of Beleriand. It's pretty, hastily-built, low-tech, sixty percent assembly lines.
"How d'you suppose one best approaches this you," Cam asks Midnight, "I'm a little too queasy to stop thinking of sarcastic suggestions like 'with a gift basket'."
Midnight hugs him. "I have no idea. Maybe the Valar can do it, 'the Valar' are at least not either a new concept or an entity incapable of doing this even if their intervention is implausible."
Would any Valar like to hop aboard and join them while the others go sanify the locals.
...Cam gets out of the shuttle to see if they're going to do something unfriendly that should happen to a demon instead of somebody squishy.
"My name is Cam and I have with me an alternate universe Maitimo and an alternate universe Lórien. We are from various other worlds, and we got all the humans out of Angband before destroying it and everybody else in there and have them with us, and we would like to hand over the humans to someone who can do something remotely intelligent with them, and explain ourselves."
A pause.
Then someone walks over; the servants shuffle to make space.
"How many humans were in Angband?"
"Thirty. Not Kib, Kib was already out, he wandered into the multiversal hub thing so he's there."
Raised eyebrow. "The southern continent's habitable; you could put the humans there."
"Yeah. Maybe we can stash 'em in another world or something, I imagine they've been very badly brought up and might make trouble with you lot even from a continent away."
"There are lots. A truly inappropriate number of them are Ardas, which come in multiple varieties; this is one of the most common kind up to the point where Kib landed on it and then it got weird. There's also alternate universe versions of people even when they aren't from similar places; for example, I, unlike Kib, was born. I have no explanation for the snake thing but we're getting around via Vala portal - there's exactly one Arda where the Valar are just plain good at their jobs, it's really refreshing - and finding new worlds via multidimensional bar that sometimes just inserts itself beyond random doors for no reason."
"I see. And the competent Valar do things about Melkor, and now he's gone and the war's over?"
"They actually couldn't do anything directly about a loose one without a lot of collateral damage, so that was me and another person from my magic system and the Valar's role was preventing us from uprooting the continent in the process and then retrieving all the souls we don't want dead out of the wreckage. That's why we got the humans out first, they wouldn't leave retrievable souls."
"Is there in fact a written summary of all of the worlds and a timeline of events and a to-do list for rescued Ardas -"
"It's more haphazard than it should be, especially the 'timeline' part because there's several different kinds of timefuckery about, but yes."