Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"I want to see if I can stop it from getting dimmer when you use magic, permanently, so we could do that for all the magical girls and then remove the witches, but I can't get a clear read on it at the moment."
"Sorry, I'm just trying to make sure I don't -" The gem clears. "Did that action have any effects on your mood or emotional state?"
"I think I was just reversing extant mood-altering magic but nonetheless it would be quite reasonable to be worried by mood-altering magic. I don't know how to clear the gems without any attendant mind-altering effect, the two things seem very closely linked."
"Ah. Yes, it appears to affect your mood. If we could just give all the magical girls the means to do what I just did, would that help you all?"
"They sort of bud. Like... I don't remember what things bud. They just sorta eat people, I think they're a little smart like animals but not very."
"I will get to work on designing something that clears the gems for magical girls. Do you know how many I'll need?"