Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
In that case Lórien and Nienna will set up camp in the Temple-Guild, being very visibly gods, and try things. Bluemage dwindling does not appear to take the form of brain damage, but what happens if the relevant parts of the brain are boosted? What if whitemages get adjusted Elfwards in immune system, bodily control, physical strength and endurance? Does giving redmages memory back do anything? If greenmages get lots of useless instincts installed, like echolocation and that quill-shooting response porcupines have, do they lose those before more important ones?
Bluemage dwindling responds in a perfectly logical fashion to underlying ability to model people: if there is more of it, the same amount of dwindling leaves them more functional. Boosting helps.
Whitemages find bodily control immensely useful and the immune system fixes help a whole lot too. Being made more physically durable will make them harder to seriously injure in the first place but doesn't help them heal afterwards, so it's more of a patch than a direct fix for the underlying deficit, but it's still nice.
Redmages are missing not specifically memories but the ability to recall, sort through, and store memories. Putting the memories back the way one would put an Angband survivor's memories back gives them minutes to hours of better access to those specific episodes of their lives but they can't keep them.
Useless instincts take up apparently random places in the queue of instincts to be lost, though it seems consistent greenmage to greenmage. They have to be careful about testing it but some of them do come in before the part where they stop breathing. However, adding those to greenmages who've already dwindled past the useless instinct's point in the list doesn't undo any dwindling, just means they lose the new thing next.
Redmages will have to wait for necklaces, then. They promise that the thing Aulë is doing instead of that is genuinely more urgent - "although we could stop time here until he was ready to do necklacemaking full time, if you think everyone'd prefer that." Whitemages can all get bodily control and boosted immune systems, they're the easiest to help because it's just making them more like Elves. Bluemages can all have boosts, greenmages can all have miscellaneous unnecessary instincts to lose from the ones that get lost early on.
The mages appreciate this very much! Nobody's sufficiently urgent about the necklaces to think that literally pausing time is the thing to do about it, possibly because literally pausing time is the sort of thing that usually gets one's loved ones killed sooner if one is a mage.
Oh, when the Valar pause time it doesn't harm anybody or cost anybody anything. But it does seem possibly excessive for the circumstances.
The Valar can't seem to find Godspring's gods. They would really like to talk with them.
They don't really talk. They might be closer by when they're divvying up a crop of kids, if the Valar'd like to come back then, but the Temple-Guild is currently very uncertain how many they'll be taking this year what with all the everything.
That makes sense. They apologize about all the everything. Everyone should feel free to get in touch with them if they need anything. In Endorë people do that by going to the ocean and calling; what would be a convenient way here?
Uh, well, they do have an ocean but it's a bit of a hike from this Temple-Guild. What purpose is the ocean serving exactly?
Oh, in the case of Endorë it's Ulmo who hangs around to answer petitioners and Ulmo can listen to all the shores in the world at once; he couldn't listen to all of the trees, say, but Yavanna could probably do that if they want to be able to reach a Vala by addressing the trees.
People might not want to be listened to by all the trees. How about, like, some trees. There's this one really big one on the hill over there.
Sure, they can do an arrangement where specific trees are sites where Yavanna is listening. She could mark them; make the leaves glow golden or something.
Gold is Ua's color, maybe not gold. Silver is not taken unless it is taken by some faraway foreign god or something. (It is; most colors are.)
The baby dragons are thriving! He stops by the infirmary with varyingly serious burns every couple hours.
"Have you met the Valar, they're these, like, helpful gods and they might be able to give you stuff you can use to fight witches better or something."