Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
Nod. "Summoning rollout went smoothly enough in Cefax that I'm going to do it everywhere else."
"There's got to be a way.
Could you put Angband in a black hole and have a bunch of fairies make sure nothing else got hurt -"
"Fairies could mitigate it but can't actually counter gravitation, just move things in spite of it. At any distance where they could hold the continents down they'd miss people and projectiles careening across the landscape."
"I'm curious if black holes would even work in flat Ardas since gravity seems to work by Vala fiat."
Uh, the flat Valar didn't really understand gravity but they knew what the planet was supposed to look like and that things were supposed to fall down so they did that. People aren't supposed to go near the edges. They're sorry. They understand now but aren't sure how to fix it.
Uh, maybe? Some places they have gravity operating pretty much normally and some places gravity is just a magically imposed down and they aren't sure how that would interact with a black hole. It might just be a much weaker acceleration force away from the black hole. They could probably make it stronger? Designing all their gravity to counter a black hole sounds like a lot of math but would probably be possible.
"And then they just - fish all the orcs and Elves out I guess - but there are humans in Kib's Angband -"
"I am real fucking tired of killing innocent bystanders but a few dozen humans is probably tractable somehow."
"Black hole doesn't work if he knows it's coming but a fairy dismantling Angband wouldn't make him think a black hole is coming necessarily -"
"We can check a model of the place but a fairy - maybe an Imperiused fairy very far away with the wizard in osanwë contact with a soul Elf with binoculars, for detail at range - is cheaper and doesn't require a single human to haul a few dozen people clear of Angband while in a desperate hurry."