Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"They don't, but that's how you could know what it was like without a bluemage being able to think of telling you, if you can read little kids," says the redmage. "Or you could have one of us tell you, we have a pretty good idea if we know a bluemage."
"Reading little kids is sort of frowned upon until they understand how to keep things private if they want. Asking a redmage who knows a bluemage is a good idea."
"I only know the one," says the redmage. "And she'd have to be right here for me to be sure I remembered right."
"And humans can't send. We looked into giving you the chips we have - it means you can be resurrected without becoming a daeva, some people might prefer that, and it lets you get all kinds of memory enhancements and so on which are harder to give humans - but the chips don't seem to work if the brain hasn't been wired around them from the beginning."
"The memory blessings do work for redmages, we just have to do them by magic instead of technology and that means they're slower and more expensive. I'll let you know when we have some on hand."
"Thank you so much for the tour, everything was magnificent," says Liatsi.
"No, you can't have Elf art literally everywhere, you'll look compromised," says the Minister of Culture teasingly.
Liatsi smiles at him. "Oh well."
"It was our pleasure hosting you! Everyone has seen the bulletins but I think found it much more satisfying to meet you firsthand!"
"I was delighted to make their acquaintance," says Liatsi. "If the people of your world should ever wish to visit Cefax they may certainly consider themselves welcome."
"With the potential for coercion. Not that I expect that makes it comfortable for you to experience. It's definitely one of the things I'd expect our people to be informed about and capable of handling gracefully before they came over to visit."
"Thank you," says the attendant.
"I guess you'd understand," says the redmage, "you have one, right -?"
"Yes, and I was very obnoxiously worried about coercion until he rather patiently set me straight but it took a while and we probably can't convince the whole population of Valinor that way. There are not enough redmages and most of them probably wouldn't want to be around people who are convinced they require rescuing."
"AK doesn't work on Melkor," Cam reports. "Sauron had a biowarfare deadman switch to boot but other ones probably don't."
"The only thing we have is black holes and they are not super deployable in most places where Melkors hang out."