Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
Cam checks his mail again, and again, and again, as he makes his way back to Melkor. Checks with the Valar that he has the go-ahead and there isn't some last minute consideration.
He aims the chimera wand he borrowed from Miranda, with the unreasonable extra oomph.
This despicable excuse for an entity was made expressly to sow misery and took to it with wild abandon and cornered Cam into crumpling that beautiful blue ball and should never have existed and will be unmade. Now.
"Avada Kedavra."
"Didn't work like you were aiming at a wall or didn't work like you were aiming at a bunny but couldn't muster it?"
"I can try - keep checking for time-travellers warning us about things, please -"
And he tries it. Still nothing. "I - think that's 'didn't work' not 'we can't cast the spell right'..."
Sigh. "You can tell the goldmage not to worry, I guess. We'll find something eventually. We have forever."
Cam nods and writes the goldmage and updates the Valar. Sighs, puts a wing around Timothy.
Lean. "If the Valar can snag them and drag them into space then it's easy, I take it if they're not oathed harmless the snatching and dragging part is somehow harder?"
"Yeah. These ones were allowed to run away but not take hostages or anything. Sauron couldn't even drop his deadman switch, that can only go off when he dies."
Sigh. "How many hostages are we expecting them to be able to take? Because - especially if they're orcs and Elves -"
"Eru," he says exasperatedly, "when we figure out how to kill a Melkor we can take Kib's and then my alt is apparently going to ask us to kill him too. It'll be super fucking tragic."
Cam looks up expectantly. "If you prefer to communicate by giant hand I know a couple sign languages!"
Lightleaper trips are sort of pleasant with the enforced downtime and all. Good for snuggling one's boyfriend.