Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"In principle yes, that would be obviously better; in practice I can't actually verify that they've done that."
"He's not lying, Ma -"
"Oh, it's not about whether I believe him personally, darling," she assures him. "I just can't deposit ten thousand years into the housekeep account."
"We could consider it a deposit and if Sirix lives to be sixty pay it back," she suggests. "She's twenty-one now."
"Thank you. If you need anything else I can get that now; otherwise I'll go arrange the money."
"Thanks. Cir, I'm going to summon a fairy and drop by the dots and get a note for the money, do you want to hold the door or get someone else for it?"
"I've got it but can you tell Ruviri and Ava where I am so they can restart us if I drop it for some reason?"
Liatsi is his favorite of all of the leaders in Godspring. "When things have settled a little I would be delighted to invite you to Tirion. We could temporarily do a direct portal to save the travel time."
"I'm expecting to be distracted in a few months with a child. When do you believe things will have settled?"
"I don't have a good picture of how much work we are creating for you. We are not planning to create any more, at least."
"I had enough warning to arrange for most of the work to be absorbed by structures further down the chain of command."
He thanks her and brings the Temple-guild their money and tells Minor to conjure the mail every sixty seconds and tell Cam there's a goldmage on standby.