Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Are the Valar multiplying? How obnoxious. They didn't mind that you murdered fifty million people for us? If I die everyone in Endorë dies." It's true. Well, he believes it, at least.
"I had this problem where there were not enough Valar around for some reason so I fixed it. How does that work?"
"Is there something in particular you're hoping to trade for the information on how your deadman switch works?"
"It works very straightforwardly; if you kill me, everyone dies. I cannot see how any information I give you gets me more of what I want than that."
Oh, Cam doesn't expect to be able to do it, but Timothy could.
"So there's also the mind control curse option. I've tried it, it's very soothing when applied, makes you do whatever the caster wants."
"I want to be released, and not attacked again. In exchange I'll tell you how to disable the switch."
"Terms of your oath definitely don't let you take any action while alive to release it. Why should I prefer that to the Valar just locking you up?"
"What a shame. That's uglier than anything I could have orchestrated, sworn as harmless as I am."
They are disinclined to let him go but not very willing to mind-control someone who is conditionally cooperating. Cam is pretty sure locking him up is safe?
They're welcome to look over the oath text, he's pretty sure it's safe. Do they in fact have a not force fields plan for the thing?
They are hoping that if they hold all the trials on Endorë publicly under truth fields and broadcast everything, that'll help the orcs follow what they're doing and why. And they might release some of Melkor's lieutenants if they were cornered into it with oaths or are sufficiently certain not to do it again, hopefully that'll help. Sanity's Thuringwethil was releasable and that helped.