Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Are dragons allowed to swim?" the fairy asks, corralling the escapee and separating the combatants.
"Won't hurt them but I should ask the giant squid if he minds." He heads over to the water. "Or Mingling -"
No, not at all, the squid thinks they are charming. If they were much, much bigger they might begin to disturb it.
Okay! If that happens please tell me and then we'll keep them out of the water.
And he reports "the squid thinks they're cute!"
He makes up a silly song about the dragons - the hard part was rhymes for all of their names - and plops on the ground to sing it.
Bella likes the song! However, the translation effect is not quite good enough for the rhymes to work for her.
He comes out to check on things. "Oh, good, I was about to suggest you summon help. Thank you," he says to the fairy. "Theodore, if you don't have someone out here continuously you could go in for a snack and suddenly they're fully grown -"
"Nah they'd get hungry and we'd hear about it. My Sanity alt's coming to help and he doesn't need much sleep."
"The demand for summoning is going to go way up, between your world and Godspring and Sanity and Singularity pretty soon once they fix it, and soon a lot more places than that. And there are only so many daeva and if there are lots of summons but they mostly aren't worth the daeva's time, then people will stop answering."