Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"I mean, even if he's unrepentant he might be terribly well incentivized. But I don't want to imagine telling Kib we're importing a nice Sauron for help with mortality -"
"Leak through and demagic us all. I suppose if we did have safe access we could see if it did anything for dwindled mages."
"If it weren't contagious it'd be terribly useful, actually - containment of various flavors of troublemaker, magic impairments like the flower kind as well..."
"If some of the tradeoffs impair judgment then they're not super voluntary after a while. And there might be tradeoffs you make under sufficiently bad conditions that you'd want reversed if you had better options - a me in that world would go for the magic, but I'd rather have my brain back once they found the multiverse -"
"Last time I saw Kib he found wizarding chess at least mildly entertaining, I think I might go ask if he wants to play again."
"That seems like it might require revealing a lot of strategy. And make it hard to sacrifice pawns."
"I actually have not played Muggle chess and so cannot comment on how the strategic landscape is changed by the necessity of convincing your pieces to play along."
He Accios his set and then kisses Cam back until it announces its arrival by knocking impatiently on his shoulder.
Cam is just sort of okay at chess and very entertained by having to talk his pieces into things. "I might win if we played regular chess at least the first few times."
Cam makes a regular chess set. The wizard pieces heckle it and one of the wizard queens seems to be swooning over the white king; Cam gives it to her and makes a replacement.