Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Well, I'm curious now if you had to turn it back into a guinea pig or if it could have been a pigeon."
"If it were not demonic to begin with would it remember things and have its original behaviors? There'd be a market for non-dog animals that had been trained as well as dogs can be, or noncats that used litter boxes."
"Transfigured animals tend not to live very long, but I suppose they might keep behaviors."
"If they don't live very long it's probably a less productive use of wizard time than potions or the bags of holding or whatever."
"Valar can make things live forever. - for that matter, unaging pets would probably go over pretty well in Hell all by themselves. When they're a little less busy maybe we can ask them whether they can batch that."
"Feels a little weird asking them to do that while there are still worlds and worlds of people aging at full speed."
"Yeah, I know. But a helpful daeva with a new immortal pet can save a lot more than one person."
"It would be really bad if the return on summonses dropped right when demand skyrocketed. There's billions of daeva, but only billions."
"When there are more ex-summoner daeva any world with a growing population can self-sustain indefinitely by summoning back their own natives. If their population isn't growing eventually there will be more native daeva than potential summoners for them, eventually by enough that it'd be hard for the living people to maintain the number of summonses there'd be demand for, but we can set up portals and have new target worlds summon daeva who then go through the portals to get home."
"Okay. Not a pending disaster, then, at least. Do intelligent animal summoners become daeva? Where's the line, are we sure all sapients clear it -"
"Animals at least from Revelation can't do it. Haven't had Bella's Pokémon try, or any of the Hazel nonhumans."
"There're a bunch, and we might want to know before we come up with a rollout plan. But we're in no hurry on that."
"House elves have poorly understood native magic they might or might not retain which might or might not interact with bindings and they're very tractable to their masters."
"Ah. Yeah. Could fetch some of ours and try to get a better handle on the magic, at least."
"I read Finis's notes on his conversations with his elves and am not super optimistic that they can explain it, but maybe they'll participate in experiments."
"Yeah, I don't think they know, but maybe someone else can get it - can you do gene therapy to get house elf magic -"