Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"That's a shame. Jewelry's pretty, are boys just not supposed to be pretty? Anyway, it's magic. Enhanced memory and reflexes and attentional capacity. I really want you to have it."
He's wearing it at breakfast the next day in the main bar, reading through Godspring plans.
"Yeah! It's amazing, I feel about twice as smart - it'd help with duelling, too, not that that seems especially likely to come up anymore -"
"I didn't know I did, but when Midnight dropped by with it he had a bunch of logistical stuff he wanted me to take a look at. In Godspring there's no statute, we might as well help out where we can, and he thought I could fix a couple infrastructure problems that way."
"I can forward it to you - uh, there's a kingdom that won't go for the clinics because they're touchy about sovereignty, so we're seeing how far we could get sneaking in and charming their wells and rivers and so on, making food's a bad idea even though it's the first thing people who want to help Muggles always think of because then you drive the local farmers out of business, but magic can do fertilizer, too..."
"Okay. Reconstructed most of my world's artifact magic from the notes, taught it to Mahtan and a couple other people. Mingling's Fëanáro thinks he can do better than what we've got for memory and I do not doubt him."
"I should borrow Cam's necklace for long enough to see if it stacks with chip blessings."
"They do but it's certainly not efficient to have one on me while they're scarce." She returns it. "And they don't patch the problem I always have with memory blessings, but the attention bit is lovely."
"The blessings help me recall facts and sensory input. I know where I was and what was happening. But they do much less for helping me remember what I was thinking and feeling at the time. - I think this is why Kib shut down, actually, he was told that Melkor could read memories and would not naturally think of an interpretation of that which didn't include 'thoughts and feelings maybe a half-second out of date' so he expected to be outright mindread even though the evidence suggests even flat Melkors don't do that."
"Evidence which I take it there's no point in presenting to him." Sigh. "We can try to get a Fëanáro to patch that, it should be possible in principle."
"The set from Singularity's experienced six years so far. Engineering time might not trade off too hard against other things."
"Then maybe I will not chide anyone for poor planning if I get something that does the trick for my five hundredth birthday."