Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Aydanci resents Maitimo for having any desires that conflict with Kib's, because Kib is in pain and it is intolerable to him that anyone should inflict more of it, and very viscerally annoying if anyone fails to treat Kib like the center of the universe. Kib likes this trait and so I am glad Aydanci possesses it but it is not, in fact, remotely fair. But since neither Maitimo or Kib believe the other one actually exists -"
"Yes, but you're not especially convincing, either of you. Anyway. Kib's enjoyment of his partners being adoringly obsessively uncharitable and unreasonable on his behalf is less of a problem when Kib thinks the people they're being unreasonable towards are real instead of orchestrated specifically to hurt him. Maitimo handles the whole thing more gracefully when he believes the people involved are real."
" - yeah, I see the picture. 'If you loved Kib at all you would act like he is the only person that matters, under the circumstances' is both the way a devoted husband can feel and a - very well-designed plot."
Ava writes Bright an email the next day: She'd be good to try it if there was a goldmage standing by. Milliways cheats their thing, so there'd still be a jumping self to kill but not a lifespan hit.
"Also creates another - avenue for transmission of information - if this were real I wouldn't want other people knowing that I'm not all right -"