Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Great. I would like to offer resources to help achieve that, and maybe a better array of options to move them to."
"You don't happen to be familiar with the Elves-can-bindingly-give-our-word thing, do you -"
Sigh. "What is he afraid I'll do? Take them back to Birand? If I wanted to do that, why would I try persuading them otherwise? Enslave them somewhere else?"
"Okay." He pulls open his computer. "Can you translate these circles for him, please, and explain how negotiating works so he's not at risk of accidentally agreeing to something that gets him in trouble -"
"I'm not sure I can translate them just right so they'll still be good bindings, translation is a skill, it's not just a matter of knowing the languages..."
Nod. "Okay. Thanks. In that case I think I'm going to grab everyone and take them back to my world where we have more options."
Nod. "Can I have a moment to think?"
He writes Cam. Escaped slaves understandably don't trust us. I'm not leaving them here because if Birand finds them alive then we have about triple the problem on our hands. I have good enough hearing I could just walk through with Mirenna (the fairy I'm working with right now) and find them all but I think there's a risk some would attempt to kill themselves and that's not acceptable. Have a better idea?
If he asks the linguistics demon to conjure the reply, it reads:
Summon back their supply demon, get her to vouch?
"Hey! We're trying to convince the escaped slaves to relocate from the cave they're hiding in, but they're scared of us. Want to stop by and talk with them?"
"We were going to give them a choice of mostly the same places we gave you, only obviously with resources to help them start out since they're not demons."
"I can tell them that you put me and Nimie somewhere nice but you have to summon Diane to watch her for me."