Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
Fairy-speed approach is a little much to be prepped for but they're all halfway into well-camouflaged hiding places by the time he's a few steps into the cave.
He should have brought a translator, too; he picked up a little bit of everything spoken in any seat of government, when he was getting dots and trade and security agreements, but not enough for something this complicated.
"You safe," he tries. "Know you here, want to help."
Most of them continue hiding. The leader comes out and looks him over, offers a different language which isn't any better than the first one.
- he pulls out his computer, looks up Midnight's list of linguistics guild demons, looks up a safe circle, draws it carefully out in the dust except for one segment. Hands the leader the rock - "get someone who can talk, safe -"
"Person supplying you gone. Sent her away. Soldiers know you, looking for you, think these all dead. Think that since I told them. If they find you very very bad."
The fleeing escaped slaves have gotten a ways away into the caves now.
"Your word that this is for language," he says, pointing at the circle.
"I swear that the circle is for language." It's the binding sort of oath, though he probably wouldn't know that.
He wouldn't but he completes the circle anyway.
A demon appears! "Oh lucky me!" she chirps. "It agglutinates!"
'''Hi!" he says in Quenya. "We need translation and I thought of you. I don't have anything on hand so it'll have to be a token payment at the moment but if you want I can find you summoners for any ten languages you want, later.""
"Trade her rock for translating our conversation," he suggests to the slave leader. "She speaks your language."
The demon says, "You have to hold your long vowels a bit more -" but the leader interrupts her and they have a brief, rapidly chattered negotiation before he gives her a rock.
"Thank you. Okay. Uh, so, there was a demon here on a long-term summons who noticed that a neighboring country had slavery, and decided to equip and supply this guy so he could break out all the slaves. Problem is, the government noticed and it could've escalated to a war between these two countries, and that's if they didn't realize daeva had been involved at any remove, and I am unimpressed with the leadership of both countries and wouldn't totally put it past either of them to try to summon someone to go destroy the other country. So I relocated the demon who was supplying him."
The demon translates this.
"He says none of his charges volunteered to do international diplomacy for you," she gets back after that.
"We are going to buy out all of the slaves everywhere in the world within two years, hopefully sooner than that. I know it's not soon enough but a war won't spare them either. All of the people who've already escaped are safe, we're not sending them back. But they shouldn't stay in Thrazen."