Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
So the easiest way would be to have some place on Endorë he's keeping sealed with magic, lets another biological out that interacts with the first one. But that's easy to handle, so if he expected you to pull this shit - and I don't think he was expecting you to pull this shit, but who knows - he might be magicking all of them to, say, have limits on how much they multiply. Things we've done magic to stop when we die.
Sauron's the only one that fast with biological weapons. Melkor might have something more traditional, I guess. Are you going to kill us all?
Yeah. The killing thing is as much to test if the method works on the species, though. I probably couldn't even make it work on you, it requires a particular mental state.
The black hole thing apparently doesn't starfish us, right? Or require a particular mental state.
Yeah. I should write somebody to ask Bar if Milliways does decontamination, it's the sort of thing it might do and that means there's no cleanup work to be done outside this world since no portals have been made to or from it yet. He makes a note for Minor and a copy for Amriac in case she conjures her mail first.
In general patrons need not worry about catching diseases in Milliways nor about asymptomatically carrying them.