Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"Yeah. He doesn't like her but as far as he knows she doesn't go in for anything more unpleasant than rape-by-fraud and being inappropriately cheerful to badly injured prisoners."
"We have a little shuttle, we just couldn't approach restricted airspace in it. Maybe after we're done in the city."
They should go see more things!
"No, this is denser and everything is much more child- and family-oriented and the religion's obviously much different and there's no apparent compulsory education."
"I wonder if literacy rates are correspondingly lower or if they mostly figure it out since they've got forever."
"There are signs, including in places where I'd expect it to be reasonably important for unaccompanied people to know what's on them..."
"Yeah. And it sounds like even the insular super religious people definitely teach their kids to read and write competently." Pause.
" - would holing a Valinor that was holding Melkor prisoner get him loose -"
"If he wasn't expecting it I imagine it'd hole him too. Also Ulmo is here and could maybe do something."
"If he was expecting it, though - find a way to get someone within osanwë range -"
"It's super nice having competent Valar who we can just tell stuff instead of thinking how to work around them."
"So does everyone else in this world, little though they mostly know it!!"
And after a week of tourism they shuttle out to meet Thuringwethil.
Volcano? Volcano. Cam lands what seems like probably a polite distance from the volcano.
"Not, like, especially enthused about having to do gene therapy to do magic. You can totally go poke around the volcano."
He flies.
When he gets high enough a colony of bats flies past him, coalesces suddenly into a winged woman chewing idly on her fingertail. "Hey. Looking for me?"