Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
Erdenet winds halfway around an enormous freshwater lake. The architecture is very distinctly and maybe a little pointedly not Elven; lots less glass, higher density, less space between buildings. It's pretty in its own way. The maps note that most of the airspace over the lake is reserved for the local airport, so they have to go in the long way.
"I did not. I can go weightless and hold your hand if you want to fly in on your own wings, though."
"It's better than walking and I won't have to get rid of a vehicle. Besides, you'd be so inconvenienced having to learn about cell biology if I had a motorcycle accident."
"I probably wouldn't be a demon, I'd have to get you to do all the transfusions every time I slept and lost hold of 'em. Though wizards are harder to kill in accidents than Muggles."
"I guess you do kind of ride around on literal broomsticks high in the air at speed, motorcycles aren't worse than that."
"And we do it while being pursued by iron balls enchanted to try to smash our skulls in! Not that I am personally any good at Quidditch."
"Wait, really? Quidditch is played with four balls. Quaffle is this-large and hard rubber, you put it through the hoops to score. Snitch is this-large and gilded - they used to be little birds - and you catch it to end the game. The Bludgers are the iron ones, this large, and their job is to fly at the nearest person and try to knock them off their broom."
"That sounds like the kind of game that someone who had already had their skull smashed in by an iron ball would invent!"
"Don't know. It's mostly resilience against accidents, in particular - I think anything specific you tried to do to me would go through just as easily as if I were a Muggle - maybe the dose to poison us is higher..."
"Probably there's a way to detect magic even in small quantities with sufficiently delicate electronics. Bet Minor invents it. Let's do the weightlessness thing."
So he goes feather-light and can then be tugged by Cam down towards Erdanet, inconveniently buffeted by air currents.
That's not unreasonable. Cam lands by the bureau of tourism and sets Timothy down, not letting go until he won't be blown away.
Computer translation to the rescue. "We're tourists! What should we see while we're here?"