Downstairs the door opens and in walks a six year old girl with a weird animal.
"They do but it's certainly not efficient to have one on me while they're scarce." She returns it. "And they don't patch the problem I always have with memory blessings, but the attention bit is lovely."
"The blessings help me recall facts and sensory input. I know where I was and what was happening. But they do much less for helping me remember what I was thinking and feeling at the time. - I think this is why Kib shut down, actually, he was told that Melkor could read memories and would not naturally think of an interpretation of that which didn't include 'thoughts and feelings maybe a half-second out of date' so he expected to be outright mindread even though the evidence suggests even flat Melkors don't do that."
"Evidence which I take it there's no point in presenting to him." Sigh. "We can try to get a Fëanáro to patch that, it should be possible in principle."
"The set from Singularity's experienced six years so far. Engineering time might not trade off too hard against other things."
"Then maybe I will not chide anyone for poor planning if I get something that does the trick for my five hundredth birthday."
"It could be that you just miss having a Findekáno uncomplicatedly pleased to receive attention and presents."
"And Timothy's - they were best friends, but Timothy is not going to maintain a best friendship with someone who has a crush on him who he marries in other universes, so he's just kind of been ignoring him -"
"That's - surprisingly clumsy of him, I wonder if I should have Cam remark that he's not going to read into it or something -"
"Someone should probably say something, yeah - but spending more time with him's not the solution if he wants Fredrick to in fact get over him -"
"Presumably there is something less unfortunate to be had than dropping him altogether."
"Probably. It's also a waste of resources. Findekáno's brilliant, and very practical, and very good at his job."
"My next guess was that you just thought he was underutilized, although giving him a necklace wouldn't have been strictly necessary to fix that so it's only a partial guess."
"I did think so but the necklace was mostly wanting him to feel valued, more than - wanting wizarding patches to the gaps in the Godspring rollout."
"It did," he says smugly. "And I also got wizarding patches to the Godspring rollout out of it."